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theholycow 10-25-2009 05:39 AM

Valvoline 300,000 Mile Engine Guarantee
I saw an ad for this, and of course it's interesting marketing...but there's nothing you wouldn't expect, once you read the fine print. There's certainly nothing that's even worth changing oil brands for if you don't already prefer Valvoline.
Marketing front page: https://www.engineguarantee.com
Summary of terms: https://www.engineguarantee.com/displ...=about_program
Actual terms: https://www.engineguarantee.com/view_terms

When it's all said and done, I wouldn't be surprised if they never pay a single claim. It's no surprise and I don't blame them for it. It's good marketing.

They only cover parts that are directly protected by engine oil from failures that can be directly attributable to engine oil and only under complete failure where it won't run at all. They won't cover anything that could be anyone's fault, stuff that's subject to manufacturer's recalls, any car that's had any kind of major damage (flood, fire, crash), etc. They won't cover you if you don't follow all recommended maintenance schedule stuff, specifically mentioning air filter changes. They won't cover you if there is anything else wrong with the car even if it's totally unrelated, like emissions equipment or exhaust.

After reading all the terms...I can't say that I've ever heard of an actual failure that would qualify in this program.

Practical upshot: In a few years, buying a used car where somebody has kept records of compliance with this program should mean you're buying a well-maintained car. Just ask them about the program's conditions and see if they're aware of it all. :thumbup:

zero_gravity 10-25-2009 05:50 PM

damn i was hoping i could put their oil in with some sandpaper and get a new car

IndyFetch 10-26-2009 05:33 AM

You also have to use specific grades of oil (maxlife, synthetic, etc.) depending on the number of miles your car has on it... therefore, as your car gets older, the more expensive oil you are required to run.

You also have to change the oil every 3,000 miles, no matter what the manufacturer-specified oil change interval is.

This is a marketing scheme, no more, no less. The sad thing is that it will probably work.

dkjones96 10-26-2009 05:53 AM


I keep finding bottles of this stuff in trunks at the junkyard. Get enough of it and you might be able to help the engine along.

I ended up cutting that bottle open to gank my new 3.92 Trac-Lock rear and it had about half a cup of liquid glass still in it.

theholycow 10-26-2009 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Fetch (Post 143378)
You also have to use specific grades of oil (maxlife, synthetic, etc.) depending on the number of miles your car has on it... therefore, as your car gets older, the more expensive oil you are required to run.

I did not find that in the rules. What I found was that if you want the 300,000 mile warranty you have to use their top-grade product; if you want 225,000 you can use their mid-grade product; and if you want the 150,000 warranty you can use their basic conventional oil.

IndyFetch 10-26-2009 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 143381)
I did not find that in the rules. What I found was that if you want the 300,000 mile warranty you have to use their top-grade product; if you want 225,000 you can use their mid-grade product; and if you want the 150,000 warranty you can use their basic conventional oil.

Right you are. I misread the rules.

GasSavers_Scott 11-01-2009 08:53 AM

After my rants about engine oil mixing, I just switched to Valvoline Synthetic Blend for my Focus. I had trouble finding my other favorite which was Havoline/Quakerstate Synthetic Blend. So far the engine purrs like I added Motor Honey or something. It also smells good when burning, Ford has a plastic valve cover on the engine, so it leaks when you hit the brakes coming off the freeway, so what used to smell like an old Cadillac, now smells kind of pop corny. When I replace the valve cover gasket, I also have to replace the timing belt, so there goes an afternoon.

As far as the warantee goes, I don't think they will pay off anyone, only if they're product for some provable reason in court killed your engine. Perhaps a turbo engine, if it scores your turbo shaft bearing my have a direct link to the oil. Otherwise I think they're engine guarantee is an advertisment for themselves, kind of like Shell's Fusion Nitrogen Molecule Technology.

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