Self Health Poll
My self help health care thread got me thinking...i wonder how we at GS as a community take care of ourselves in regard to health. many of you no doubt would like to stay out of a discussion or debate of this nature, but if you will, please simply let me know where you stand just by voting. comments are of course welcome in you so choose. your vote will not be visible to others.
For the purposes of taking your poll I assumed that by "natural remedies" you meant "claimed remedies not conclusively supported by scientific evidence".
in case you missed the other thread, natural remedies are including, but not limited to...
chiro care supplements to replace drugs of non-life threatening issues(blood pressure,cholesterol, heartburn, pain,etc) even exercise and meditation to get off drugs drinking more water |
There's no way I can view grouping exercise, supplements, and the full range of what can be called chiropractic treatments into a single answer as reasonable. You need more options; your biases are absurdly evident.
if you have high blood pressure, instead of taking medication, use meditation. if you have pain, try an herbal pain rub or accupressure, instead of aspirin. if you have high cholesterol, try exercise and nutritional changes, instead of plavix. scientific evidence means nothing, when you treat the symptom, yet leave the cause unaddressed AND affect the kidneys and liver when taking a drug. it is ABSOLUTELY impossible to research what lobbyists do to affect studies and the FDA. |
Voted second one merely because of the exercise being included in natural remedies. They can drug you all they want but if you weigh 400 pounds, eat crap food all day, and do absolutely nothing but lay around or go around town on your wheelchair you're gonna die.
Protonix worked for my acid reflux but I noticed that when I went to the gym regularly that I only needed something for heartburn once every few weeks instead of a couple of times a week so that's been my motivation to keep it up. I've read from some gastrointerologists that taking an acid supplement is supposed to help with acid reflux but I haven't tried it yet. |
the argument can be made that both traditional and non-traditional medicine has quacks and/or shortfalls, so it's really a moot point. |
i know soooo many people that have opened their eyes to this subject. and i have helped many people as well. of course, i have hard-core associates that believe no drug is a good drug. even that view could be applied for certain individuals i suppose, it's just not my view. if bias means educating the public, i'm guilty as charged! |
Max, i was watching Meet the Press today at the gym. the was a gentleman talking about the internet in regard to healthcare. he basically said that the net is a sewer of info and must be sifted thru by the surfer/reader.
i fully under stand that MANY supplements are garbage at best. i simply do not trust the feds and manipulation of lobbyists. i could site some real life stories about drug companies, doctors, and lobbyists getting fined/arrested that you'd never see in the mainstream media. but, who knows, because the feds were involved, maybe said individuals/groups were really innocent. i generally get a lot of info from national med journals. when the MDs question their own practices, i pay attention! |
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