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kickflipjr 05-14-2007 12:37 PM

Post a picture of your bike(s)
I decided to take pictures of all my bikes. I have started road biking 2 or 3 years ago. I would love to see some of the other bikes people have on gassavers.

This is my most recent bike (yeah a real road bike). A bit impracticable at times because of the thin tires. I bought it this winter for $250. I put a more upright stem on it so I am not leaning over so much.

I bought this 1980ish Ross a a yard sale for $10 :thumbup: it got me across Iowa last year. It needs some bar tape right now.

My silly fixed gear bike. It is fun for doing skids when I get bored. I bought the frame and fork for around $75.

smithenhiven 05-14-2007 12:45 PM

I've got a Schwinn Moab mountain bike, I'll post pics tomorrow. BTW, I see you're from Pittsburgh, do you ever ride the Montour Trial? I'm usually on that every weekend, I ride from Imperial, past Robinson, to Coraopolis and back.


kickflipjr 05-14-2007 12:53 PM

Yeah, I have ridden it. I live in Clairton and the Montour trail is in bits and pieces near where I live. So I go on the yough river trail more often.

Hockey4mnhs 05-14-2007 04:29 PM

treck baby!!

red91sit 05-14-2007 05:12 PM


30hp of Fury!


This one is "the cow"

It used to have a very wide 3 speed transmission as well as front and rear brakes, it's slowly fallen apart to a low speed, no braked bicycle. It has been ran over a few times, but I've been able to fix it by jumping on it and beating it with a hammer, it doens't go very straight, but my Job is close enough it doesn't matter :thumbup:

MetroMPG 05-14-2007 06:18 PM

Today I bought a girl's 18 spd mountain bike for $25 because I wanted some of its parts for a couple of recumbent project bikes I'll likely not have time to build this summer :)

I've been stockpiling bikes for a few months now. This is the first bike I paid for of the last 4 or 5 I've acquired.

Here's my trusty 30 year old saved-from-the-garbage-truck Raleigh and my incredibly useful utility trailer. (I can't count how many car trips I've been able to replace with bike trailer trips.)


MetroMPG 05-14-2007 06:23 PM

The upside down mountain bike on the roof of the car is a 10-year old GT Karakoram. Hey, it was "mountain bike of the year" when I got it :o


JanGeo 05-14-2007 06:25 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Attachment 476
Schwinn S-25 with the stock knobbies but now have Slickasaurus skinny tires that make it roll a lot easier but it really needs a gearing change and better bearings.

Attachment 477
Me on the Electric scooter At Larz Anderson Museum in Bridgeline Mass. I set it up with a 6000 watt motor actually I maxed it out at about 7200 watts with a current limit adjustment.

Snax 05-14-2007 06:54 PM

4 Attachment(s)
An unmolested example of my bike and it's winter treads:

MetroMPG 05-14-2007 06:59 PM

It is usually stuffed inside, when it goes by car (which is almost never).

That pic was actually taken in the interest of science, and I only ever transported the bike up there one time, to demonstrate why one should never do that. :)

lovemysan 05-14-2007 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by JanGeo (Post 51341)
Attachment 476
Schwinn S-25 with the stock knobbies but now have Slickasaurus skinny tires that make it roll a lot easier but it really needs a gearing change and better bearings.

Attachment 477
Me on the Electric scooter At Larz Anderson Museum in Bridgeline Mass. I set it up with a 6000 watt motor actually I maxed it out at about 7200 watts with a current limit adjustment.

7200 watts sounds like it could be fun. Forgive my ignorance, but how many HP's is that.

DRW 05-14-2007 08:37 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I'd like to show a couple pics of my bikes, but everytime I reduce the file size so it will be an acceptable size, the resolution becomes terrible. So here's a little eye candy. It's a pic of just the rear dropouts of my good bike. It's a Scott CR1 SL. What you're looking at is CNC machined 7000 series aluminum bonded to carbon fiber.

DRW 05-14-2007 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by lovemysan (Post 51365)
7200 watts sounds like it could be fun. Forgive my ignorance, but how many HP's is that.

I get 9.6hp.
I'd really like to know how much torque it puts out at zero rpm?

JanGeo 05-15-2007 01:01 AM

The Torque is 0.13 Nm per amp and the motor is rated for 225 amps max but I only run it up to about 160 amps since the controller was using 190 amp fets on the output bridge and yes full torque at ZERO RPM and it remains pretty flat up to max rpm. Weirdest thing when I first drove it was getting used to the constant acceleration until the maximum battery voltage was reached then it just stopped accelerating.

argylesocks 05-15-2007 06:15 AM

Ridley Crosswind (cyclocross)



1978 Schwinn (havent built it yet)

Mid-70's Motobecane (converted to single speed & gave to my girlfriend)

Redline cyclocross (on the right)

Voodoo (sold)

Triumph (sold)

Litespeed mountain bike (sold)
no picture

Gary Fisher mnt bike (dad now rides it)

i think that sums it up.....

kickflipjr 05-15-2007 07:01 AM

Yeah I figured you would have a nice collection because you cyclocross race. That lightspeed looks fast!

I will put pictures of my parents bike up soon.

kickflipjr 05-15-2007 07:21 AM

my Dad's bike- Novara Strada
my Mom's bike- Specialized Crossroads

bbgobie 05-15-2007 06:15 PM

My Specialized FSR XC


Since the photo I've got my Manitou Swinger 3-way on, a WTB Stealth SLT saddle, and switched from Time ATACS to CB Egg beaters

Edit: Forgot, those are my fat boy slicks on since it was winter and bike was mostly on the trainer and a few road sessions

repete86 05-15-2007 08:21 PM

Don't have any pictures of mine, but it's an early '80's ('82ish) Motobecane with a Vitus frame.

It looks alot like this '83:

Mine hasn't been been modified yet. The mods (if you can call them such) are that it now has a large milk carton on the back, and handles wrapped in gaff tape (the original foam handles have disintegrated). I'm thinking of spray painting it green and black, but the original paint job is pretty nice and would probably cost a bundle to have redone if I decide to go back to the more conservative look. I love it to death though. Even with the bit box on the back, it's fast as hell. I can keep up with traffic when going down the bridge with the wind behind me. I don't do any off road biking, so I don't have a mountain bike. Most of my riding is in traffic.

jwxr7 05-21-2007 05:55 AM

2 Attachment(s)
here is my road bike. I had to resize it alote and it got pixilated in the process :mad: . It's an old 10 speed Puch, marco polo.

jwxr7 05-21-2007 05:57 AM

2 Attachment(s)
here is my mountain bike. Same thing happened to it.

DRW 05-21-2007 08:25 PM

2 Attachment(s)
This is my commuter bike. It's blurry and pixelated, too, but you can still see the major features. Carbon fiber aero frame and fork, aero front wheel with bladed spokes, lightweight LED head and tail lights, big platform pedals for good power transfer with regular shoes, and Sachs Ergo shifters which would be known as steering mounted paddle shifters in the automotive world. :)

DRW 05-21-2007 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 52096)
here is my road bike. I had to resize it alote and it got pixilated in the process :mad: . It's an old 10 speed Puch, marco polo.

A Marco Polo! Where in the world did you find it? :D

jwxr7 05-23-2007 07:08 AM


A Marco Polo! Where in the world did you find it?
I bought it at a yard sale for $15. It's a little short for me but gets me around alote more efficiently than my trek;) .

usedgeo 05-26-2007 06:10 PM

I have had this one for over 25 years and never ridden it much. Alway meant too but it always seemed to hurt too much. I hated those little seats.


I got this bike at the neighbors yard sale for $10. The dimension roller drive engine cost more than that. It will move the bike adequately when conditions are dry but the vibration gets to me. I feel a tifle guilty about the pollution too.


Ordered this one today. I looked at several that sat a lot lower. Right or wrong I went with one that had a fairly high seat with base angle adjustment.


I think I will buy a phoenix hub motor and put the wheel and batteries in a homemade trailer.


GasSavers_roadrunner 05-27-2007 01:24 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Love my Downtube IXNS 9 Speed Folding Bike. Fits nice in my Yaris.

MetroMPG 05-27-2007 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by usedgeo (Post 52925)
I got this bike at the neighbors yard sale for $10. The dimension roller drive engine cost more than that. It will move the bike adequately when conditions are dry but the vibration gets to me. I feel a tifle guilty about the pollution too.

HA! I had exactly the same motor on my bike when I lived in the Cayman Islands for a short while (no car).

Didn't know squat about emissions back then - though I do remember I was able to use it for 25 cents a week (I only motored on the way to work, and to out run wild dogs that always chased me at one particular corner. :))

boofighter 05-29-2007 01:23 PM

this is my bike.
i bought it cheap, $100 from sport check. it was crap until i had it fixed at a real bike shop.
the back sprockets would not take any torque and would just free wheel. very annoying. it just sat for a year. then last year fixed a bit on my own then this year put some money into it and it rides like a new bike.
ride it just about every day to work, about 5kms. wifes bike is in behind. we both learned a lesson from mine and so hers is a bit better quality.

MetroMPG 06-02-2007 05:17 PM

Say hello to my new beater bike!


It's been about 5 years since I rescued my 30 year old Raleigh from the garbage truck, and it has been a trusty steed.

But I couldn't say no to this beauty, which was put at the curb around the corner today.

It's about a 20 year old Norco, which I believe was orange originally, the green was brushed on by some previous owner. Kind of weird frame: short top tube, or something.

And it was seized solid (handle bars wouldn't turn, chain solid with rust, back brakes stuck)! Nothing some penetrating oil and about 40 minutes couldn't fix. And now everything works.

So I'll give this one a week or so to prove itself, and then I'll see if I can give away the old 10 speed...

MetroMPG 06-02-2007 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by boofighter (Post 53246)
ride it just about every day to work, about 5kms.

Cool - another bike commuter.

kickflipjr 06-02-2007 08:16 PM

Cool find!

I know thats an old mountain bike by how the stem/handlebars are all one piece.
Mid to late 80s is my guess.

I am no commuter, but I ride my bike to places that I skateboard. I bungee my skateboard to the rear rack and ride to the town next to me (about 8 miles round trip).

MetroMPG 06-03-2007 04:05 AM

Hey kick, I just noticed your sig line: "Distance traveled by bicycle in 2007=616miles"

Odometer or manual calcs?

I figure I'm biking around 45 km/28 mi a week, not counting recreational rides.

EDIT: think I'll add that to my sig...

kickflipjr 06-03-2007 04:55 AM

Yeah, thats from my bike computer. I just updated my signature so it is fairly accurate. I rode a lot in may (over 300 miles).

usedgeo 06-08-2007 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by usedgeo (Post 52925)

Ordered this one today. I looked at several that sat a lot lower. Right or wrong I went with one that had a fairly high seat with base angle adjustment.



I have had the bike for about 3 days now. Yes a long wheel base recumbent takes a bit of getting used to. I have never been so comfortable on a bike before in my life. This is pretty cool. You can ride for a half hour and get off and not hurt any where. I should have done this years ago.

MetroMPG 06-08-2007 07:14 PM

Cool! That's what I found on the BikeE that I borrowed last fall = comfortable. Makes you wonder why anyone would ever ride a standard bike.

Speaking of...

Beater bike update: some minor problems (left crank arm keeps loosening, a couple of tight links in the chain cause some skipping), but it's a keeper. Much more comfy than the 10 spd, and also more flexible & tougher.

It even came with a cheap 3-digit combination lock, which I picked in about 10 minutes. I like the bike enough that I've actually gotten into the habit of locking it with said cheap-o lock - something I never did with the 10 speed.

But I don't have to be too worried about it getting stolen, judging by the comments I regularly get. I had a car full of kids go past me this evening and someone yelled "NICE BIKE HAHAHA!" :)

Snax 06-08-2007 08:27 PM

I've been thinking allot about setting myself up with a short wheel base recumbent. For some reason there is always a major headwind on my commute home and I'm hoping that will help.

Anyway, aside from the storage tradeoff, I'm wondering if anybody can clue me in to what other differences I would be seeing with a short wheel base bike vs. a long one?

Either way, I'm planning to build it myself, so cost can more or less be discounted.

usedgeo 06-09-2007 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Snax (Post 56129)
Anyway, aside from the storage tradeoff, I'm wondering if anybody can clue me in to what other differences I would be seeing with a short wheel base bike vs. a long one?


Sorry I can't clue you in being so new to these but I will say that I think they are layed out the way they are to keep your feet out of the front wheel. I think that is the main criteria that drives the various configurations. Maybe that didn't need to be said.

After reading MetroMPG's comments I guess my next thing to buy is a good cable and lock. I had a beater bike stolen about 30 years ago and it bugged me for a long time. I had rebuilt it and laced up new alloy wheels. I did not have much money in it but to replace it with same new was $260 at that time.

red91sit 06-09-2007 01:55 PM

mine would be horrible tricky to steal. People can clearly hear me driving by with thier windows shut in their homes/business's haha.

BTW- Safety tip - Don't drive a bicycle while carying a towel/shirt/pants/cloth on your handle bars. I was doing this today, and it got sucked into the front tire, and BAM instant over the handle bar moment!

Bill in Houston 06-09-2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Snax (Post 56129)
Anyway, aside from the storage tradeoff, I'm wondering if anybody can clue me in to what other differences I would be seeing with a short wheel base bike vs. a long one?

To me the long ones look like they would be more stable, since they are lower (aren't they?). To me the short one looks twitchy. But I have never driven either. It seems like one with larger diameter wheels would have less rolling resistance.

MetroMPG 06-09-2007 05:18 PM

clencher: great story!

red91sit: but if the thief takes the hockey cards out of the spokes, they might be able to get away quietly...

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