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-   -   CONTEST: Win a Scangauge or SuperMID (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f2/contest-win-a-scangauge-or-supermid-3002.html)

Matt Timion 09-22-2006 03:05 PM

CONTEST: Win a Scangauge or SuperMID
I am happy to announce that GasSavers will give one lucky person a new Scangauge or a SuperMID (or the equivilant in gas cards) to the winner of this contest.

What is the contest? How do you win?
The objective of this contest is to advertise for GasSavers. Every time you advertise for GasSavers (in any way) you are one step closer to getting that first place prize. If you make a blog post, put a link to GasSavers in your signature on other forums, put a GasSavers sticker on your car, etc. please keep a record of it. The person who has done the most, and who has been the most creative will win the first prize!

How do you prove what you've done?
For every time you advertise GasSavers on the internet (links to the homepage are the best) you will need to save the link. If the judges click on the links and your contribution is not there, it will not count. If you use GasSavers stickers, license plate frames, etc, you must take a picture. If you manage to get GasSavers in your local newspaper, on the radio, etc., you must provide either a recording or a copy of the newspaper, etc.

Those interested in participating will receive a private message with an email address. You will send all of your submissions to that email address. If you have a physical item to submit (audio recording, newspaper, etc.) an address will be given to you to mail the item.

Who is judging the contest?
The contest will be judged by myself and Joe Gardner, the administrator of www.bikeforums.net. Judging will be based on creativity, uniqueness, and the number of times you've advertised for GasSavers.

What are the prizes?
1st place (one winner) - Your choice of one of the following four items:
  • A new Scangauge II
  • A new SuperMID
  • A $160 USD Gas Card at the gas station of your choice (nothing obscure please)
  • the ability to upgrade 8 fellow GasSavers memberships to Red Stars.

2nd place (two winners) - your choice of the following:
  • A $20 Gas Card
  • An upgraded membership (Red Star)
  • The gift of an upgraded membership to the GasSavers member of your choice.

When is the deadline?
All submissions must be received by December 1st, 2006. A winner will be chosen by December 15th, 2006 (if not sooner) and the prize will be mailed out promptly.

How do I enter?
You can enter by replying to this thread, at which time information will be sent to you via Private Message on GasSavers. You can also enter by sending me a private message indicating that you would like to enter the contest.

What are the rules?

By participating in the contest, you agree to the following rules:


1. Entering the Contest and Claiming Prizes
Entering the contest requires that you are a member of the GasSavers.org community. It also requires that you have a valid email address and can be reached via email or private message on GasSavers.org.

Claiming of prizes requires an email response to GasSavers from the winner within 30 days of being notified of winning at the email address used to enter. Failure to respond shall mean that the winner forfeits the prize. GasSavers is not required to award elsewhere any prizes forfeited by the chosen winner(s).

2. Disqualification
By submitting information to GasSavers.org, you hereby represent and warrant that the submitted information was done legally and in no way violated the law. Failure to do so will disqualify you from the contest. Examples of unlawful acts that will result in disqualfication are: spam, defacement of property, graffiti, and any other unlawful or illegal act.

By entering this contest you agree to take ownership of all actions committed, and not hold GasSavers.org, it's employees or sponsor's liable for damaged caused by your actions while creating submissions to the contest.

3. Submission of photo, text or other content for Contests
Entries selected for display will be judged entirely at the discretion of GasSavers.org.

By submitting any photo or information to Gawker Media, you hereby grant to GasSavers.org and its affiliates, subsidiaries, licensees and assigns, an irrevocable, perpetual and royalty-free right to use, reproduce, edit, display, transmit, prepare derivative works of, modify, publish and otherwise make use of the submitted photo or other information in any and all media, whether now known or hereinafter created, throughout the world and for any purpose. In addition to other things, the rights granted to GasSavers.org includes but is not limited to the right to resize, crop, censor, compress, edit, feature, caption, affix logos to, and to otherwise alter or make use of the submitted photo;

By submitting any photo or information to GasSavers.org, you hereby represent and warrant that the submitted photo or information does not and shall not infringe on any copyright, any rights of privacy or publicity of any person, or any other right of any third party, and you have the right to grant any and all rights and licenses granted to GasSavers.org herein, including but not limited to all necessary rights under copyright, free and clear of any claims or encumbrances;

You acknowledge and agree that GasSavers.org shall have no obligation to post, display or otherwise make publicly available any photo or information submitted by you, and may, in its sole and unfettered discretion, remove, edit, modify or delete any photo or information that you submit to GasSavers.org;

You understand and intend that any photo or information submitted by you to GasSavers.org may be available for viewing, rating, review and comment on by the public, and understand that comments or ratings with which you disagree or are unhappy about may be published or otherwise become associated with any photo or information you submit to GasSavers.org. By submitting any photo or information to GasSavers.org, you hereby waive any privacy expectations that you may have with respect to any such photo or information submitted by you to GasSavers.org.

You hereby agree to hold GasSavers.org and its affiliates, subsidiaries, licensees sponsors and assigns harmless from and against, and hereby waive any right to pursue, any claims of any nature arising in connection with the inclusion in, publication via or display on any GasSavers.org affiliated site, or any other use authorized under these Terms, of any photo or information submitted to GasSavers.org by you;

Photos or information submitted by you to the Site shall be the property of GasSavers.org, and GasSavers.org shall have no obligation to preserve, return or otherwise make available to you or others any photos or information so submitted.

4. Awarding Prizes
Winners are solely responsible for all taxes and/or fees that may be incurred.

Each prizewinner must supply GasSavers.org with his/her legal name, mailing address, birth date, daytime and nighttime telephone numbers.

Winners may not request substitutions of prize winnings. All winners are solely responsible for any and all taxes and/or fees, and all such additional costs that may be incurred.

Neither GasSavers nor employees of GasSavers.org or sponsors may be held liable for any warranty, costs, damage, injury, or any other claims incurred as a result of usage of any winners of a prize once possession has been taken of the product by winner. GasSavers.org is not liable for any loss arising out of or in connection with or resulting from any contest promoted by GasSavers.org.

If the specified prize becomes unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, GasSavers.org may substitute a prize of like or equal value.

GasSavers.org reserves the right to alter any rules of any contest at anytime. If you have any questions or complaints about a GasSavers.org contest, please contact contest AT gassavers.org
Depending on the success and participation of this contest there will be many more to follow.

JanGeo 09-22-2006 06:17 PM

My signature on ScionLife . . . which apparently appears in ALL my posts new and old.

Jan - 06xB

kickflipjr 09-22-2006 07:31 PM

so no spam, defacement of property, or graffiti :(

I will see what I can do. The game is on!

BumblingB 09-22-2006 07:55 PM

WooHoo, I've got GasSavers stickers on two cars!

ketel0ne 09-22-2006 09:01 PM

Count me in.

FormulaTwo 09-22-2006 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by kickflipjr
so no spam, defacement of property, or graffiti :(

I will see what I can do. The game is on!

well that just takes all the fun away.

Matt Timion 09-22-2006 11:26 PM

As the post mentions, please keep track of everything you do. I will send each of you a private message telling you how to report your accomplishments.

I will be keeping a spreadsheet of all of the links/images/etc. you send me. On December 1st, I will verify the links and remove any that no longer exist.

Check your private messages soon.

onegammyleg 09-22-2006 11:55 PM

Bring it on !

GasSavers_Diemaster 09-23-2006 08:42 PM

what the hell i'll join ;)

i got a link on honda-tech and all my other sites i'm part of and on my website.

SVOboy 09-24-2006 07:15 AM

Hmm, mehbe I'll poke into this as well, :p

Matt Timion 09-24-2006 09:48 PM

We currently have 6 participants. I know that more of you are capable of thinking of creative ways of advertising.

Besides... who DOESN'T need a scangauge?

Matt Timion 09-26-2006 08:45 AM

As of today, no submissions have been made. At this rate it's anyone's game. Just think, you could win with just one entry!

All submissions must be made to the email address I told you in your private message.

If you want to join in, there is still plenty of time. Get the word out on GasSavers.org!

onegammyleg 09-26-2006 08:55 AM

Perhaps we are busy getting our stuff together :) .... Oh yeah , will you be keeping the entries private untill the end of the competition or posting who they are from and what they are as they come in. ?? (if so I will hold back my entry :D )

Matt Timion 09-26-2006 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by onegammyleg
Perhaps we are busy getting our stuff together :) .... Oh yeah , will you be keeping the entries private untill the end of the competition or posting who they are from and what they are as they come in. ?? (if so I will hold back my entry :D )

I was thinking of keeping the entries private, just so that other people don't steal ideas or get discouraged by someone's awesome idea.

onegammyleg 09-26-2006 09:31 AM

I like that idea ;)

BumblingB 09-26-2006 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Matt Timion
I was thinking of keeping the entries private, just so that other people don't steal ideas or get discouraged by someone's awesome idea.

I like that too. I have a real good idea but it won't be a reality UNTIL around the beginning of November......it'll make some people's head spin......I promise you that! :eek:

Matt Timion 09-26-2006 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Wazabi Owner
I like that too. I have a real good idea but it won't be a reality UNTIL around the beginning of November......it'll make some people's head spin......I promise you that! :eek:

Bring it on! Remember, the more ways you can do it the better. Quantity AND quality are factors in this contest.

GasSavers_Jack 09-27-2006 02:40 PM

Please add me to the list (I really REALLY need the SuperMID)

Matt Timion 09-27-2006 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jack
Please add me to the list (I really REALLY need the SuperMID)

Check your private messages for information!

Matt Timion 09-28-2006 07:55 AM

And two people have made submissions today :) THe games have begun.

Matt Timion 10-01-2006 04:45 PM

So far we've only received submissions from two people. Submit ANYTHING you can. Mention GasSavers in a post on another message board (with a link), use the signature images on other sites, etc.

Write an opinion piece for your local newpaper and have it published... rent a sky-writing service and have GasSavers.org written in the sky :P

kickflipjr 10-01-2006 05:26 PM

I need a write up that is in plain english. One that can get someone interested in fuel economy that knows nothing. and the 12/1 deadline seems so far away maybee that is why i haven't done anything yet.

Matt Timion 10-02-2006 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by kickflipjr
the 12/1 deadline seems so far away maybee that is why i haven't done anything yet.

I think you're right. Oddly, when I began the contest I was under the impression that it would last for 6 weeks and not 10. I must have somehow erased the entire month of October in my brain.

We can move up the deadline if everyone wants to, or we can just leave it as-is.

Extra time means more chances to have more entries.

mexellent 10-08-2006 04:16 PM

Im in.

UfoTofU 10-17-2006 05:36 PM

Count me in. SuperMID would be killer!

nonnef 10-27-2006 08:53 PM

This is still going on, right?
I was going to anyhow, so count me in. =)

DracoFelis 11-08-2006 07:15 AM

If this is still going on, please send me a link for entries as well..

Matt Timion 11-18-2006 11:39 AM

not much time left
Not much time is left in the great Scangauge/SuperMID contest. Many people have entered the contest, but the number of entries is rather low.

Which means...

You still have a chance to win. Anyone has a chance to win. Advertise for GasSavers in the most creative ways possible, and you could win.

If you have a GasSavers.org sticker on your car, please submit a picture of your sticker to the email address for contest entries. It will count.

Good luck!

philmcneal 11-18-2006 01:18 PM

i told a friend at work to visit this site since he knows about hypermiling and never saw the site, does that count lol?

UfoTofU 11-18-2006 02:40 PM

What date do we have to have all of our submissions in?

Matt Timion 11-20-2006 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by UfoTofU
What date do we have to have all of our submissions in?

see above


Originally Posted by The Rules
When is the deadline?
All submissions must be received by December 1st, 2006. A winner will be chosen by December 15th, 2006 (if not sooner) and the prize will be mailed out promptly.

GasSavers_TomO 11-20-2006 10:08 AM

I'd like to enter too. Send me that PM when you get a chance. I also have a question regarding the submissions that isn't covered in the disclaimer.

kickflipjr 11-20-2006 04:07 PM

12/1/06 is the last day.

So time to start spreading the word of GS.com

FormulaTwo 11-28-2006 08:01 PM

my entry....



I have had 4 people ask me about the site already.

UfoTofU 11-28-2006 08:31 PM

Some Of My Entries....
Might as well do this. I'm sure some of you had the same ideas and it's too late for anyone to really "steal" anyhow.

My Gassavers.org bumper decal is one of my main ads. A lot of people have taken notice, friends, co-workers, and hopefully all of the people that pass me daily on my commute to and from work :D . Even a local guy who happens to have an 89 or 90 CRX HF. He was into FE and might pop up on here hopefully. I always try to park my car in a highly visible spot whenever I go anywhere. I live in a fairly rural area so I imagine that the same people have seen my bumper sticker more than a few times and are therefore that much more likely to visit this site.

Also made up a bunch of random YouTube and GoogleVideos with a GasSavers.org watermark. I figured that for the purposes of the contest they are easy to quantify (each site keeps track of how many views) and online would be my best bet to reach as many people as possible.

Some are boring, some pointless, some have profanity but they were watched by people which was the whole point.

0-60 Honda CRX



Pioneer Deck Features



Pioneer Cow



Halloween Snow






Matt Timion 12-02-2006 10:15 PM

currently reviewing entries... will give a final decision soon.

UfoTofU 12-18-2006 09:24 PM

Was a winner announced yet?

Matt Timion 12-19-2006 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by UfoTofU
Was a winner announced yet?

Not yet... got busy...


The winner is... *drumroll*


Please send me your information in a private message, as well as if you want a SuperMID, a Scangauge, or the gas card :)

SVOboy 12-19-2006 06:50 PM

Oh, he wants the supermid!

UfoTofU 12-19-2006 07:16 PM

Definitely gettin' the SuperMID.

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