How Are You Handling The Stock Market Drop?
Are you selling, buying, or hunkered down and just riding it out?
I'll start it...I bought all that I could spare the cash for. I hope my timing is fairly accurate. Last time I got in on the very lowest day. WooHoo! |
I'm handling it the same way I've handled every bear and bull not having any money to invest.
no money to invest but my 401K is down 37+ percent.
crap |
Beef, you will visited in the future by the Dollar Cost Averaging Fairy. She's not as pretty as the You Won The Lottery Fairy, but she's dependable...
Yeah my 401 K is down, but I don't concern myself with that. Its going to be at least 30 years before I collect any money from it anyway. Pleanty of time to recover.
-Jay |
i have the same attitude as before the recent decline. that is continue on buying company stock via payroll deduction as it is relatively safe(food); and maintain 401k contributions tho it is down.
the only exception would be that i've lowered my portion of the 401k down to 1%(from 6). that is more related to work being a bit slow than to low Dow Jones confidence. i need $ NOW to makes ends meet. with the new year around the corner, i'm considering cutting supplimental insurance to further cuts. very good thread starter! |
I understand the need to make ends meet now, but I'd also like to add that now is the perfect time to increase contributions to a 401K. Think of the shares of the funds you're buying into as being "on sale"
-Jay |
Fortunately, my company's 401k allows a large selection of funds from which to choose. I don't have to buy just one company. That really helps.
I saw this coming last year and changed things to give better performance on the downturn. All my 401k picks are still in the black, though there were a couple that were better performers. I'm sad that it had to come to this. Congress really screwed the pooch on this one. I hope they don't get away with making everybody think it was just the Wall Street guys' fault. |
your point is well taken, but we've already made cuts and i was pulling $ from savings to cover bills. a single income for 5 people calls for extreme decisions at times. if and when consumer confidence returns resulting in work returning to good growth in sales, i will at that time increase my 401k%. besides, we're focused on increasing savings at this time. maybe we should revisit hypermiling at home to refresh and share ideas. |
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