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-   -   rywire obd1 engine harness for vx swaps (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f16/rywire-obd1-engine-harness-for-vx-swaps-10805.html)

molecule 02-15-2009 04:57 PM

rywire obd1 engine harness for vx swaps
i found peter at rywire.com sells modified engine harness' for putting the civic vx in any obd1 civic chassis
its not on the website yet

price: 250-350

requirements: vx engine harness & stock engine harness
ship both harness and one ships back with extra wires you pass through the firewall and plug into the ecu
a few broken connectors on the stock harness allowed
the vx harness from the motor should be mostly there...but cut shock tower plugs is still ok
the chassis harness is more important for obvious reasons

this could make a vx engine upgrade plug & play for someone that otherwise might steer away from the swap for sake of difficult wiring...etc

i'm not affiliated with rywire...just spreading the word

aalb1 02-15-2009 05:36 PM

When buying a rywire harness one of the things that you are paying for is cleanliness. Rywire and ChaseBay harnesses really go above and beyond the hack and attack approach at swaps. One of the reason you are paying so much is so you can "tuck" your engine harness. If you don't know what "tucking" means just go onto one of their sites and see before and after pictures.

Don't get me wrong... The work they do is remarkable! But take a looking at much of our garage pictures. There are very few of us that are overly concerned with aesthetics.

But yea... definitely an great option for those that don't want to mess with wiring.

suspendedhatch 02-20-2009 07:32 AM

It requires a VX harness... why would you want this if you already have a VX harness?

Is it for the 5 wire O2 or the 4 wire?

molecule 02-20-2009 07:40 AM

because a NON-VX CHASSIS will need extra wiring from the shock tower to the ECU...which is what you are paying for
rywire is quality...and i am sure they could handle a FED conversion for less if all you need is the EGR valve & controller wired in...and not the 5-wire o2

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