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Jay2TheRescue 09-18-2009 03:20 PM

Vortex Generators???
This is a van that I've seen in my local area, but a friend of mine just told me that he saw it on the internet... Apparently its famous now...



JanGeo 09-19-2009 07:17 AM

Somebody has way too much glue and time on their hands.

shatto 09-19-2009 09:17 AM

He'd be right at home over here.

GasSavers_BEEF 09-19-2009 09:59 AM

I like the godzilla at the very top of the picture....and it is rather ironic that he is at "the wal-mart"

GasSavers_Scott 09-19-2009 07:40 PM

Art Cars
Every year in Berkeley California, the annual parade of art cars is held. The neat thing is they use them as dailey drivers there. I have seen the camera car, it has a couple thousand cameras riveted to it. They have a VW bug, that has been astro turffed, as sorts of zanny things done in the name of art. Go to Youtube and look up Berkeley Art Cars and you'll see dozens. LOL.

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