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slurp812 09-29-2009 02:48 PM

consious driver.
I really dont consider myself a hypermiler anymore, I try to drive slower (then my old self) and smarter, like more coasting, etc. I still have a little fun, and drive at a brisk pace, but I dont tailgate, and I usually change speeds gradually, as conditions allow. I try to flow with traffic, yet minimize fuel usage, and use of brakes. I want to make the road safer for everyone. Sometimes I even :eek: floor it! But then I usually end up coasting quite a bit. I still use some hypermiling techniques. My numbers dont look too bad at all. Hypermilling has changed my driving forever......

theholycow 09-29-2009 03:28 PM

Some day I may quit making hypermiling a priority and be able to say the same thing. I don't think I'll ever be like I was before hypermiling.

GasSavers_BIBI 09-29-2009 04:53 PM

Its just all about speed, unless you do lots of trafic and city.

Should 60 mph be enough fast, for that cheap. If not, maybe we are travelling more then we should be. Try walking or cycling instead, 60mph will seems real fast then...

DRW 09-30-2009 10:10 PM

Once you learn something, you can't unlearn it.

zero_gravity 12-04-2009 09:11 AM

i'm the same way. i won't hardcore hypermile unless there isnt anyone around me - i don't think its right to slow down traffic just for my own needs. nothing against anyone here who does hypermile hard in heavy traffic, just my own view.

but also even with lots of traffic around i try to coast where possible, i just do so with less variance in my speed or a little closer to the stop sign/traffic light

IndyFetch 12-04-2009 04:15 PM

I have found that my '05 Si gets better mileage at 65 mph than 55 mph. My last tank was good for almost 37 mpg. Since I bought my scangauge, I think I learn something new every tank.

theclencher 12-04-2009 04:25 PM

My gaslog shows a downward fe trend :sad:

It's because I don't heavily pulse and glide anymore.

My car needs a new clutch and it could be the p&g had something to do with it. For sure p&g increases the clutch wear; what I can't answer is by how much and if my clutch would have gone regardless.

Besides, p&g is annoying out on the open road. I still coast when feasible in town but then I hardly do any town driving anyway.

As long as I handily beat EPA I guess I'm satisfied.

theholycow 12-04-2009 04:42 PM

If you rev match well, engine-on P&G shouldn't cause any wear on your clutch.

theclencher 12-04-2009 09:58 PM

Hard to rev match bump starting!

theholycow 12-05-2009 03:27 AM

OIC. Yeah, clutch wear is something I worry about with EOC. By my calculations it's less wear than you get when a red light turns green, but that makes heavy EOC driving similar to dense city driving - or if you already drive in the city, it doubles your wear.

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