Whats the most you have spent for gas?
With the prices going crazy, it would be interesting to see what everyone is spending on a gallon of gas.
Ill start with the most i have spent was $3.25 How about you? |
I spent $18+ per gallon for a special racing gas.
I think the most I have spent was in the upper $3 range. Diesel is already more expensive. Local prices here are $3.40 and up. |
I paid 3.49 yesterday in chicago cause I forgot to fillup before leaving and wasn't sure I'd make it home. I saw 3.75 for regular at another station there.
it's about 3.35 here and a new mobil station opened up and I'm getting 2 mpg better using gas from there. |
i remember by how much i spend to fill up
so far my record is $36 vx has a 10.9 gallon tank...and i can usually get over 11 gallons in her. these damn pumps vary so much in accuracy though i wouldn't be surprised if many of my mpg calculations are off by a gallon or more on some fill-ups some pumps shut off under different pressurization. some are calibrated wrong it seems the only way i can be sure is if my car is sputtering into the station... and then i fill it up until gas comes out the nozzle thats about 11.5 gallons |
Just paid 3.75 at a Chevron last week sometime. I've rarely spent more than $40 on a full tank though.
Most expensive was 1.29$ (for regular) during that high peak of summer 2006..I beleive..?
That's 4.88 $ / US gallon ..pretty ironic since Canada is a huge oil producer now eh? |
3.569 highest I've paid. Lowest is 2.599. I've seen $4 gas but I know better ;)
$3.299 last filllup was $29.
Spent ~$6 per USG last time I was in the UK.
My gaslog says that my most recent fillup was my most expensive @ $3.239 per gallon. I only run 87 in my car.
I filled up an Avalanche on a business trip for $4.179 a gallon in a town on the CA AZ border this last Thanksgiving Day.
Pumped about 29 gallons at that price that came out to ~$120 to fill. |
ive paid aroudn $3.50 before, currently $3.30 here. ive spend $70 to fill up a s-10. (lol tiny engine + huge 20 gal tank = extremely good distance but sucks to fill back up :P)
I paid $4.15 for premium the other day. I felt so warm and happy inside. NOT!
The Chevron around here is $3.97 for regular, I'm starting to use Arco (BP) now though and when I filled up earlier this week it was $3.85 for regular.
So far the most has been $4.14 for Chevron regular in San Francisco. |
$3.79 in Indiana. The most I've spent is $85 to fill up my hog and that was today. It was around $75 but this recent run up has it over $80 per fill up. I fill up weekly and noticed a gradual climb from $65 to $85. The other day the jump in prices really pissed me off. I work across the street from a gas station that has a huge LED sign with the prices on it so I can see it from the office. This is of course nerve racking since I am constantly looking at it to see if prices have gone up. Well a few days ago I looked and it was 3.59, not five minutes later it was 3.79. I can't believe the prices are jumping like that.
But the good news is I got the title and plates transfered for my CRX HF today and should have it on the road sometime next week. |
Oh! Ohhhhh!!!!
Friday 5/9/08 Baltimore MD Regular Shell was 3.56, its been that way for weeks, so much so I thought it peaked, then Saturday 5/10/08 I paid 3.74, drove up to Phillie, up there it was 3.81. Gas went up 18 cents here, or Im now paying $37 to fill up with 10 gallons. If you have an SUV at 20 gallons you went from paying $71.20 to paying $74.80 a tank. Get a locking gas cap.
I just paid $3.61 w/ a $0.10 discount, fuel was at $3.71 which was a bargain because across town it was $3.79 and even $3.85.
Gas? Like "gasoline"? I think I bought three gallons last November for the walk behind snowthrower, but I really don't recall what I paid. I know I bought too much. I still have a gallon left, plus what's in its tank. That'll be bad by next winter when I might have a need for more. So I paid for three and only used 1 1/2, does that mean I should double the effective cost for the fuel used?
Any tips on how to dispose of old gasoline I can't use in anything? Would you suggest E-bay or Craig's, or just a yard sale?:D |
Toss that into your car and next time when you get gas for storage, be sure to drop by Home Depot first for a gas Additive that will extend the life of gas for up to 1 year. It can be found in the lawn and garden section. IE where all the gas powered tools can be found. I have a five gallon jug I use for emergencies..ie filling up a friend's tank and such, separate from the gas used in the lawn mower and the weed eater. It gets put into my car every six months and refilled.
well just filled up with $3.76 right before they switched it to $3.89...
its gonna be $4 by the end of the week i swear... |
the highest I ever paid was $3.40...that was about a month ago...now its $3.52-ish...and I gotta fill up tomorrow:(
id kill for $3.50 lol
you only can use the sad face smiley when it costs $40 to fill up from half in a chevette.... |
$110... in Germany to fill up a mercedes rental car. And wasn't even an empty tank.
Trust me, you don't know expensive. |
Two days ago when I filled up it was a personal record of $3.699
3.699, the current going rate for 87 here. Lowest was ~1.29, back in 2001, also for 87 octane.
399.9 Most stations are now over $4.00/g here in Sunny, Smoggy Southern California. Diesel under $5 is hard to come by also.
$3.87 is the most I've spent thus far but I need gas sometime over the next few days and it's $3.99 now. The cheapest I've paid since I've owned this car was $1.93 back in 2007! :(
mmm $2 prices.....
its freakin $4.09 here..... |
memorial day, weaverville california, the two stations on main st selling the " cheap stuff" are 4.30 a gallon. the chevron station on a secondary road is 4.29. is this price gouging or what?
4.099 per gallon for 93 octane in Raleigh. I may have paid about that for 100 octane years ago for my 87 Escort EXP.I was into fast driving then.
Last time I bought Diesel it was 4.60 a gallon and it took me $140 to fill my tank.
I think its up to $5 a gallon now. Thank goodness its my road trip and Dog choufer vehicle. So I only fill it once every 2 or 3 months :) |
I just filled up my weekend car at 3.99 9/10 per gallon with the final bill being somewhere over $65. I don't bother calculating MPG's in that car because I know its not good and its up for sale anyway. I remember paying 79 cents a gallon on the reservation, since everybody is reminiscing, and I'm not even that old!
$4.43/gallon in Arcata, CA.:(
Looks like America is finally catching up.
$4.60 a gallon or thereabouts. Just paid 150 yen a liter last night, and it should be going up soon. $40 for 7 gallons at 341 km |
Just filled up at $3.99 here in northeast PA.
Thrifty station in downtown Riverside, CA was $4.34 Friday before I left town. I paid $4.09 just 20 miles away in Ontaria, but $4.19 is about the norm in the Valley. Commuting 870 miles per week costs me lots for gas. I'm driving like an old lady to keep the cost to bare minimum.
Prices have actually gone down here in Indianapolis. They were hovering at 3.96 for about two weeks, and this past weekend they have gone down to $3.86.
Today just spent 467.9 cents per gallon. That was for premium, but at the cheapest station in town (Costco). I've seen it as high as 489.9/g.
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