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-   -   95 VX for $5000 good deal or not? (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f8/95-vx-for-5000-good-deal-or-not-10230.html)

goof2cbr 10-21-2008 12:51 AM

95 VX for $5000 good deal or not?
Saw an ad for 95 VX with 140k milage, clean 2 owner, stock, no bodywork.
Gas is under $3/gal now. would anyone pay $5k for this car?
I think $4k is more like it. Location is So Cal. Wasn't a VX in 1995 only 10K new?

I've seen lots of VX swap info on a CRX HF.

What about VX swap into a 92-95 DX Coupe? or 4 Door?

Any how-to/tutorials on swapping in a VX on a 5th (Same) gen VX engine on a Coupe or Sedan Civic?

What are the results? Is it worth it?

In California, how is a VX smog test? because of lean mode, doesn't that raise O2 level in idle test?

So if you put a VX engine in a non-VX civic and try to pass CA smog, would you pass or fail?

Are VX cars in smog tests given different gas measured parameters (ranges) than other 1.5l civic engines?

thisisntjared 10-21-2008 03:56 AM

i wouldnt pay more than $3k for it, but people will buy it for $5k if gas goes back up again.

california gets a different vx btw and it will pass smog if you leave it alone hahaha.

vxdude 10-21-2008 08:31 AM

5,000$ is alot for a VX, but if you a currently driving a SUV of some sort, it might be worth considering. Calulate how much you would save per month if you were getting 50MPG then go from there

1993CivicVX 10-21-2008 08:37 AM

I wouldn't pay $5000. I'd buy a 1992-1995 Civic DX instead. Compare the purchase price difference between a DX and VX and then compare the fuel economy difference of the two (which is about 25%) and go from there.

Case in point: https://sfbay.craigslist.org/scz/cto/887269476.html
--California DX with 140,000 miles but selling for $2000 instead of $5000 and has 4 doors to boot. Can be nursed to 50mpg.

and another one: https://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/ctd/887233293.html

roadsterbum 10-21-2008 09:30 AM

My federal VX passed CA smog with no modifications. I just did routine maintenance items (plugs & wires, O2 sensor, cat) and it passed.

I think this would be worth it if you really want to have a clean VX and willing to pay for it. If you're just looking to save $, there are more cost effective options, like the DX mentioned above.

R.I.D.E. 10-21-2008 09:57 AM

It would have to be perfect mechanically with reciepts to show all maintenance, including a current timing belt and major services.

It would have to require no bodywork or paint, be rust free, with a very nice interior.

Pull the oil filler cap off and it has to be almost like new inside the engine.

No ripped CV boots, no tires or brakes etc, NOTHING.

I spent more for mine by the time I got through with it, but it had 27,492 miles on the odo when I bought it.


nowhhs 10-21-2008 11:20 AM

I agree with Gary, its easy to buy a rougher car for a lot less, but by the time you get it really nice, you'll have close to that in it. I saw somebody's thread where they are completely rebuilding a VX, it needed body work, struts, CVs, almost everything. Even if he got the original car for nothing, he'll have more than 5k in it when hes done, not including all the labor (his own). IMO, if its perfect like Gary described AND you plan on keeping it for the long term, it could be worth that much. Gas prices will rise again, and that 25% difference mentioned earlier may be worth it in the long run.

silversol 10-21-2008 01:03 PM

i would not sell mine for less that 5k! and like some one said mine has all the maintance done. new tires, alinement, new o2, new clutch. and timing belt! and also i dont think anyone could find one! cleaner than mine!

1993CivicVX 10-21-2008 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by silversol (Post 122072)
i would not sell mine for less that 5k! and like some one said mine has all the maintance done. new tires, alinement, new o2, new clutch. and timing belt! and also i dont think anyone could find one! cleaner than mine!

I probably wouldn't sell mine for $5000 either (and it's clearly not worth that much) but I probably wouldn't buy one for $5000 either.

goof2cbr 10-21-2008 04:53 PM

thanks for all the replies

Yes I know how to calc for 25% difference between a DX for $2k vs a VX.

I currently drive a C5 vette now and its gets 20mpg avg with nearly 400hp.
So I believe its one of the best 350hp+ FE cars out there. Mine is an auto4 speed! There are plenty of C5 manuals that get 30+ on hwy. (C5 have lots of aero features, including the rare rounded wheel well.)

I want a prius or lexus hybrid, but recently discovered the VX. I had my eye on the CRX HF 50hp for CA, but 50mpg that I can have for under $2k, pocket change compared on prius or lexus.

I like the VX becasue it's newer than CRX HF, and seats 4~5 instead. Plus the lean mode is too cool, very innovative.

So in my search for VX I find again 90% ricer trash and this one 95 for $5k.
Yes all service records are kept, honda dealer maintained. The ad sounded rude and said she wont take anything less than $5k so don't waste my time!
I'm thinking damn!! the arrogance with (this) VX owner(s)! I didn't even feel like contacting this person. BTW, this ad has been on CL for about 1 month.

Here's the CL link

(this ad was placed again 10/20/08, slighly reworded)

anyway, the crack in windshield (identified flaw of this VX) will grow with time, thermal expansion, just a matter of when.

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