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Matt Timion 09-03-2005 08:48 PM

Please be patient
I wrote a website in this software a long time ago, but I didn't touch the website in months. I'm not just getting the hang of it again.

I'm currently in the process of writing a few custom layouts, so you may notice things changing (like how the forum layout has already changed a bit, or how I just added avatars.)

All changes will be for the better of the site.

I also plan on adding a MPG diary for members soon. You will be able to track your gas mileage and it will be stored here. Eventually you'll be able to compare it to other users and obtain general stastics. Other goodies to come!

SVOboy 09-03-2005 08:53 PM

View todays posts
Haha, yeah, from before my post to after you went from no avatar to one, and I was like: "Hot damn, he must be working." So I added mine. I still haven't taken a damn picture of my car, lazy me. Haha, I don't want to idolize it though, being my amish self.

1991 CRX DX Auto 38.4 MPG
WTB: d15z1 swap, auto to manual stuff

Matt Timion 09-03-2005 10:07 PM

DIY: Valve Cover Painting
I am going to get the signature line working very soon. Please be patient once again :)

Matt Timion 09-03-2005 11:27 PM

I Quit
Signatures work. Now on to other things. Suggestions welcome.

SVOboy 09-04-2005 11:27 AM

Third moderator
Classifieds are nice, if not only because they will make it pop up in the old search engine.

Oh, I forgot, but what I really want is a recent topics/watch list thing.

Matt Timion 09-04-2005 12:12 PM

D15Z1 CRX Hf
classifieds sound like a nice idea.&nbsp; I'm testing the content editor right now.&nbsp; It will allow us to use <strong>bold</strong>, <em>italics</em>, <u>underlines</u>, and other goodies.

GasSavers_Diemaster 09-04-2005 12:26 PM

Start perfecting those mods
matt not sure where to put this but theres somthing at the bottom of the homepage looks like text but i can only see top 1/3 fo the letters :S also back button dossent work. just some heads up as i know your working on this site :) BTW did u make this from scrach? if so good job :thumbup:

SVOboy 09-05-2005 08:44 AM

Plug wires
A who is online something or a thing that says so under their name. Also you can't get to a profile or message someone from their name inside a thread. And post count is cool. How's the MPG log coming?

Matt Timion 09-05-2005 09:52 AM

DIY Honda Civic 5-Speed Conversion

Originally Posted by SVOboy
A who is online something or a thing that says so under their name. Also you can't get to a profile or message someone from their name inside a thread. And post count is cool. How's the MPG log coming?

</p><p>I can easily do a &quot;who is online&quot; thing.&nbsp; i think I can also do a little green/red &quot;online, not online&quot; status in the forums, but that might take a little extra work.&nbsp; As for messenging someone from within the thread, I should be able to fix that today.&nbsp; I'm changing the thread links to icons very soon so that it looks a little prettier to the eye.&nbsp; I'll also be sure to add a profile button as well.<br /></p>

SVOboy 09-05-2005 10:02 AM

GM offers gas-price cap for SUV buyers
Sounds good, I'll shut up about stuff for now. --_^

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