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bowtieguy 11-24-2009 01:26 PM

Solar Battery Maintainer
would this be a practical tool to help w/ EOC?...


it's on page 4 at the bottom. sorry, i couldn't get a direct link. i quit EOC, due to battery issues, except ending a trip, so...

jmf 11-24-2009 01:36 PM

It's a battery maintainer not a charger. It replaces the power lost by just sitting. I have one of those I put on my lawn tractor when I don't use it for a while. I think it helps?

bowtieguy 11-24-2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by jmf (Post 144472)
It's a battery maintainer not a charger. It replaces the power lost by just sitting. I have one of those I put on my lawn tractor when I don't use it for a while. I think it helps?

i understand fully what it is, but would it help the longevity of a battery using EOC? even when i end a trip w/ engine off, for example, if i try to restart w/in several minutes, it is a little slow to turn over.

i could try it w/out wasting too much $$$. we have a car that sits for long periods of time anyway. getting out the charger every time bites.

theholycow 11-24-2009 01:59 PM

It sounds like your battery is old and worn out.

bowtieguy 11-24-2009 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 144474)
It sounds like your battery is old and worn out.

nope. it is fairly new, and it did do it the very first day. i'll reiterate, it turns over a LITTLE slow.

GasSavers_JoeBob 11-24-2009 05:36 PM

For EOC, I don't see that item making much difference, especially if you have a new battery. I doubt that it would take more than a few seconds to return the same amount of power to the battery that a 1.8 watt solar charger would put in in an hour. For maintaining the battery on a car that sits for a long time between uses, however, it sounds like a great idea.

rgathright 12-09-2009 08:59 AM

The biggest killer of batteries is overcharging.

I see motorhomes and power boats with bad batteries all the time. The lead acid batteries are all bowed on the sides which is a sign of constant charging.

That being said, a battery maintainer should keep the voltage from going above a certain value. If this product does that and you keep the solar charger connected 24/7, then yes this is a worthwhile investment.

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