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GasSavers_BEEF 09-21-2008 01:35 PM

lock nut removal tool?
my wife got tires from Wal-mart about 2 years ago. I went to rotate the tires on her element (I know, needed to do it much earlier). I found that our highly trained mechanics at "THE WAL" decided to keep the key to my safety lock nut on my tires. I have factory alluminum rims so it isn't like I even care about keeping them safe.

I have been told that there is a tool for taking these lock nuts off without having the key. I have also been told that it all but destroys them but at this point, I don't care.

also of note is that these have the pattern on the inside and the outside of the nut is round. also, they are flush with the rim. not really inset but you can't get a set of vise grips around them without damaging the rim.

if any of you know what I am talking about, I would appreciate some direction. my only other option is to call the honda dealership and get another key. I haven't checked but I am sure that it is going to be expensive.

thanks for any help in advance.

Ratman667 09-21-2008 01:47 PM

the kit is hard to find. napa is the only place i have seen with it. its just called a "wheel lock removal kit".

you could also try the bolt extractors that sears sells. it should be a 19mm nut. some people might say try forcing a socket on, but i have never gotten that to work with a smooth wheel lock.

theholycow 09-21-2008 01:48 PM

I'm not familiar with a tool specifically for breaking secure lug nuts, but check this out:
It says the larger one works on nuts up to 7/8".

Also, there's always the dremel, or its big brother the pneumatic die grinder to cut it off...or an angle grinder, for that matter, which could also be used to create wrench flats.

It may also be possible to drill two holes and use a really beefy (pardon the pun) pin spanner, but I doubt you can find one tough enough.

Look for stamped-in printing on it. There may be a number, which you can use to have the manufacturer supply you with a new key. Hopefully there's a manufacturer name there too, else you have to start guessing...

Edit: While googling to find the tool, I came across a better idea: Weld a regular nut to it and use a regular lug wrench.

2000mc 09-21-2008 02:02 PM

as far as getting another key, i dont know about honda, but the gm dealer i work for has been down this road and we just take off the old with the removal tool and customer gets a new set or 4 regular nuts installed.

might price the removal tool set vs. having a shop remove them. my guess is having someone with a kit already remove them for you is going to be your best bet

GasSavers_BEEF 09-21-2008 02:20 PM

WOW this thread got responses fast. thanks for all the advice.

I went to a local oil change it place (not sure the name) and they said they couldn't do anything with it. also, I went to autozone with no luck. I just searched the web and found this.


I don't have an impact wrench but have a friend that does. also shipping is like 12 dollars. that puts it at around 30 for the entire deal and I don't plan on putting locking ones back on. this is twice that locking nuts have burnned me. my wife had issues with some back when we were dating. the shop took care of it back then. that was on a GM product. I think the locking part was on the outside instead of it being round.

*edit* the nut splitter won't work because I can't get around it (flush with the rim) and welding a nut to it may damage the rim. I don't care about the nut but want the rim to stay looking good as it is the wife's car.

Ratman667 09-21-2008 02:27 PM

i just thought of this. go to a tire shop. i know the one i worked at, we had the tool set.

if you decide to go to the dealership, just give them your vin number. they should have one that will fit it in stock.

GasSavers_BEEF 09-21-2008 03:29 PM

just ordered the set from brandsport. I could probably get it done by someone but I am looking at the fact that it may take time for me to find a shop that is able to do it.

I just want it taken care of. next time I will search the net first as I found it pretty easily. I didn't give google enough credit this time. I checked with summit and jcwhitney and didn't find it. google popped it up really easily.

thanks everyone

5 O'Clock Charlie 09-21-2008 05:26 PM

I removed mine by welding a nut on the end of the lock .... it works. I placed the nut against the end of the lock and welded down through the bore of the nut, filling it with weld ..... once cool, an impact gun zipped them off in no time flat.

Just use care, and some anti-spatter spray to protect your rims.:thumbup:

VetteOwner 09-21-2008 06:10 PM

id just take it to someone who has the tool and have them take them off and hand them 4 lugnuts to put back on....prolly do it for free in the parking lot or a very minimal charge.

GasSavers_BEEF 09-22-2008 03:37 AM

the problem is that the few places that I have been have no idea what I am talking about when I mention it. also, I am up in a hospital today because my wife is having surgury. it doesn't give me much time to run around.

I just went ahead and bit the bullet and bought the tool. that way if I ever have a friend that needs it, I have it. also, my buddy moved out this weekend and left his impact wrench behind. he told me to hang on to it until I get all this stuff straightened out.

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