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bowtieguy 07-03-2010 01:35 PM

Lawn Mower Poll
well, my search for a quality used lawn mower has come up dry. guess trying to find another gem like my $20 purchase last year is not going to happen again. long story short is i will be mowing lawns for 2 homes for awhile(no truck or van), so i need a 2nd mower. what should i do about a new one? or what would you do?...

some background and thoughts...i've never had a briggs engine fail--just carbs...i would like to buy American made...i appreciate honda's rep...the honda powered mowers in question are assembled domestically in the US.

Jay2TheRescue 07-03-2010 02:52 PM

Personally, whenever I needed a new mower I just camped out in front of the county dump. I'll ask someone for their "broken" late model mower, and they'll give it to me. Take it home, clean & regap the plug, flush the fuel tank out and refill with fresh fuel, and spray out the carb with carb cleaner, and they're ususally running as good as new. Total cost: one afternoon.

theholycow 07-03-2010 03:18 PM

From the options on the poll, Honda was the only one I'd choose. Otherwise it is as Jay says, get a discarded one (check the Free Stuff section on craigslist) and do the basic maintenance it needs.

GasSavers_JoeBob 07-03-2010 08:24 PM

Or...just use a string trimmer. Or...use a push mower (if the lawn ain't too big...). Or...do as J2TR or THC suggests. Or...and this might be a bit more expensive, but might be interesting...get a rechargeable electric mower, and a solar panel to keep it charged.

Or you could just pay someone else to mow both lawns...how much does a 12 year-old charge to mow lawns these days?

VetteOwner 07-03-2010 11:54 PM

i would not and NEVER recommend a honda mower. way way WAY to complicated for what it is.

B&S all the way, thats pretty much all weve ever owned and still have alot of them.

hona mowers are way to over engineered for a freakin lawnmower yet they still try to cheap out on major parts while B&S dont.

i have fixed other peoples lawnmowers on the side for the last 4 years (doen them for our families since i was 13 - 22 now) i absolutelyu hate it when a honda comes through. parts are expensive as balls for crappy parts (yes lets use a plastic lever as the self propelled control lever, on the gearbox itself mind you not the handle)

its a lawnmower, a spinning blade, which would you trust more? a proven design through a proven company that still has mowers running just fine after 40 years of service that specializes in lawnmower engines and other small engine yard equipment or someone that is somewhat new (since late 80's) that costs 4X as much that does the same job (cutting grass) with craptastic designs (all plastic mowing deck, whoopey freakin doo wait till you run over a rock driveway and chip it, seen it done before....)

as a man whos learned and fixed countless mowers from all makes models styles ages id go B&S 100%. if ti don't start its usually 3 things: water in gas, gunked up carb, or fouled plug.

long story short and slightly inebriated response: HONDA MOWERS SUCK

we have 4 push mowers at my house and 2 riders (well 3 if u wanan call the converted rider to racing lawnmower) all B&S powered. all but 2 sit outside all winter and all fire up on 2nd pull in spring, even the 2 that are from 1986 and 1989(finnaly changed the factory oil in them cuz i felt bad haha, looked like tar commin out) other one from prolly 1998 has had a very bac rod knock for ohhh 8 or 9 years now and still fires up and runs beautifully, sounds god awful but it wont die!

since its a rental house and sounds small id go for the freakin $80 wally world special.

theholycow 07-04-2010 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by JoeBob (Post 152678)
Or...use a push mower
Or...and this might be a bit more expensive, but might be interesting...get a rechargeable electric mower, and a solar panel to keep it charged.

I thought we were talking about a push mower.

The electric idea is good. I wonder how the basic corded electric models are? That'd be a simple unit that would need no maintenance and run forever, though I guess it's possible you might mow some extension cords...

theholycow 07-04-2010 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by VetteOwner (Post 152681)
i would not and NEVER recommend a honda mower. way way WAY to complicated for what it is.
hona mowers are way to over engineered for a freakin lawnmower yet they still try to cheap out on major parts while B&S dont.

Can you elaborate? I haven't seen Honda mowers.

My Honda vote was based on my 9hp Honda-powered generator. It's at least 15 years old, probably 20. I've never had to fix or maintain anything other than a mouse-eaten rubber fuel line. All I do is this:
1. Turn on fuel valve.
2. Turn on choke.
3. One pull...and it's easier than a 5hp Briggs.
4. When I'm done I turn off the fuel valve instead of the ignition, that way gas doesn't turn to varnish in the carb (since I don't run it often).

bowtieguy 07-04-2010 03:54 AM

yes, we're talking push mowers. i've checked craigslist and newspaper ads, but have come up short unless i'd like to drive 50 miles. i've even checked rental and repair shops--they're really only selling decent(expensive) profit models in regard to used ones. about a used one--i'm not going to pay ANYWHERE close to the price of a new one and i'm not gonna drive far, just to come home empty handed.

my neighbor had an electric(cordless). he sold it because it was too slow--and he's 80+ years young! :eek: corded? not for this clutz! i'd guess the larger/more powerful ones get quite expensive.

i'm leaning towards the B&G based on price and American made. besides, i agree w/ VetteOwner, they've done me very well. and if i need a carb in 5-10 years, they're really cheap.

bowtieguy 07-04-2010 04:00 AM


if you recall i'm nearly as cheap, uh that is frugal, as you. w/ the current price of gas, i calculate the price of fuel to mow my present home to be ~32 cents. i don't care if i could find a kid to mow for $10, it ain't gonna happen.

bowtieguy 07-04-2010 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 152683)
Can you elaborate? I haven't seen Honda mowers.

My Honda vote was based on my 9hp Honda-powered generator. It's at least 15 years old, probably 20. I've never had to fix or maintain anything other than a mouse-eaten rubber fuel line. All I do is this:
1. Turn on fuel valve.
2. Turn on choke.
3. One pull...and it's easier than a 5hp Briggs.
4. When I'm done I turn off the fuel valve instead of the ignition, that way gas doesn't turn to varnish in the carb (since I don't run it often).

maybe i can...

there is no choke on B&Gs(at least not push mowers). just simply prime the pump 3 times, and my 10+ year old 3.5 horse usually starts on the first pull.

i've researched a little finding that the honda choke may have issues at times--either meaning tech problems or at the very least making them more complicating.

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