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Peakster 10-18-2007 09:17 PM

Driving a car is very expensive.
I drive a cheap car, no question about it. I don't have car payments to make, I get better fuel economy than most Canadians with their 'normal' cars. Heck, even my vehicle insurance is some of the cheapest in the nation.

Yet driving a vehicle is still a very expensive way to get around in a larger city. Check out how my 'fuel miser' stacks up in terms of basic monthly cost:

Required Registration and Insurance: $73
Maintenance (everything from oil changes to new tires): $55
Repairs (everything from a new battery to a shop repair): $50
Parking (both permits and street meters) $50
Gasoline (basic travel within the city, with a monthly trip to another city 5 hours away): $167

Total transportation expense: $405
(and that's assuming one doesn't ever get a traffic ticket, or other surprise cost of driving)

That's a lot of money considering there are half-decent bachelor apartments that rent out for less in Winnipeg. Yet going car-free is virtually impossible without using a very good mass transit system (which very few cities have). I'm beginning to ponder if I can afford owning a car once I graduate from university and live independently.

What is your total expense of using your vehicle and how do you cope with the cost? Do you imagine that you might have an uncomfortable monetary squeeze of owning your vehicle in the near future?

01_fast_ride 10-18-2007 09:44 PM

I agree, besides the enormous upfront costs of vehicles, the operating costs make cars a foolish lifestyle necessity. The overall expense makes me wish I were back in college when I could get to everywhere I needed by biking. I think college towns are ideal anyway because of the older layout and being pedestrian-friendly, so I wouldn't mind moving back.

Averaged monthly ins+reg = $94
Averaged maintenance = $10
Repairs = $0
Parking = $0
Gas = $42

I'm kind of in the sweet spot of vehicle ownership - old enough to be paidoff and yet new enough to not require repairs. The averaged maintenance (done myself) includes cost of spark plugs, fuel filter and 3 annual oil changes divided by 12. You can see my fuel costs are minimal, not because I get 100mpg, rather I drive about 100mpw (miles per week).

I've been fortunate to almost always live nearby my work. For two years I lived AT work (dorm). Gas can last a long time that way.

Erdrick 10-18-2007 09:45 PM

0. My company pays all costs.

Peakster 10-18-2007 10:03 PM

Holy smokes, theclencher. That's some cheap insurance! What kind of coverage does that buy you? My province requires $1,000,000 injury liablity and $200,000 property damage liablity.

Where do you buy $6 oil? The non-virgin cheap oil I buy at Walmart is $16 for a gallon, plus tax. That's why I get the $23 oil change there. Maybe I need to find a highschool shop class that will change my oil for free (but I hate waiting times, sigh).

theclencher 10-18-2007 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Peakster (Post 77369)
Holy smokes, theclencher. That's some cheap insurance! What kind of coverage does that buy you? My province requires $1,000,000 injury liablity and $200,000 property damage liablity.

Where do you buy $6 oil? The non-virgin cheap oil I buy at Walmart is $16 for a gallon, plus tax. That's why I get the $23 oil change there. Maybe I need to find a highschool shop class that will change my oil for free (but I hate waiting times, sigh).

that's liability only, 30k bodily injury/person 60k/accident, 10k property, 20k med exp, 20k economic loss, 30k un/underinsured motorist. this is legal min in my state. p.s. plus i get accident free, multi-car, homeowner, and https://www.aimface.com/ikons/IKONc38...1d6a879523.gif discounts

oil change: 5 qts @ .69/qt = $3.45 + $2.50 filter. .69 was the last price i paid for dino oil on sale after rebate. i just scored 120 quarts synthetic free after rebates so next changes will be even less! :eek:

omgwtfbyobbq 10-18-2007 10:29 PM

fatwallet/slickdeals ftw?

Peakster 10-18-2007 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 77370)
yer garage sez 52 :confused:

Umm... not sure where you read that. Under 'Insurance' it says $1026 for the 14 months of ownership ($73 a month). Unless you're looking at Gloria (which I haven't driven in two weeks).


:eek: That's $1260 in a year ya know
Yeah I know. My cars break a lot. The only car that never broke on me was a 1980 Chrysler Cordoba, however 7 mpg was not fun (and granted I only drove the car 6,500 miles in my ownership of about 6 months). Also, a usual 20 minute oil change place charges $41 now :eek:. I always go to Walmart for my oil changes now. Throw in some new tires, air filter, car washes... it all adds up magically.


Actually I'm really looking forward to $5 gas. Quality of life in my nayboor hood would skyrocket! at least from a noise and general bizzeeness perspective

and my fuel costs would go from about $52 to $94/mo. it would be worth it to me to know how much pain it causes all the 4x4 rednecks :D
I hardly think that $5 a gallon gas would stop them. It got to $4.86 a gallon this summer in my city and traffic was busier than ever ;) although I have no idea how.

Peakster 10-18-2007 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 77376)
i thot yood be driven and loven to be driven that ferd!

52 fer the ferd in yer garage

Believe me, Gloria would be lucky to get 20mpg in the kind of traffic Winnipeg has. There's no freeways at all in any of the urban area so it's all murderous stop and go traffic for miles on end. Also, Gloria's cruise control doesn't work and I can't imagine driving 6 hours to Winnipeg without it. I drive her (gracefully) when I'm in Regina for a weekend.

QDM 10-19-2007 04:49 AM

Insurance on my Swift is just under $20 per month. License about $3 per month. Gas cost varies but just for my 28 mile daily commute would be about $40 per month. I do all my own maintenance, even mounting tires, so it doesn't cost much.

In the summer time I ride the motorcycle or motorized bike which is even cheaper.


bowtieguy 10-20-2007 05:42 PM


relative, is it not? look at california or new york housing compared to florida or tennessee.

i know, we're talking cars. so compare a single mother(no car payment) vs a realitor w/ new suv(but no repair costs). WAY dif perception.

my total car expense(wife not included) minus maintenance costs(haven't figured it precisely, but it's not much) is < $200/month.

my mortgage is just over $500(OLD 3 bdrm, 2 bath house).
utilities(family of 5) avg ~ $150.
these may seem INexpensive to some, but my gas alone(for both our cars) exceeds $200/month. THAT prolly seems expensive to many.

GasSavers_Red 10-20-2007 10:44 PM

My monthly looks something like
Insurance - $50
Licensing - $11
Gas - $135
Fluids - $15
Parking - $5

Grand total $216

bowtieguy 10-21-2007 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 77586)
single mom has a new suv too, thanks to the generous suppoort checks

you mean child support doesn't go FULLY to the children? no way, not in our male bashing country!

theclencher 10-21-2007 10:21 AM

hard to believe yet true!!! :eek:

Mike T 10-21-2007 11:53 AM

I'm not going to mention my new car, which - when you factor in depreciation, is horrifically expensive. But I keep my cars forever, so depreciation is theoretical, and depends on how long it lasts. My Peugeot 405 has cost me $71 a month for depreciation, assuming it is worth zero today (which it isn't). I'll have to drive the Mercedes until it's 30+ to achieve that!

smart Insurance with all the coverages is about $100 a month.

Fuel for the smart is about $130 a month (typically 3500 km).

Peugeot insurance is $70 a month

Fuel is about 100 a month for 1300 km.

Maintenance on the Peugeot is free. On the smart it is pretty high, due to a 10,000 km servicing schedule (WAY overkill), so now it's out of warranty I do the A Services myself and save about 50 a month.

kickflipjr 10-21-2007 12:09 PM

ok, I was given my car. So far since may 10th I have spent of total of $935 on the car/ This includes all expenses (I have been keeping track).

That is
$6.93 per day
0.259 per mile
$208 per month

I haven't had to do any major repairs yet either. Repairs would boost the pice significantly. So buying a bus pass for $70 a month (pittsburgh area) might be a good idea for people that have easy access.

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