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TruckHyperMiler 04-08-2009 06:34 AM

Well into my upgrades, but never got around to writing here
I posted a while back after I got pulled over and breathalyzed for driving to slow on the freeway.

Signing up for this site in order to share that story got me reading about all the potential mods, and I have been obsessing over mileage ever since.

I have a 1983 Ford F-250 truck which I run on 100% biodiesel. It has the 6.9 liter International V8 and a 4spd manual (where 1st is extra low gear, so it is essentially a 3 spd, no overdrive)

I use for my job as a hauler/mover/general handyman, which means it regularly has to hold up to 3 tons of material and being even remotely aerodynamic is out of the question when fitting an entire 1 bedroom apartments worth of furniture and belonings into the back of a pick-up.

I have been documenting the progress of my mods on my blog (www.biodieselhauling.org/blog), but I am not sure what category it would be most appropriate in here (general fuel economy? experiments? biodiesel? how-to?)

Incidentally, I also have a Kawasaki EX-250 (0-60<6seconds, 70mpg) and my second job involves promoting and supporting the use of the bicycle as a means of everyday transportation, but I think actual mods make for more exciting reading.

theholycow 04-08-2009 06:46 AM

Category depends on the particular thread you're starting. If you're starting a thread about something specific to biodiesel, it would belong in "Biodiesel", but if you're posting about something that is not related (an aerodynamic mod, a driving technique, a transmission swap), it would belong elsewhere.

Nobody is offended if you post in the wrong place. Us moderators are supposed to move threads when we see them in the wrong place but we're kinda slack on that, too...

GasSavers_BEEF 04-08-2009 06:49 AM

one thing to consider. (it's expensive but effective) is changing your rear end gearing. there was a guy on here that did that. I think he had an F-250.

he went to 3.23s I think.

start a garage and gas log. I really like the graphical display, and I don't have to fight with excel to get it.

I remember the story about the trooper that stopped you. that was funny. good thing nothing ever came of it.

groar 04-09-2009 02:01 PM

Congrats for your results, you deserve them :thumbup:

But please, get back your old habits so I can get back my megane to the 4th place in the diesel Top Ten Percent Above EPA Rating and my wife can get back her scenic to the 10th place ;)

I was hoping to beat the 65% of Big Dave this summer, but I may never beat your 80% or the 95% of your last tank... To comfort myself I can say that I don't use EOC for safety reasons and you can't beat my 55 mpg ;)


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