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Gr8Gas 10-19-2013 08:14 PM

Clear Air Fuel Efficiency =CAFE
Dear Members,
Long ago in a far away galaxy, I began my journey, when I made, perfected and used, my own chemical formula to get much improved gas combustion. That was two years ago, I am still using that combustion enhancer but I have created the "CAFE Package" the best technology group of products which solve the 7 major elements which need to be addressed to get "Clear Air Fuel Efficiency" from any internal combustion engine. Addressing Air, Fuel, Blow By, Emissions, Metal Conditioning, Human Interfacing and Computer Calibration, are the 7 elements which every internal combustion engine, must have the ultimate solution to create the most efficienct engine. I have a solution for all of those I mentioned, resulting in near 70% Efficiency, near Zero Emissions, Life Time Mechanics and Human Interfacing. If everyone would do as I do, they would master their own vehicle's lack of being "CAFE".
Some of these elements I can teach, some are US Patents and some are other companies, which I have personally tested all elements to prove, at this time, time will prove to bring evolving new technology, but for right now, I have the best working together group, what I call "Clear Air Fuel Efficiency" group. Some of them you are already using, some you are not because I created them and some are created by others. I educate everyone for FREE, those creations I created or have that I can pass on for FREE. The other elements are owned and protected by Patents, so while I can educate you as to why they are the answer, I can not give them away, because I do not own them. So, if you do not understand that the solution for ZERO Emissions for all internal combustion engines comes for a price, one time price and application. The metal conditioning is also a one time application, to protect your internal metal surfaces from friction robbing energy but too it has a one time application price. The human interface also, is one of the Scangauge products, which most of you have and are using, only I endorse the ScanGaugeE because it does monitor Carbon Dioxide and the US Patented Device I also endorse to eliminate pollution, can be monitored by the ScangaugeE, as nearly eliminating Carbon Dioxide and recycling unburned gases for combustion enhancement. The air mixture component is current injection of Platinum, Rhodium and Rhedium, for a air mixture which enhances the combustion. This may change, I am experimenting with an Synthetic Platinum as we speak but I have not confirmed the same results. The last one, is the most, critical and most dangerous, the Source Code for the Computer which controls all the parameters. I have left that for now, not touching it at this time, but I know how to purchase the source code but I want to becareful about going into the OEM's world of parameters, until I manage a true Laboratory, which no investor has purchased for me yet. I did form Y Not Innovations Enterprise, LLC, just to have the safe place to put all the legal stuff, where I live, work, test, evaluate and speak from. Humans want a perfect Internal Combustion Engine application for FREE but not everything can be FREE. I am currently over $7000 into and almost three years of my time, into everything I know, have tested and traveled the entire USA, finding the best solution for "CAFE".

IIbulletcatcher 01-17-2014 12:27 PM

no such thing as zero emissions.

rfruth 01-19-2014 11:24 AM

I voted for Human Interface with the Machine ;)

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