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-   -   For Future Release: Any plans to improve reminders? (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f2/any-plans-to-improve-reminders-16448.html)

vr4Legacy 06-23-2014 04:50 PM

Any plans to improve reminders?
Not sure where to post this, but I didn't see a "requests" sub-forum.

This isn't necessarily a new issue with the site, but rather a shortfall this site has had from day one. The way reminders are set up and used is useless. I've tried a couple of times to reenter "miles until" and "miles between" so I can get a reminder 500 miles before my car hits xxx miles, but it never seems to work out right.

Are there any intentions of overhauling the reminder function of this site?

Ideally I would like to be able to set a reminder for x odometer reading and x miles thereafter For example, I want a reminder every 5000 miles to change my oil, starting when my car hits 89500 miles.

Also, thank you for fixing the vehicle settings to use different engine choices within a given model. I have requested that for 3 years and kept getting "it would be too confusing for users" :confused:

Janet H 06-23-2014 05:49 PM

Thanks for the suggestion, while there is some limited calendar function, I agree it could stand some improvement. Syncing the reminder to fuelup milage would be a good addition.

vr4Legacy 06-24-2014 05:09 AM


Thanks for the reply. If nothing else, simply changing the "Miles remaining until your receive your next reminder" to allow "Start when mileage reaches".

But a total revamp allowing me to specify multiple rules would be ideal. For example I should change my oil every 6 months or 5k miles, whichever is first. I understand this isn't the primary function of this website, but it would certainly make it a much more versatile one.

Thanks again for reading our feedback and continuing to improve the site so that it allows for more consistent tracking of data.

brandonrossl 07-03-2014 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by vr4Legacy (Post 177100)
every 6 months or 5k miles, whichever is first

This right here.

Also since you know our average fuel-up time period and distance you can remind us >X numbers of fuel-ups/miles early or X weeks early.

Would be fantastic.

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