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theholycow 11-26-2009 05:19 AM

If you see these wheels for sale, they are from a CARJACKER! Report it to police imme
If you see these wheels for sale, they are from a CARJACKER! Report it to police immediately.



Originally Posted by iwaslowr (Post 3552282)
My Yukon that was so much fun is officially gone...

As you may have heard it was carjacked Sunday evening 11/22/09 at 5:45pm near 3rd St.@Attayac St. in Austin, Tx. The suspect armed with a 9MM jumped out of a black suburban and demanded the keys from my wife just as she exited our Yukon after arriving at a relatives house.

Here's the aftermath.
{Edited by theholycow: Un-hotlinked images to go easy on your bandwidth. You can click them to see more.}


Originally Posted by iwaslowr (Post 3552285)
As of 11/23/09 only six sets of these Vellano VSK 26x10 inch chrome wheels with the 6x139.7 bolt pattern have ever been built and all sets may not be in the United States. Regardless of location, as of yesterday this was one of six sets in the entire world. If you see a set of these wheels for sale they may be the one's stolen from my Yukon so please call 911 and refer to the Austin, Tx. Police Department case number 09-3261708.
Here are some closeups of the wheels:

jcp123 11-29-2009 07:57 PM

Damn. That's cold...torched the whole truck to get the wheels...

VetteOwner 11-29-2009 09:06 PM

easiest way to get rid of fingerprints is to torch it and any other evidence.

shouldnt be that hard to find the rims if they are that rare and only fit certian vehicles (well just about every suburban yukan silverado sierra)

but probably never find whoever did it.

also why its important to be aware of you surroundings and be ready to get information after the fact (like license plate of vehicle they got out of, facial features, etc)

sounds like it isnt the first person they mugged at gunpoint, had a plan and if i were to steal a vehicle id do it the same way, wait till they get out.

this is why we should be able to legally shoot people in every state.

GasSavers_JoeBob 11-29-2009 10:14 PM

Fortunately, the person who had the gun in this situation decided not to shoot it.

I don't know from wheels, but it's a shame that something like this should happen...I'd never want such a truck, but it obviously gave them pleasure.

If I were him, I'd be checking Craig's List all over Texas (and maybe northern Mexico...)

theclencher 11-29-2009 10:20 PM

Very similar event happened in MN.

Then too, I said that no good can come from $2400+ rims.

Jay2TheRescue 11-30-2009 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by tjts1 (Post 144759)
To me they look exactly the same as every other set of stupidly large chrome SUV wheels.

Yeah, they don't look like anything special to me, and personally I like the factory aluminum wheels that came on my truck a lot better than those.

bobc455 11-30-2009 07:49 AM

If they are lighter they should help MPG, right? I'm guessing the payback period is about 650 trillion miles... :)

Still, it is a shame that kind of theft takes place. I doubt they will ever be on craigslist, the guy who stole them will probably pay off a drug debt with them and they'll wind up on some pusher's truck.


theholycow 11-30-2009 08:31 AM

I bet cheaper mass-manufactured wheels would be lighter than those custom ones....

JanGeo 11-30-2009 08:37 AM

And people wonder why I drive around with my doors locked all the time and the windows up. I would like to add some kevlar panels in the door too if it was getting crazy around here like in other parts of the country.

VetteOwner 11-30-2009 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by JanGeo (Post 144778)
And people wonder why I drive around with my doors locked all the time and the windows up. I would like to add some kevlar panels in the door too if it was getting crazy around here like in other parts of the country.

yea i always drive around with the doors locked, for safety like this and if thier locked thier less likely to fly open in an accident.

windows, ehh depends on where i am and time of day.

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