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roadsterbum 05-06-2009 12:58 PM

Smoking the good stuff


'95 Honda Civic VX - $7000 (Indio)
Reply to: sale-rmrsc-1126397803@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-17, 3:06AM PDT

We've been getting notes in our windows and people approaching us in parking lots about whether or not we are selling our car. We've been turning everyone down because it's our only car, it has great mileage, and new cars are too pricey. Well, we're now looking to get a new car and actually do want to sell it, AS IS.

It just came out of a full check up at the I-10 auto mall Honda repair, where it received an oil change and new nipples for the anti-theft ignition. The only upcoming maintenance would be new break pads and timing belt in the near future. The battery is 5 months old and all the hoses, fuses, and wiring was checked 6 months ago. The driver side mirror is not attached, if you've ever seen us we have it duct taped on right now. The tires were rotated last September, and the front passenger tire is brand new.

Were at about 275,000 miles and still get roughly 43 mpg Hwy. We're pretty sure much of this won't matter since were assuming the buyer is going to gut the engine and frame for racing. We've taken the average offer as our asking price, which is 7,000.00. If your interested or have a friend who is feel free to mail me or if you see us, we will actually pay attention to notes left under our wipers now.

Please only e-mail if you are seriously interested and I can answer questions and send pictures or my husband can meet up with you at a walmart so you can check it out. Very light frame and drops to 2nd and 3rd with a good kick. Thanks for reading!

dkjones96 05-06-2009 01:33 PM

Well, they've definitely got a particular market in mind with that ad. Unfortunately, the rice boy that wants to gut it for racing is too cheap to buy a 95 civic for 7k.

Ford Man 05-06-2009 01:39 PM

The title of your post really had me wondering what you were selling!!!

jmf 05-06-2009 04:05 PM

for $7000 mine is for sale too!

thisisntjared 05-06-2009 04:12 PM

do you know what you will get for it if it gets into an accident?

anyway you probably should have put the stuff that was on craigslist in quotes so we knew that you were not the seller hahaha

roadsterbum 05-06-2009 10:46 PM

^ done!

micahalcorn 05-08-2009 10:04 PM

They will even meet you in the walmart parking lot. Classy.

thisisntjared 05-09-2009 05:01 AM

i giggle every time i see this thread. they are not going to get 2/3 of what they payed for the car new 14 years ago but now with 275000 miles on it hahahaha.

GasSavers_BEEF 05-09-2009 05:42 AM

I though this was somthing about california trying to legalize pot to get the tax money revenue off of it.

I guess if gas prices get high enough, they may sell it eventually. I have noticed that it has gone up a little in the past 2 weeks or so. it seems like about 10-15 cent a gallon.

hushypushy 06-19-2009 11:40 AM

A VX for the same price as a first gen Insight? LOL

They are smoking the good stuff ;)

OP: I thought your username was "mad purp", I think that goes well with your thread title...

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