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bw61374 08-17-2013 04:17 AM

Trying to add a car
How do you ADD A CAR on this website? I'm trying to add a 2013 VW Passat TDI SEL Premium with AutoTrans DSG. But the system will not allow me to enter anything after picking Volkswagen.

Actually I was trying to enter my first fuel up and couldn't till I had entered a car. My first fuel up was at 458 miles with 10.296 gallons, = 44.48 MPG

I've written to the CONTACT US, twice but haven't heard anything back. On that note, does anyone know is there a moderator for this site? Or does it just exist? I coming to the conclusion that this is not where I should be.

Please advise.

Thank you,
Brookings, OR

RobertV 08-17-2013 07:14 AM

Sorry for the delay in responding. I sent you a message from the Help Desk. Please let me know what browser you're using to access the site, and if possible send me a screenshot of what you see (or don't- if lack of drop down menus).

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