So has anybody tried this stuff?
Lots of people appear to be claiming it's benefit. Who will be the first here to actually benchmark it?? |
one would think, that if it worked, they would have a better website.
looks liek a stupid gimmick... searched for CMH industries and came up with this looks like the real place makes industrial switches and switch boxes... nowhere on that site does it mention anyhting about fuel additives...and the adresses are different. btw what company uses a standard gmail account? so in other words SCAM! |
I can't vouch for it, but consider that 'CMH Industries' does not appear to be an exclusive trademark of any one business, so don't let that be the deciding factor.
Supposedly the guys marketing this stuff are just getting off the ground with it as an independent company. I've seen far worse websites from far better trusted businesses. |
whooops i edit my last remark i must a typed something wrong but it came up.
but ehh i dunno you go be the gunea pig and tell us what happens. it just doesnt say enough about what it is to make me wanna go get it... from the looks of it its just castor oil and calcium sulfonate. and the only tests they have published is on farm machenery, which is a constant(usually) rpm load. so i dunno if that applies to variable rpm liek a car or not. |
I was hoping to bait some other sucker into it. ;)
A google of 'calcium sulfonate fuel economy' returns enough hits to suggest that this stuff is hardly new or revolutionary. Oh well.
Hello -
Ed Schultz, radio host, just started schilling this stuff. I haven't even tried acetone, so I'm not ready to drink this kool-aid (I have enough on my plate as it is). Then again , it is only $30 to try, so that is below my $50 sucker limit. Maybe next month. CarloSW2 |
I must confess that Ed is the one who brought it to my attention. That said, I have not been able to find any conclusive testing that shows one way or the other if this stuff works - only a bunch of anecdotal stuff from farmers dumping it into their tractors.
CA-40g Works!
My 2007 Camry XLE before CA-40G, anywhere from 30 to 33mpg
My 2007 Camry XLE after CA-40G, 38 mpg average, as high as 40.2 Average driving statistics for me Mon-Fri: 40 miles one way to work @ 50 to 60 minutes drive time each way, mostly interstate where I go 65 to 67 mph with cruise control (any faster and I wind up braking constantly). Before CA-40G I would fill up anywhere between 475 and 525 miles, every 7 to 8 days (still with @ 2 to 3 gallons left in my tank) Now it's about every 10 days. (Weekends factored in). Now I fill up between between 550 and 580. CA-40G costs me $1.30 per fill up. (I bought the quart size) I'm getting an average of an extra 2 gallons of driving distance. A $3 per gallon my net savings is $4.70 per fill up! If you're an agressive driver, a speeder, jack-rabbit start kind of person then I bet your results will not be as impressive as mine. However, if you drive long distances daily at a steady rate a majority of the trip - you will definitely see results. Thus far I have not experienced any engine issues, fuel injection issues, bad starts, etceteras. So, for all you who think it's a scam, think again! These are the cold hard facts as they pertain to my car and my driving habits. JerryG Coral Springs FL |
Interesting...but how does it actually says calcium bonds with the hydrogen in the gas which makes it burn more efficiently...does that make any sense?
sometimes i wonder... if this is a mriacle stuff, why havent they been putting it in cars or marketing it a long time ago? i mean its roughly saving that one guy about $5 per fill up. sometimes i wonder if they did discover this but the oil companies paid someone off so they could make a bigger profit...cuz if a farmer magically whipped it up one day...
im not gonna go willy nilly dumping it in cuz noone knows the long term effects... its probably upping the compression a tad since oil doesnt compress...or its sealing up worn rings causing higher compression and little to no blowby |
I trust farmers, do you?
I agree, don't go nilly willy dumping it in. After all, if a bunch of farmers are using it, well 'ya know, they're farmers! Just a bunch of overweight guys in overalls, right?
Farmers who are being squeezed left and right and whose profit margins are becoming smaller and smaller (surely y'all done had some of them Chinese imported additives that Kraft and General Mills and the other big food companies are putting in your food) After all, why would a dumb ole' farmer, whose livelihood is just a wee-bit dependent on their equipment operating efficiently so they can harvest on time, trust some brownish liquid stuff that looks like it came from the rectum of an old cow, right? And when it comes to long term effects why worry? Many Americans trade their cars in every several years anyway. And, let's not forget about those millions of lease vehicles out there - which after a few years are going to wind up, well, who knows where.,, If you're worried about long term effects - I'd be more concerned about the air, the water or food, not some fuel additive. By the way, I haven't seen the manufacturers promoting the product as a "miracle" of anything. They've been very modest in their projections. Maybe $5 bucks savings a fill up is a laugh for the well-to-do. With that kind of attitude it's no wonder this country doesn't give a rats butt about alternative fuels or leaving a legacy of alternative energy solutions to our children and grand-children. |
Jerry do you sell the stuff? I was trying to look through the link and can't get any info, their links on the page are dead. Do they have any controlled test data for regular vechiles and not farm equipment? |
I do not sell...
...CA-40g. I have no vested financial interest in the company. I'm just a regular consumer looking for any possible way to reduce Big Oil's grip on me!
Here is the website: [nobbcode][/nobbcode] There is an updated explanation of the manner in which this product increases mpg. Again, I can only attest to the performance I am getting in my car based on my driving habits and the average driving conditions to which I'm subject on a weekly basis. |
nope, all small farm gasoline tractors to the big huge desel farm thast what im saying its only been tested in things that dont have a variable speed (besides by the throttle lever) like hat i mean a car goes faster or slower by how fast the engine goes. a tractor can be idling and get going faster cuz of the gears and onc eits at a speed the farmer likes its staying there for several hours proably...unliek your car which can vary from idle to 5000 rpm in seconds multiple times an hour
We've tried to get people to send samples in the past. Much to our surprise, people don't want their product verified unless we pay for it.
I'd be weary of a website that has a fake news report on the front page. Perhaps we shoudl start a new website that offers fake news videos for bogus products. |
I can't say that I disagree however. :p |
this is taken from the website.
"Usually only about half of the hydrocarbons in fuel are burned in an internal combustion engine. Combustion enhancement is attained through further oxidation of the un-burnt hydrocarbons in the fuel. There are three things that are needed in combustion; fuel oxygen and ignition. CA40 suspends within the hydrocarbons and further allows oxygen and fuel to be held together (fuel and oxygen). The third component of ignition is accomplished due to the thermo-electric and Piezo-electric properties of the calcium in CA40. When combustion occurs in the engine the heat and pressure causes the electrons in the calcium to accelerate. This acceleration provides the ignition (spark) in the proximity of the hydrocarbons resulting in further oxidation (burning) of the hydrocarbons. The end result is a longer stronger push during the power stroke." i am no expert, with that said i can only see this product really helping, if it works the way that they say it does, if you have a engine management system that will put less fuel into the combustion chamber. because right now all you are doing is making the same amount of fuel work harder. you might see a small increase in FE if you can feather the throttle better. that is if it works like they say it does, and i have my doubts. |
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