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flapdoodle 04-03-2011 10:27 PM

1982 GMC 2.8 liter HHO
It has been slow going getting this mini pickup ready for HHO. I bought it with 65,000 actual miles without realizing the previous owner never did ANY maintenance. The only part of the engine that was usable was the block. Original brakes, shocks rusted on, TWO INCHES of cigarette buts on the cab floor. Weeks to remove hail dents. I started last August.

It is not broken in yet, but I started installing the HHO gen...
https://www.gassavers.org/garage_imag...sc44_thumb.jpg Four HHO cels lined up in a rack on the inside of the right fender. The end closest to the firewall has the vacuum switch and relay that turns the HHO on and off.

https://www.gassavers.org/garage_imag...k6kr_thumb.jpg This is a 120 watt solar panel that will mount on the deck behind the cab. Measures 56" X 26.5"


In theory, the solar panel will reduce alternator load and therefore power robing.

Jay2TheRescue 04-04-2011 03:39 AM

Re: 1982 GMC 2.8 liter HHO
I have to say, this is the first instance where I think HHO might get real gains, as you're using a solar panel to power the unit, not the alternator.

theclencher 04-04-2011 08:37 AM

Re: 1982 GMC 2.8 liter HHO
As if that's the only roadblock to functional HHO... :rolleyes:

theholycow 04-04-2011 09:12 AM

Re: 1982 GMC 2.8 liter HHO
Folks, remember this IS the HHO section...not really any point posting HHO skepticism in a project thread posted here. I haven't seen a successful, credible HHO project yet but I'm happy to read about one of our members experimenting with completely DIY systems.

It's not like he's trying to sell kits or something.

Jay2TheRescue 04-04-2011 09:25 AM

Re: 1982 GMC 2.8 liter HHO
The big hangup for me is the 2nd law of Thermodynamics. You can't get more energy out of a system than you put into it. This is why I believe alternator powered HHO is a futile attempt. If one is powering an HHO bank with free additional energy from solar power, than real gains in terms of MPG of gasoline might be seen.

theholycow 04-04-2011 09:43 AM

Re: 1982 GMC 2.8 liter HHO
I don't disagree (although I think the solar energy would be better utilized in a more direct way), but I don't see the point of naysaying in a thread like this.

I hope flapdoodle proves us wrong and we learn from it.

In order for my post to have something on-topic in it, how about I embed the full-size photos he has? Those thumbnails are tough to see!

Looks like a decently large solar panel.

Jay2TheRescue 04-04-2011 09:50 AM

Re: 1982 GMC 2.8 liter HHO
If I had a 120 watt solar panel I think I'd have it charging a bank of batteries and run my LED flat screen TV for free, but I'm curious to see what it does in the truck.

GasSavers_BEEF 04-04-2011 10:17 AM

Re: 1982 GMC 2.8 liter HHO
I don't know how much that would really help his equation. not trying to be a naysayer but usually the HHO guys are using a lot of current. I have never heard of a solar panel that would do more than trickle charge something.

one thing that would be interesting is running the truck without an alternator but have those hooked up so it trickle charges on sunny days. heck, it almost looks like you could put two of the solar panels on there. I bet they were expensive though.

good luck on the HHO thing.

flapdoodle 04-04-2011 01:31 PM

Re: 1982 GMC 2.8 liter HHO
Uh, well actually, these are the cells I used on my '76 Lincoln Towncar. First thing I did was take the entire unit and try it with the worn out 2.8 Liter. Worked fine. It drew 8 amps, or about what the headlight draw. The Lincoln had 12 cells.

The solar panel was $125 on eBay. Also got a solar controller for $29 (which I highly recommend for any solar project).I tested it for some time before I was satisfied to do the HHO project in the truck.

I also watched here: https://www.wunderground.com/weathers....asp?ID=MREMN5 to get an idea how many watts were available at different times of the year. Your area may have similar weather sites.

As for the usual nay-sayers... Have YOU tried it??

theclencher 04-04-2011 01:34 PM

Re: 1982 GMC 2.8 liter HHO
Naysaying? How about bringing some sense to it?

Even if the electricity were FREE, yes FREE, would:

1) the HHO generator produce a useable quantity

2) the engine suddenly be able to successfully do HCCI combustion- you know, the reason to use hydrogen in an engine; it's not just another fuel- something that hasn't been commercially successful anywhere?

As far as "trying it"- I don't need to try square tires to know they won't work...

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