Looking to upgrade engine ground wire
Here's a picture of my 'current' ground for the engine on the bottom right of the picture linked here:
https://yfrog.com/cc1003236tj https://desmond.yfrog.com/Himg444/sca...=640&ysize=640 I bought some 4/0 gauge wire today(aluminum) from a local car audio shop. I have about a foot of wire to work with which is almost double the length of the current engine ground. I may use the current one in the same location as I've seen TomO use two engine grounds(it appears) in the picture he linked in another thread here: https://img2.imageshack.us/img2/7816/thriftyengine.jpg I could use it from the valve cover instead of the piece mine is connected to currently. For the connectors, I purchased some copper 4-6 gauge "battery terminal" connectors, as I couldn't find a regular copper to crimp a 4 gauge wire(I did see a 2 gauge copper at O'Reilly but was concerned about crimping problems, as in a tight crimp). There is a warning on the battery terminal connectors about them containing lead!?:eek: I'd imagine that wouldn't affect the grounding capabilities, though, right? I'm also curious if going from an aluminum wire to a copper type of connector has any drawbacks or should I run back to the car audio shop to get their aluminum connectors? Not sure about which is best for grounding in what I'm trying to do, but I figured the connectors being copper would hold up better to corrosion and could take a cleaning easier. This new wire looks like the size guage of the ground for the tranny. :D Am I on the right track guys? |
Re: Looking to upgrade engine ground wire
Lead is a good material for electric connections. I'd be very worried about corrosion between the aluminum, copper, and steel. I'm pretty sure using copper connectors on aluminum wire is asking for trouble.
https://www.dossert.com/technicalinfo/corrosion.htm |
Re: Looking to upgrade engine ground wire
I took the copper connectors back and got the aluminum ones from the audio shop, they're all so close by. I left the old ground on and installed the new one on the valve cover and by the engine mount, similar to how TomO did his, but not exactly. Smaller, but bigger gauge wire.
Re: Looking to upgrade engine ground wire
You probably have a separate ground wire going from the transmission housing to a point near/below the battery, if memory serves. At least my '91 Civic has one there.
~Bill |
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