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neverendz 01-12-2009 12:32 PM

Look like auto makers are going to make us buy electric cars?
As I have been reading, it seems the push in the auto industry will be electric cars and hybrids in the the next few years. All car manufacturers are gearing up to sell more fuel efficient cars. GM even decided to manufacture lithium ion batteries. All this, in spite of the current "low" gas prices.

They convinced the American public that it would be better to buy larger cars, SUVs, and trucks just a minute ago. Now, I imagine they are going to push greener, more efficient cars.

I'm guessing that their success will be based upon fuel prices...

Interesting stuff. I wonder if it will work?

, Bill

dkjones96 01-12-2009 12:49 PM

Of course it'll work but not because of current gas prices.

People still have the mentality of needing better mileage cars even though gas is cheap(er). I can fill my car for ~30-40 which will last me over a week of normal driving. Not bad, my old car was better but not by much. However, if I tell people I'm averaging around 12mpg they're like "OMG! that's terrible!!"

I'll admit it isn't that great but the vehicle is so much nicer to ride in that I don't mind the MPG hit. Plus, I'm sure the tracker did no better than 18-19 in the same driving.

My point is, the time we had at 3-4 bucks a gallon really hit a lot of people and that hit will stick with them, nobody believes gas will stay this low, I can't say I even believe it. People will continue to buy used economy cars like hotcakes.

While I like the idea of electric cars, especially ones powered by coils under the road, I think places like California need to fix their rolling summer blackouts first.

Snax 01-15-2009 09:50 PM

The problem with the rolling summer blackouts is not one of supply, but one of profitability by private utilities. Excess power has always been available, but the deals and rates to get it delivered have been intentionally left untapped in order to maximize profits for the generating plants the private utilities actually own. The LAST thing they want to do is purchase power from another utility because it cuts into their bottom line. They make more money by allowing limited blackouts to happen instead of purchasing large chunks of excess power to prevent them.

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