Big disappointment.
It is a big disappointment to me how little real posts there are on this site. Every time I hit new posts it is normally just people with issues with the software, or complaints, because they cannot get it to work the way they want.
I will continue to use Fuelly, to record my petrol use, but I think I will give the forum a miss. I'll stick my nose in now and again to see if anything is happening, but I won't hold my breath. |
A forum linked to an app that primarily tracks fuel usage and cost is neither going to be the most exciting nor active. I'm a bit of a regular, I still enjoy tracking mileage and recording costs, I love stats relating to car ownership, but getting high mpg is NOT a priority for me. A lot miscellaneous car stuff gets posted here anyway, some of it may be of interest to you.
If you fancy similar topic conversation, you can try clean MPG or eco modders which I believe you're on already. |
I skip a lot of threads because they don't apply to me and I'm not interested. I still like it. There's enough talk of global automobiles I never get to see plus people, places, customs, etc. I'm not familiar with to keep me coming back. YMMV.
Yeah pretty much the same feeling here Jocko. I had 6k plus posts on ecomodder but parted ways with the forum when they deleted one of my posts that was in response to a political position posted before mine, while they left the previous offending post. It was time anyway. I am the famous, or infamous (LOL) "user deleted". Been gone 1.5 years. Other interests now. I read some of the posts but not posting works fine for me. Better things to do in my garage, versus time passed playing online video games, or arguing with Morons on forums. Free experienced technical advice? Not any more.
ecomodder is full of knobheads and CleanMPG is even worse. I suppose it is up to the likes of us to start threads here, and maybe conjure up a bit of interest.
I'm at both of those sites. They're good enough folks.
I noticed several of the Gassaver regulars dropped off after the switch to Fuelly.
It took me a long time to realize that GasSavers had even transformed into Fuelly!
I'm here at Fuelly and CleanMPG. CleanMPG really isn't that bad (at least, not anymore). I've learned a lot from Wayne (the founder of CleanMPG), and have been on a couple of road trips with him.
Haven't been near cleanmpg in at least 7 years. One thread I remember was Wayne making a post that stated that all hydraulic systems leak.
My response was something to the tune of "I guess you had an issue with wading through all the radiation saturated cooling water splashing around the nuclear power plant where you worked. I can only imagine what it would be like in a submarine at max depth, running around with buckets to catch the leakage." I used to enjoy on line gaming, until it just got filled with hackers, and perverts bragging about their imaginary sexual prowess. I used to enjoy trying to help people on forums, until it became a cesspool of personal attacks by ignorant Morons who had nothing to contribute but thread diluting blather. Now I read what interests me, post occasionally (hard to suppress the urge to help people) and refrain from responding to stupid. Jay, I remember we were going to meet up sometime for a steak or other at a restaurant in the DC area, don't think it ever happened. Sadly the wife's daughters moved to southwest Richmond , I quit going to shows in Chantilly and just have no reason to go to that area any more. If you're ever in the Williamsburg area give me shout and the meal is on me. |
To be honest R.I.D.E, alot of your posts are passive aggressive and/or submissive offensive, it comes as no surprise you've been banned from forums in the past. You seem to be over offended by others opinions and lack respect for others too. You have the right to be like that if you wish, but expect backlash now and again, it's not a good way to make friends. If someone lacks knowledge and experience, try teaching them instead of mocking them, offending them and lecturing them. Respect others opinions and feelings and remember being nice costs nothing.
Just my opinion, like it or leave it. |
Never banned from any forum ever. As usual your opinions are flawed or ignorant, choose either, you are one of the most obnoxious forum members I have ever met. Do me a favor and never post anything to me again as I have been doing to your posts. Last response to anything you ever post. |
Well I just learned the meaning today also so I guess I was a knobhead until today. I like it. I may start using it where appropriate.
I thought "knobhead" referred to stick shift drivers, i.e. the stick shift knob. (shrug)
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