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bowtieguy 03-03-2011 08:02 AM

Brake Rotors
i've never actually bought and installed brake rotors before. even before my hypermiling days, i've never been hard on brakes. i've got some fantastic pads picked out(NAPA Adaptive One), but i'm uncertain about which rotors to buy...

napa has a "premium" rotors for $15.99usd each and "ultra premium" for $32.99 each. not being hard on brakes like most of us are, are the reg premiums acceptable? for half the price, life of rotor makes no diff. warranty is the same, with the major diff being a "no turn" guarantee and "quiet" tech. :confused:


edit: i'm assuming paying $15.99 is better than paying to have the old ones turned(if possible--pretty well worn)

Jay2TheRescue 03-03-2011 08:56 AM

Re: Brake Rotors
I never turn rotors or drums. If you keep everything in good working order they don't get scored, and there's no problems. Also, at $15.99 for new, why bother paying (and waiting) to turn the old ones? I'd buy the $15.99 ones and not worry.

theholycow 03-03-2011 09:11 AM

Re: Brake Rotors
I vote for the cheap ones too. I've almost always done well with cheap rotors.

Does the "no turn guarantee" mean that you'll never need to get them turned, or that you won't need to get them turned before the first time you install them? Sounds silly but once I bought cheap rotors like that and found out I had to get them turned before installing...

Jay2TheRescue 03-03-2011 09:24 AM

Re: Brake Rotors
I would never buy rotors that weren't ready to put on the vehicle. If they needed to be turned, it should have been done in the factory at time of manufacture.

bowtieguy 03-03-2011 09:57 AM

Re: Brake Rotors

Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 158476)
Sounds silly but once I bought cheap rotors like that and found out I had to get them turned before installing...

great point. doesn't sound silly from the consumer's pov! need to find out!

theholycow 03-03-2011 10:21 AM

Re: Brake Rotors

Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue (Post 158478)
I would never buy rotors that weren't ready to put on the vehicle. If they needed to be turned, it should have been done in the factory at time of manufacture.

Now I ask...at the time I paid for them and they told me when I was on the way out the door. I may have returned them and bought the more expensive ones, I don't remember taking them to get turned.

add|ct 03-03-2011 11:29 AM

Re: Brake Rotors
I'd imagine the 'best' may say 'no turn guarantee' sounds like they are guaranteeing you no need of turning the rotors, as it's hard for me to imagine Napa brand rotors asking to be turned after you buy them...but HC's experience leaves the door wide open.

You would think, though, that the no-turn deal if in the positive, would be in regards to the more expensive part.

Ah!!! that hurt my brain, lol

theholycow 03-03-2011 12:02 PM

Re: Brake Rotors
FWIW, my experience was probably 14+ years ago at a now defunct discount parts chain (probably Western Auto's Parts America).

benfrogg 03-03-2011 08:38 PM

Re: Brake Rotors
I bought some cheepies (around $17 each) from a local chain auto store. The first set had one that was so bad I drove the car around the block and drove back to the auto store. They put it on a lathe and said, oh, these are awful! I made them put two more sets on the lathe before I would buy them. (finally found a set that were okay)
If you can get them to show you on a lathe that they are fine, buy em'.

bowtieguy 03-04-2011 02:19 PM

Re: Brake Rotors
ok, got it down to...

Advance Auto:
akebono ceramic pro act pads(3 yr warranty)
wagner rotors(lifetime warranty)

or for a few bucks less...
adaptive one ceramic pads(90 days)
napa premium rotors(90 days)

seems obvious, but i've heard akebono has had issues in recent years.
also, gotta have advance shipped(free)--not in stock.
note: the advance price reflects a 40% coupon code


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