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GasSavers_goldie 04-04-2009 05:23 PM

ScanGuage Diplay(s)/Function(s)
I have ordered a ScanGuage and in order for me to take the most advantage of it as soon as possible, I would like your feedback. What type of display/function(s) will give me the most useful and easily read information for increasing my mpg. I would also like to hear about how much your mpg increased with the guage, I realize it is subjective to ask, but I'm curious. My vehicle is an 07 Sierra withthe 4.3L and a 5 spd. manual.
Thanx in advance for the assistance.

GasSavers_maximilian 04-04-2009 05:29 PM

I liked instant mpg, trip mpg, and throttle. I didn't have any modifications to get much use front things like air inlet temp, so I usually just chose the fourth one at random. I only had my SGII for a couple weeks until I sold it after learning what I needed to. If you have multiple possible routes you'd like to compare the trip mode can be perfect for it. The only things I did at first for my vehicle was increase tire pressure to 45 psi and drive in accordance with the ScanGauge's readings and try and coast a lot. I also removed the rear seats but put in a trailer hitch so let's call that a wash weight wise. I can average over 40 mpg when my epa combined is 29, so that's fairly significant. Unless you're naturally a very efficient driver you should see real gains quite quickly.

slurp812 04-04-2009 06:15 PM

I use:


You may find you want something else...

Jay2TheRescue 04-04-2009 07:18 PM

Nice to see another Sierra driver here. Take a look at "The Beast" in my garage for ideas. I like to see Intake Air Temp, Water Temp, Instant MPG, and Average MPG.

Project84 04-06-2009 06:33 AM

I change mine when I get bored but I look at:

Instant MPG *f WT

adding the code to view horsepower was pretty cool, and sometimes I watch GPH as well.

theholycow 04-06-2009 06:53 AM

Per Jay's suggestion in another thread, I tried using open/closed loop today, to see if it reports DFCO faster. It does, it's probably under one second delay after DFCO kicks in.

The other three I'm currently watching are IAT, coolant temp, and current trip average MPG.

Jay2TheRescue 04-06-2009 07:14 AM

Yeah, for some reason mine never reports open/closed loop while in DFCO. I've gotten so in tune with the vehicle that I can feel when DFCO kicks in, so I don't monitor DFCO with the Scangauge anymore.

GasSavers_BEEF 04-06-2009 07:47 AM

mine doesn't display DFCO with the normal 9999 (similar to jay's situation) so I went through all the trouble to find out about the other ways to see it. when mine kicks in, the open/close loop goes to open. it seems to be the quickest way to see it. I don't monitor mine anymore either because I know it is there.

I monitor:

average MPG
IAT temperature
HP (this is one that I change around from time to time)

I have fun with it.

GasSavers_goldie 04-06-2009 01:16 PM

Many thanks for a lot of very useful information. Just curious though, what is an open/closed loop? Is there any one source for definitions of the various types of acronyms I keep running across?

theholycow 04-06-2009 01:23 PM

There are a couple glossaries around. My sig has a link to my "meta-sig" which has links that wouldn't fit in my sig, including a glossary:

However, that one doesn't cover open/closed loop. Closed/open loop describes the two possible modes your car's computer might be using. Open loop is the mode your car uses when you've just started it, when it detects that something is broken, when you floor the gas pedal (in most cars), and for DFCO. Closed loop is the mode it uses under ordinary cruising and moderate acceleration conditions. Except for DFCO, you want to avoid open loop, since it ignores some sensors and uses pre-defined data to dispense fuel to the engine (which, obviously, it doesn't do during DFCO).

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