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JUGRNAUT 06-03-2007 06:37 PM

Whats up!

I drive a 2000 camaro, 347ci with heavy nitrous injection. It has a 3 speed transmission with a 5k stall for drag racing, im here to learn how to get better gas mileage. currently it gets 6.4 on average, but it goes reeeeeeeeeeal fast!

omgwtfbyobbq 06-03-2007 06:43 PM

Put that engine in the back (where it should be) of a sleek tube frame with appropriate fairing and OD (T56 with the .5:1 6th) gearing. ~700rwhp in a ~1400lb chassis will put you at an ~even power to weigh ratio.

SVOboy 06-03-2007 06:45 PM

Buy a beater, :p

repete86 06-03-2007 06:47 PM

What's up with all of these people with gas-hogs coming on in search of better mileage? First the Scummer H2, and now this? I blame MSN.

SVOboy 06-03-2007 06:50 PM

If anyone wants to get better FE, we should be here to help them. Being rude is not going to plant the seed of change, it'll just make enemies.

CoyoteX 06-03-2007 06:59 PM

I got my camaro with a 3000 stall back up to 24mpg. It was running around 9mpg before I started paying attention to it.

A complete list of mods might help us to get you in the right direction.

https://www.gassavers.org/showthread.php?t=2505 is the thread where I talked about it.

omgwtfbyobbq 06-03-2007 07:08 PM

I think ~40mpg@55mph cruise would be near optimum, but the engine would be at near idle, and oil pressure may be a problem.

repete86 06-03-2007 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 54877)
If anyone wants to get better FE, we should be here to help them. Being rude is not going to plant the seed of change, it'll just make enemies.

I understand, but at the same time, we're talking about people who do things that are directly destroying their FE, then come on in search of better mileage and better emissions. It just seems to me alot like feel-good concern rather than actual concern.

I also happen to be involved in Earth First! though, so I do tend to be a bit more radical regarding such issues.

zpiloto 06-03-2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 54877)
If anyone wants to get better FE, we should be here to help them. Being rude is not going to plant the seed of change, it'll just make enemies.

I agree. :)

kickflipjr 06-03-2007 07:57 PM

A drag car like that should only be used for racing/ occasional use. For the everyday driving I reccomenend a civic/metro/protege/sentra/escort zx2/Saturn sl1.

budomove 06-03-2007 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by kickflipjr (Post 54892)
A drag car like that should only be used for racing/ occasional use. For the everyday driving I reccomenend a civic/metro/protege/sentra/escort zx2/Saturn sl1.

word is bahn

GasSavers_Ryland 06-03-2007 08:59 PM

So what are people like JUGRNAUT really looking for? and what are they willing to do?
I'm frustrated as well by the people who choose to waste in such a reckless manner, and then come here to braig about their greed and carlesness, costing enough that they are starting to notice, not enough that they truely want to change.

Hockey4mnhs 06-03-2007 09:06 PM

its alomost like there like look how bad my fe is!!!!!!

CoyoteX 06-03-2007 09:28 PM

While I am sure there are some people that get on here thinking there is some magic gadget they can add that will double their mileage then forget about it once they find out it takes real work to get better mileage, there will always be someone who because of their situation is forced to get better mileage out of a less than desirable FE car.

What if this guy had a daily driver that blew up/got totaled and got fired from work so now he has no money to do anything else except drive the car and hope someone will buy a modified car for even 1/2 what the payoff on the loan is? Most people will not touch a modified lsx car since they know that most people race them when they are modded and typically are pretty abused.

When I first got divorced I wasn't in quite that bad of a shape, but I didn't have much money and just started a new job that had a 100 mile round trip commute. I was driving my Camaro to work at 20mpg. It took me almost a year to get back on my feet to where I could afford to buy my Metro and start saving money. Now I am in a situation where I could drive my kit car daily and not worry about the fact that it probably won't get 3mpg and go through tires every 3-5000 miles because I have much more money than I need now.

The point is we have no idea what this guy or the hummer guy's motivation is for saving gas, so why not give them the benefit of the doubt and if they turn out not really interested in saving gas it will come out eventually and they will find another forum to hang out at. If they are here because they really want to save gas, they will eventually change out cars to something that gets better mileage when the situation arises for them. With an attitude of 'You have a car that sucks because I say so'(for whatever reason you think so) it makes even some of us regulars not want to come here as often.

Hockey4mnhs 06-03-2007 09:50 PM

yeah lol he should of posted his 1/4 mile time

Bill in Houston 06-04-2007 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by Ryland (Post 54916)
So what are people like JUGRNAUT really looking for? and what are they willing to do?<snip>

Well, in a way, they are like the rest of us. None of us can claim to do absolutely everything possible to improve mileage. I'm gonna drive a 3200 lb cow of a car no matter what you guys say. I'm gonna use AC. I'm not gonna EOC. I'm gonna drive my gas hog mini-SUV with very little legitimate justification. Repete could buy a Metro or Corolla or finally get a WVO car instead of just talking about it, Clench could buy a Civic Hybrid, etc. So we all drive what we are willing to drive, and want the most we can get out if it. When poop-flinging fights start, it's not long before everyone is covered in poop. Okay, I feel better. You guys are great and I hope I'm making sense.

cfg83 06-04-2007 07:50 AM

Response Retracted.

theclencher 06-04-2007 11:51 AM

So this thread doesn't remind you of an episode of Crank Yankers? :P


omgwtfbyobbq 06-04-2007 12:13 PM

Yeah... On a slightly related note, I'll never understand why people try to make "fast" 3500lb cars. A freikin' YZF-R1 (or equivalent) will eat 'em for breakfast, lunch, and dinner unless they're pushing ~1000rwhp, and even then, that's an expensive proposition. Probably expensive enough to buy the bike with a fraction of what they've spent modding the car. And the bike will get ~40mpg with no special treatment...

falcon64 06-05-2007 01:21 AM

A. he has less money in the camaro than a brand new r1

B. he smoked a r1 from a 60 roll to 160

C. he doesnt have 1000 hp

much safer to be riding in a 3500 lb car than a 500 pound bike with grandmas pulling out in front of you trying to knock you off the bike

omgwtfbyobbq 06-05-2007 06:57 AM

A. Why would he need to buy a new R1?

B. So a car weighing roughly 3700lbs wet, with ~660rwhp, for a power to weight ratio of ~.18hp/lb, beat a roughly 600lb wet bike with ~135rwhp (on the low end) and a power to weight ratio of ~.23hp/lb? Sure.... Btw- I smoked an R1 the other day in my pickup from 0-40mph, it was sitting in a parking lot and I blew past it like it wasn't moving. :D

C. Who said he had 1000 hp?

And yes, it's safer riding in a car than a bike if you can't pull out of your driveway w/o getting in an accident. If that's the case, maybe you shouldn't be driving anything. That being said, it's much safer riding in an 80000lb semi than a 3500lb car... :p

omgwtfbyobbq 06-05-2007 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 55163)
Although sometimes I spill food here.

Those poor suckers in Oman ain't got nothing on you! :eek:

omgwtfbyobbq 06-05-2007 07:23 AM

Use the search newb!

btw- It sucks that we don't have a lol gif. :(

cfg83 06-05-2007 08:43 AM

omgwtfbyobbq -


Originally Posted by omgwtfbyobbq (Post 55167)
Use the search newb!

btw- It sucks that we don't have a lol gif. :(

Clencher has access to his own. Look at some of his old posts, he uses a website/FTP/URL location for his.


cfg83 06-05-2007 08:46 AM

theclencher -


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 55035)
So this thread doesn't remind you of an episode of Crank Yankers? :P


Hrmmmmmmm, kooooooooo'd beeeeee. All the more reason to not get your feathers ruffled.


JUGRNAUT 06-17-2007 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by omgwtfbyobbq (Post 55160)
A. Why would he need to buy a new R1?

B. So a car weighing roughly 3700lbs wet, with ~660rwhp, for a power to weight ratio of ~.18hp/lb, beat a roughly 600lb wet bike with ~135rwhp (on the low end) and a power to weight ratio of ~.23hp/lb? Sure.... Btw- I smoked an R1 the other day in my pickup from 0-40mph, it was sitting in a parking lot and I blew past it like it wasn't moving. :D

C. Who said he had 1000 hp?

And yes, it's safer riding in a car than a bike if you can't pull out of your driveway w/o getting in an accident. If that's the case, maybe you shouldn't be driving anything. That being said, it's much safer riding in an 80000lb semi than a 3500lb car... :p

my car doesnt weigh anywhere near 3700lbs buddy. get your tree hugger *** over to ls1tech before you run your mouth about something you have no idea about. Beating a bike with a car is 100x cooler than beating a car with a bike.

and i have beaten more than a few bikes at both the track and on the highway. To those of you who gave me some positive insight, thanks.

the rest of you can **** off. reminds me of an episode of south park where every fag bought a hybrid and a cloud of "smug" covered everything.

omgwtfbyobbq 06-17-2007 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by JUGRNAUT (Post 58965)
my car doesnt weigh anywhere near 3700lbs buddy. get your tree hugger *** over to ls1tech before you run your mouth about something you have no idea about. Beating a bike with a car is 100x cooler than beating a car with a bike.

If you wanna go fast, do it how you like. If you like spending extra cash to make a larger vehicle move as fast as a smaller one, I suggest grabbing a garbage truck for your next project and laying down enough $$$ to get it as fast as your chebby. If beating a bike with a car is 100x cooler, then beating a bike with a garbage truck must be 100000000000000x cooler. Spend your $$$ on whatever you feel like and keep you bullchit to yourself boy, most of us don't care about compensating for lord knows what while padding the bank accounts of the oil industry. :thumbup:

lovemysan 06-18-2007 09:51 AM

Again I'm annoyed at the ill responses of some of the members here. I fail to understand how hazing someone over past decisions they've made will make anything better. Had you not been so harsh he might have installed a 4speed with a lockup torque converter. There are plenty of LSx cars out there that get mid 20s or better and satisfy a craving for a muscle car while not being overly harsh on the enviroment.

On the other hand I saw a prius sitting on 17-18" rims. Who is the bigger looser there? A gently driving camaro or a supposed "green" prius with $2000 worth of shoes. How about the prius owners who swap there tires for "better handling". Think of the enviromental impact.

I love muscle cars, always will, I spent saturday evening in a ragtop GT it got mileage in the low 20s and still has the stock cats. I guess that means because I used a little more gas than normal I'm personally funding the oil industry.

What about people who buy new cars. What do you need a "new" car for? Its proven that used cars make better economic sense. You could buy a used car and put the money you saved toward a solar lighting system in your home.

Running people off with harsh opinionated statements is not productive it only serves to alienate. If your goal is to change someone's mind, then at least be polite. After all MOST of us learned politeness and respect when we were 3 years old.

Everyone is not going to drive an economy car, why? Because we don't want to. But you can help them change there bad habits. Its not about what you believe they should do. I have friends that will not own a car simply because when you suffer a side impact you have double the chance of dieing. I'd rather be driving my smoke belching, turbo barking dodge, just because it was a lot more FUN. Eventually I will get another cummins or maybe even another pony car.

omgwtfbyobbq 06-18-2007 10:25 AM

Well, since the OP either ignored (install a manual trans with a tall OD) or flat out ridiculed (buy a bike if similar speed and better FE are desired) the suggestions made, I ain't gonna pull any punches. In terms of funding the oil industry, unless we don't use any oil based products, we all are. But, there is a world of difference between tossing some stickier tires on a Prius that'll drop the mileage from 46mpg to 40mpg or dicking around with a muscle car that pulls 20mpg on the weekends, and having a car that pulls 6mpg. You can buy and modify a muscle car to run 7s qm's and get 3mpg, use it as a dd, and let it idle all night in your driveway if you want, but why would you come over to a forum where people are interested in maximizing FE when you evidently don't care? Other than to troll of course...

lovemysan 06-18-2007 11:42 AM

The point is to act sensibly and give people the benefit of doubt. If he really was trolling then he accomplished his goal and is now ridiculing us. How are we to know if he actually daily drives his car, he might have a beater. You don't know.

Up until the last few months this forum has been very easygoing and congenial and then a guy with a hummer shows up and ask a few ?? and gets roughed up. I think we could all stand to be gentlemen and bite the lip occasionally. I've enjoyed not seeing any of the immature peeing contest that are so prevalent in the other forums, but I guess times change.

SVOboy 06-18-2007 12:18 PM

I tried to be positive about this user, even after he posted in the review forum calling all the cars lame and asking whether anyone drove a fun car. It's true that some people were not very nice, but rather than reply to the helpful comments he called omg a tree hugger a$$ and told everyone to fuc|< off because his car was super cool and used hate speech on others based on the car they drove.

Perhaps many initial comments were not justified, but I don't think he has given us a reason to be very nice now. The guy with the Hummer2 was sincere and understood some negative feelings and when he came back had improved and had good questions and most people lightened up on it. I do want everyone to be nice, but I think it's hard when we don't have much to work with.

omgwtfbyobbq 06-18-2007 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by lovemysan (Post 59076)
The point is to act sensibly and give people the benefit of doubt.

We did.


Originally Posted by omgwtfbyobbq (Post 54872)
Put that engine in the back (where it should be) of a sleek tube frame with appropriate fairing and OD (T56 with the .5:1 6th) gearing. ~700rwhp in a ~1400lb chassis will put you at an ~even power to weigh ratio.


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 54874)
Buy a beater, :p


Originally Posted by Coyote X (Post 54879)
I got my camaro with a 3000 stall back up to 24mpg. It was running around 9mpg before I started paying attention to it.

A complete list of mods might help us to get you in the right direction.

https://www.gassavers.org/showthread.php?t=2505 is the thread where I talked about it.

And the OP didn't respond to a single one of those posts. All they wanted to do is flame. I agree w/ you on the Hummer post since the OP posted/responded reasonably and there were still a few flames, but the OP&friend here have done nothing but flame after the initial post.

minic6 06-18-2007 01:09 PM

I thought I was easily baited!

omgwtfbyobbq 06-18-2007 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by minic6 (Post 59116)
I thought I was easily baited!

I may frown upon it if we're looking to seriously discuss something, but honestly, it's kinda fun. Like joking around with friends and what not.


Originally Posted by JUGRNAUT (Post 58965)
my car doesnt weigh anywhere near 3700lbs buddy.

Oh shiz, your sig doesn't have shiz to do with your car. Damn, sorry about that, my bad. Now, since I dunno what your ride/background is, I wondering about a few things.

-What are the stats on your ride?

-What's your affiliation with R.P.M. and Ryan Robinson? Coming on to a forum like this and flaming doesn't exactly seem professional, or something that an employee of R.P.M. or ever Ryan would do imo... Not good for the business image and all that. If you are a customer as I'm assuming, I don't think the business would like that association, and if you're an employee, then damn, I wouldn't flame while posting all the info of my bidness online. But that just me, maybe you like posting dangerously.

R.P.M., Inc. is your source for sales and service of high performance, after-market automotive accessories. Our President, Ryan Robinson, opened our doors in January 2003. With over 12 years of custom installation experience, we recognize that car and truck enthusiasts like to set their vehicles apart from others by accessorizing them with unique products and custom creations. R.P.M.’s can help you reflect your own experiences and imagination. We are proud of our business ethics, installation process, workplace and top quality product lines offered. Our people stand behind their work and are never satisfied until our customers are satisfied. You tell us what you want and we will deliver your own distinctive custom machine.

We are happy to be moved in to our new location.

Feel free to drop by and check us out!!!

436-A Hwy 70 East

Garner, NC 27529

(Across from Agri Supply and The Contractors Yard)

-Lastly, and this is pretty OT so I'm not expecting a straight answer, with regards to this

Originally Posted by JUGRNAUT (Post 58965)
the rest of you can **** off. reminds me of an episode of south park where every fag bought a hybrid and a cloud of "smug" covered everything.

Why do you have pics of muscular oiled men in your photobucket account?


edit- ls1tech is pretty dope, especially the EFI section, tons of info. :thumbup:

lovemysan 06-18-2007 03:43 PM

omg, okay I'm starting to understand. I'd agree that he's getting responses based upon his previous post. I had forgotten about the car review post. Consider my beef retracted. And lets make sure we flame the right:) people.

thisisntjared 06-18-2007 05:19 PM

what the hell.

this thread has gone to crap.

to get back OT: the best way to save gas when you own a gas hog track car is to have an entirely separate daily driver. you save gas and dont have as much wear and tear on the track car.

JUGRNAUT 06-19-2007 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by omgwtfbyobbq (Post 59118)
I may frown upon it if we're looking to seriously discuss something, but honestly, it's kinda fun. Like joking around with friends and what not.

Oh shiz, your sig doesn't have shiz to do with your car. Damn, sorry about that, my bad. Now, since I dunno what your ride/background is, I wondering about a few things.

-What are the stats on your ride?

-What's your affiliation with R.P.M. and Ryan Robinson? Coming on to a forum like this and flaming doesn't exactly seem professional, or something that an employee of R.P.M. or ever Ryan would do imo... Not good for the business image and all that. If you are a customer as I'm assuming, I don't think the business would like that association, and if you're an employee, then damn, I wouldn't flame while posting all the info of my bidness online. But that just me, maybe you like posting dangerously.

-Lastly, and this is pretty OT so I'm not expecting a straight answer, with regards to thisWhy do you have pics of muscular oiled men in your photobucket account?


edit- ls1tech is pretty dope, especially the EFI section, tons of info. :thumbup:

I work at RPM, Ryan is my boss and a good friend of mine. Me saying **** on the internet, especially this website (AFTER some of you arrogant prick *******s jumped on me), is not going to get me into any sort of trouble if thats what youre getting at. In fact, im pretty sure he would laugh if he saw this thread. We dont exactly "cater" to hybrid vehicles.

Secondly, the specs on my car:

347 LS6 (oliver rods, JE pistons and rings, stock crank), TEC stage 3 heads, T rex (242/248) cam, chevrolet big block valve springs (good to .700 lift) th400 (5k stall) 12 bolt and 3.73's, ARP studs, weld prostars. NX efi dual stage nitrous (150-300 shot), and all the bolt ons (ls6 intake, ported tb, longtubes, etc). car has gone 10.1 @ 130 mph on a 150 shot with a 1.42 60 foot and a 6.4 @ 106 1/8 mile pass. It does have weight reduction done, it weighs about 3400 with me (200lbs) in it. Has quite a bit of suspension (BMR stuff, QA1 shocks, etc)

it is currently down (and will be for the next several months) as it is getting an iron block 370ci motor that will be fed by an 88mm turbo. looking to push about 20-25lbs of boost and make in the neighborhood of 1000whp through the th400 and a 3600 stall. trying to run 8.x @ 16x MPH.

As far as the "muscular oily man" in my photobucket account, Im pretty sure he doesnt have any oil on him, but that is randy couture, the current UFC hevyweight champion. if you werent such a faggot, youd know that. But i wouldnt expect someone that drives a hybrid to watch any sport other than possibly croquet, or MAYBE golf. but im pretty sure golf is even too manly for you. Homo.

JUGRNAUT 06-19-2007 05:38 PM

also, my car is the silver camaro in my sig. if you need further proof, look at my photobucket account or i have plenty of videos as well.

the car im racing (silver vette) is a 9 second street car with a 408ci motor on nitrous.

thisisntjared 06-19-2007 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by JUGRNAUT (Post 59381)
But i wouldnt expect someone that drives a hybrid to watch any sport other than possibly croquet, or MAYBE golf. but im pretty sure golf is even too manly for you. Homo.

dude i dont know what the hell you are thinking but you just bashed half of the people on this site. do you want to get banned? i mean seriously why do you feel like you have to defend yourself on the internet?

i understand you were "attacked" or whatever, but bashing everyone who drives a hybrid is a whole different area.

seriously. are you try to throw fuel on a flame thread?

lovemysan 06-19-2007 06:21 PM

I know who randy couture is and have for a long time but I still don't keep pictures of him. I sold the muscle cars and bought a saturn. I guess you could say I grew up. I could care less if you have a fast expensive car, I like you still enjoy a muscle car but I figured it out, there money pits. You make a lot of assumptions about the people of this board, I personally tried to ensure your fair treatment. Your responses/post are proving you to be immature and mouthy. Your pointless banter is getting old. Grow up and go back to your economically insupportable world of fast cars.

And as a matter of fact I thoroughly enjoy croquet.

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