Vista, or not to Vista
A bit off-topic from GasSaving...
My wife's laptop finally bit the dust... so we ordered a new one that comes with XP Media Center Edition '05 and a free Upgrade to Vista (the laptop should arrive today, as does Vista becoming available). What's the scoop on it? I like the stability of XP and we don't need a fancy interface. If that's all it does and uses up resources, then forget it. If it's a more stable OS, then it comes down to how much operating resource it takes up. I'd hate for a new system to feel fast on XP, then "upgrade" to Vista to have it bog down for no good reason. Specific Specs: Dell Inspiron E1505, Intel Dual Core T7200: 4MB/2.00GHz/667MHz (L2-cache/processor/FS-bus), 1GB DDR2/SD533 memory, 7200 RPM (80GB) HDD, etc. (I had to upgrade to the 256MB ATI X1400 video ;) ) The previous laptop lasted almost 4 years with daily use, so we hope to get the same out of this one. Any thoughts??? (maybe wait to see what other Vistans experience)? RH77 |
Mac OS X FTW, but yeah, I've heard bad things security wise about vista. *shrug*
rh77 -
Why be the guinea pig? Do you have to upgrade ASAP or can you wait? I'm in no hurry at all. CarloSW2 |
I'd say wait. I still run windows 2000 on a work computer because some of my software won't run correctly on windows XP.
I used to have a technology addiction, where I needed to have all of the latest and greatest stuff. I got over myself, however, and now I'm happy with 3 year old technology that works correctly. |
I was just thinking about that very question: "I'd like to get a new PC/laptop but I don't want to be forced into being an "early adopter." I've learned through experience to put the first release of any software in the same category as a first year of a new model of car - it's best to wait for the bugs to get worked out first.
If your buying Windows operating systems you should expect a bad security issue. All your information is practically pasted in bold print on the internet. But hey, keep what you know if your scared of change. I want a Mac but Im not eligable for credit to get one.Dam
I don't know about resources, but I thought the vista could use up to four processors or something like that. I also thought some of the newer processors were really two processors in one and that vista could somehow take advantage of that to speed things up. But as you said if it uses a bunch more resources it would still likely be slower overall. And I don't think that laptop is one of the pro 2 or two cpu's in one. So I would vote to get the upgrade disks, so you have them and wait.
Once you get the laptop can you let us know what the power supply puts out and what the connector is (I built that same model on line last weekend). I am hoping for a standard round connector you can get at RadioShack, my last Dell had an odd flat plug that I couldn't find anywhere. I want to power it directly from my battery bank (anything from 0 to 28vdc) if I can. |
Probably order the discs and wait
After about 4-hours of updating the OS and getting rid of crap, it was finally up and running. (I'm on the road, so I don't have the power specs on it). SilveredWings -- I completely agree. It runs quickly, has everything we need, and as I think about it, we're probably lucky to not be forced to have Vista right now. SVO- I'd like the flexibility of a MAC OS, but I only know how to repair IBM-Compatible desk- and laptops. Matt, Cfg83- I remember being satisfied with Windows 95 when 98 version 1 came out. I was forced to purchase the bug-laiden new 98 at the time. Version 2 fixed a lot, but XP really corrected most items that Millenium/2000 inherited (but with lots of driver issues). Brock - This actually has the Intel "Duo 2" dual-core processing unit (when I run a program that requires 100% processing power, like the Stanford University Gene Folding Project, it shows-up at 50% for Processors 1 and 2 respectively). Perhaps Vista can take advantage of each core and max them both out? That's not the primary purpose of this machine, however, as I have 6 older computers running the program for the Univeristy (some with Linux). But alas, I'll order the discs and wait. Things are good for now and it doesn't sound like we're missing out on anything. Thanks all! RH77 |
rh77 -
CarloSW2 |
The other thing about technology is that it rarely pays to buy more than you need today in hopes of making full use of it someday. It only keeps getting cheaper. So as far as an OS goes (complementary copies aside), I figure cost'll go down when all the "first-kid-on-the-block" folks all have their copies and SP1 is downloadable.
anyway, from what i have heard, vista does support multiprocessing better than windows, but windows does fine with a dual and seriously what home computer has more than that? i have also heard that the vista os has a much higher overhead than windows so you will definitely but putting to waste the luxuries of newer, more nimble technologies just to start up. keep in mind windows is the worst modern desktop os for multiprocessing. other than that i heard vista has a few cool effects like transparent windows, but that still doesnt become nearly as productive as simply having 2 monitors. i vote not to vista, i also vote not to microsoft. i know both of my home computers run xp and i own an xbox, but i vote this way because i have microsoft and i use better every day at work. EDIT: 4MB L2 cache is great!!! do NOT waste that on vista. and yes to 2nd what ben said, i have heard some issues about permissions being backwards with vista. i forgot the specifics. im sure you could google some solid info and post cliffnotes here :p |
Hello -
Already a break in Vista ... Vista DRM cracked? Alex Ionesco, a security researcher in Montreal, has released technical details of a hack he's developed for Windows Vista. ... CarloSW2 |
Well, Gaming
When I find some down-time, I like to play MS Flight Simulator (I'd actually like to fly for-real, but it's just too expensive - so I settle for for the game). I bought FS-X when it came out a couple of months ago and the box gave ranges of "Minimum" requirements. Knowing that this was hogwash, I figured that my newer HP laptop could handle it as the specs were well above the minimum. Nope -- totally worthless. Not even close. So, I basically kept the game until a faster computer came along and used the old version of FS. Enter the new laptop :D My wife doesn't play games on it, but I just might when it's not in-use :thumbup: So I like to free-up as many resources as possible to get the best frame-rate. I haven't tried FS-X on it yet, but I'm sure better dimensional clarity can be cranked-up. So guilty as charged with the better video card :) RH77 |
Hello -
I just remembered my ultimate solution to all these problems (if you have the ca$h). In my next notebook PC, I will *try* to get one with a removeable hard disk. Today, they are mostly embedded deep with the PC. I think the AlienWare Notebook PC has a removeable hard disk (my circa 1995 DOS 486 Compaq notebook PC has a removeable hard disk). This way, I can pick and choose my OS. Linux? Pop-in the Red Hat hard disk. Windows XP? Pop-in the XP hard disk. Work only stuff? Pop-in the work hard disk. Vista? Yada yada yada ... This is the best way to insure security/privacy. You could have an "internet" hard disk that has NO personal data or USB flash-only personal data. Got Ca$h? CarloSW2 |
If I had a new Vista machine I would probably just strip it out and install a nice Linux distro. Right now I'm posting on my 6.5 year old college laptop, just recently converted to Freespire, and I swear it runs better than my "good" machine running XP. And the system parameters are just **barely** within the listed OS requirements. It doesn't fold too fast but you can only expect so much from vintage 2000 chipset.
If not that, I would at least create a bootable Linux partition as a backup option. And then never boot to Windows. :) |
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