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GasSavers_Scott 11-01-2009 09:32 AM

Paranomal Activity
Just saw it, me and the girl, we went with our friends to see the latest in movies that make girls scream and grab you. Great for the guys having your girl scream and hold on to you LOL.

But hey, we went to see this film for the film makers. They shot this thing for $15,000, let me type that again, $15,000. The movie has knocked out many of the Halloween genere playlist and has made a ton of cash.

The movie takes from the crop of current Ghost TV shows, ie. Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, Ghostly Encounters, Ghost Adventures, Haunted Homes, and Psychic Kids. Its shot in HD video and has a pretty good translation to a movie theatre. Its intimate with only 3 or 4 actors in the movie, half of it takes place at night with the usual night vision green which has become the new black and white.

Its slow burn like European movies, it lures you in letting you feel safe and almost board then something jumps or makes a noise. Being shot in the first person hand held style, it makes the viewer feel like you are shooting the video, when something happens to the camera, it's happening to you. Very clever in it manipulation of the person watching the movie.

Things get worse in the situation for the actors, every day that goes by, the haunting increases until its time for the big ending. The movie does have a pay off, much better than Blair Witch which has an almost unbelievable ending. They took a believable ending course and it payed off.

Rating would be an 8, it leaves you wanting more, that's good. Scary movies that come in the 9 to 10 catagory would be Poltergiest at 9, The Exorcist at 9, Amittyville Horror at 10, and Alien at 10. Blair Witch would come in at 7, due to lack of overall scare and unbelievable ending.

On the "Would You See It Again" scale, not in a movie theatre, but on TV or DVD, once you see the ending, the rush is over, whereas Poltergiest, Exorcist, Amittyville, and Alien are movies you can jump into at any part and start watching.

Next week were seeing Ecounters of the 4th Kind.

bowtieguy 11-01-2009 11:05 AM

i hope it is better than the blair witch project! what a joke. a 7?!

i typically won't go pay for a horror or comedy at the theater. and i won't rent them either, so until it comes to FX, TNT etc...

bowtieguy 11-01-2009 11:10 AM

not to hijack your thread, but i got a free preview of starz and showtime...

3:10 to Yuma was absolutely fantastic! now i want to see the original. doubt it's as good tho.

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