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SVOboy 09-02-2005 08:14 PM

What kinda music do you listen to in and out of the car?
I'm thinking about this right now cuz I am listening to some very funky Rip Slyme. It is a Japanese group I doubt many US or non-Japanese people have heard of, but they are good. The did the Opening (OP) for an anime called Gantz. In any case, when I get a new tape deck I will mos def be blasting them in my car. Usually in my car I'll listen to stuff like this:

Mos Def (like the pun?)
CapaRezza (Italian rap)
The Pillows (Japanese rock)
System of a Down

Not much else right now cuz I am too lazy to figure out exactly what I wanna listen to, but I am thinking about this both because of these funky beats I'm listening to and because I just finished watching an anime about a Japanese rock group called Beck.

bagpipe goatee 09-02-2005 10:18 PM

e-mail notification of new threads
my music tastes vary, i have a thing for "****ty" music.

cd's in my rabbit right now

3 doors down-the better life
adema-self titled
-insomniac's dream
Audioslave-self titled
Barenaked ladies-rock spectacle
Beatles-White album
Blaze ya dead homie-Colton Grundy
Bloodhound gang- mix of a couple cds
cake- fashion nugget+a bunch of random songs
Dane cook- Harmful if Swallowed
Dark Lotus-Tales from the lotus pod(marz version)
-Black rain
Dave matthews band-under the table and dreaming
Esham-Acid Rain
Eve6-self titled
Godsmack-Self titled
-other side
Gorillaz-self titled
Greenday- all their old cds
House of Krazees-Homebound
Infected mushroom- converting vegetarians (both discs)
Insane clown posse-the ep's
- bizzar/bizaar
-the joker's cards
-the forgotten freshness series
-bunch of singles.
jimi hendrix-band of gypsies
Kottonmouth Kings- a couple cd's
Louis XIV-The best little secrets are kept
manu chao (i know, i know, european pop music. i only like one song.)
Mindless self indulgence-Frankenstein girls will seem strangely sexy
-you'll rebel to anything (as long as it's not challenging)
Modest Mouse-Building Nothing out of something
-lonesome crowded west
-This is a long drive for someone with nothing to talk about
-764-HERO (single)
Mudvayne-Kill, i oughtta...
-LD. 50
pink floyd- the wall
-division bell
presidents of the united states of america
psychopathics from outer space one and two
queens of the stone age
rage against the machine
red hot chili peppers
richard cheese
stephen lynch
the streets (british rap)
system of a down-self titled
-steal this album
just about everything twiztid ever did
Zug Izland-Cracked tiles

reward for anyone who made it through that list

Matt Timion 09-02-2005 11:29 PM

User titles changed
I have no idea why, but I just love bad music. There is something about listening to music that sounds like a train wreck that gets me all happy. This has resulted in a very large collection of mp3s that I couldn't give away.

In the car I listen to the local "alternative" station. When I lived in Southern California I listened to talk radio all day every day. I was addicted to Bill Handel, Phil Hendrie, Howard Stern, and of course Heidi, Frosty, and Frank. Since moving to Utah I have found that the only decent talk radio station is NPR. NPR gets very boring very fast. Oh, and the one AM station that aired Phil Hendrie cancelled it.

So I'll listen to the "alternative" station, or just pop in a Filipino CD and rock out. That's right, I love Filipino music.

SVOboy 09-03-2005 08:02 PM

Howdy all
I hate the radio, but having just watched and loved the anime Beck, I should add the two soundtrack to what I will listen to in the car.

GasSavers_Diemaster 09-03-2005 09:40 PM

Car stalls when idling and A/C is on

Originally Posted by Matt Timion
I have no idea why, but I just love bad music. There is something about listening to music that sounds like a train wreck that gets me all happy. This has resulted in a very large collection of mp3s that I couldn't give away.

So I'll listen to the "alternative" station, or just pop in a Filipino CD and rock out. That's right, I love Filipino music.

email the MP3's to me :P i'm allways looking for mp3 to add to my 15+gig colection.

LOL i like bad music too :P i also like metal or "alternitive" too. mostly metal, rap, techno, movie/tv theams, pop, and comedy like paridys etc..

i got a mp3 player deck and can fit bout 100-350 songs on it (depending on quality) it's greatfor long trips or trafic. mabye i'll add a sub too b/c i'm a bass freak :P

bagpipe goatee 09-04-2005 11:04 AM

Need advice swapping an engine
yeah, i'd love to get some of that music, too. don't want to make it too much of a deal, though.

SVOboy 09-04-2005 11:29 AM

Right Lane Only
If someone wants to post up a list of stuff they'd like to be able to download I could get it pretty easily and create a torrent so everyone could get on there and get it with a bit torrent client, but I dunno how big BT is for most non-otaku folks.

GasSavers_Diemaster 09-04-2005 12:30 PM

where do I buy insulation?

<p>if i can download 17.2 gigs of southpark and 12.4 gigs of ren and stimpy then ican download your music :P yea post it up and give us the link ;) </p>
<p>BTW i have 786K cable :D</p>
<p>EDIT: if i knew how to make a torrent i'd post up my 15gig colection :)</p>

SVOboy 09-04-2005 12:33 PM

Dilemma concerning front sway bar on n600
I have a 1.5 down DSL and I download about 50-60 gigs of anime a week, so there ya go. But I will try to make up a torrent with some funky japanese music and you can tell me how that works out for you first, and then I can do a thing with screen shots about how to make torrents, just for fun.&nbsp;

chasgood 09-07-2005 05:59 PM

GPS vs. Odometer mileage.
I mainly listen to classic rock in the car. Once in a while I go to the new alt rock station.
I havent got into collecting mp3's. I do lurk in the newsgroups and emule file share for software, pics and movies. Heard of torrents but havent given it a try yet.
My ISP is Cox cable. They say the speed is 4 megabits per sec. Maybe in low usage hours.

SVOboy 09-07-2005 06:15 PM

I use dsl so I always get the same speed, which is 1.8 megs. In any case, check out www.bittorrent.com and www.bittornado.com (the client I use). You can use engines like www.isohunt.com to search for basically anything you want. I've put up a view torrents somewhere but no more yet because I haven't listened to anything else since those two albums, I love them. Good beat, catchy lyrics.

Flatland2D 09-13-2005 08:21 PM

Discovery Ch. Shows
I like most kinds of music except country. I often end up listening to the "trendy" or hip-hop songs because the bass is mixed well and comes out good on my system, and a good punch of bass makes me smile. I've got two 8" subs in a stealth box behind the seats. It really resonates the bass well without rattling the car. I'm a big fan of classic rock. I like some weird kinds of music, too. Classical is nice if I'm in the mood for it. Sometimes I just like to blast out the theme song to Morrowind while cruising down the road.

Paul Osborne 09-16-2005 11:57 AM

GasSavers Podcast
I listen mostly to LED ZEPPELIN and have all of their CDs in my car, including live concerts and special events. However, lately I’ve been listening to ACDC over and over, thus I gave Black Sabbath a rest.

Jefferson Airplane
Neil Young
Bad Company

But, Led Zeppelin is by far my first choice – tried and proven, always good. Oh how those were the days!

Paul Osborne

Flatland2D 09-16-2005 09:13 PM

Summer time slowness?
Ah yes, Styx. That's one of my all time favorite bands. I'm not really old enough to have been around when they were popular, but so many of their songs are classics. Even their new ones are pretty good. It's also nice that they put out a positive message in a lot of their songs. That's something you don't find often.

chasgood 09-20-2005 09:43 PM

I am old enough to have been
I am old enough to have been around when Styx was popular. Saw them play in Mobile AL. Must have been 82 or 83. Mr Roboto tour I beleave. Kansas is a group I found to be simular to Styx in its message. Saw them play in Okla City 79.

RUSH is my all time favorite. Saw them twice. Play at full volume kind of music. :-) 2112

Matt Timion 09-29-2005 07:23 AM

Funny you should mention
Funny you should mention styx. My mom was visiting a few weeks ago and we went to the Utah State Fair. The night before we were there Styx was playing with REO Speedwagon. My mom REALLY wanted to see REO Speedwagon. I guess her and my dad used to go see them a lot "back in the day."

I'd think that both Styx and REO Speedwagon are big enough bands to each have their own night... not share a night.

b1gmoose 10-04-2005 05:51 PM

music that I listen to
I listen to most music. I hate country music, and that is about 80% of the radio stations in VT. The other problem is hills & mountains. You are luck if you can listen to the same station for 10-15 miles in this state. Some go 30 miles, but they have high wattage & high hills that they sit their towers on.

SO I have an iPod. Here is some of what I have on there:
Type O Negative
Cradle of Filth
Iron Butterfly
Iron Maiden
Black Sabbath
Ozzy Osborne
Orphaned Land
Kamelot --- > March Of Mephisto kicks *** on "The Black Halo"
A Perfect CIrcle
Ram Jam --> Black Betty
Savatage ---> meh, 80's electric, no bass or heavy sounds, good lyrics
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Opeth ***** Similar to Type O Negative / Testament ***** wow these
guys are cool.
Leaves' Eyes ***
Theatre of Tragedy
Kings X ---> Stone Temple Pilots ... stoned mood music
Symphony X
Within Temptation
Night Wish *** Fast Classical w/ chorus
The Sins of Thy Beloved
After Forever
Lacuna Coil
Penumbra ... not too sure but maybe
Tapping The Vein
Iron Maiden
Agalloch ... meh, maybe if in an odd mood
As I Lay Dying
Avenged Sevenfold
Killswitch Engage
From Autumn to Ashes
Shadows Fall
My Chemical Romance

I love metal, but I hate the canibal corpse sounds & slayer, screaming and torture sounds and satanic lyrics just don't go well with me. Now Cradle of Filth does have some dumb lyrics, but the music itself is unreal.

BTW, I love sleeping to heavy metal, mostly the Netherlands & Norwegian bands. The classical instruments with the heave sounds of black sabbath and soft singing of a female voice. Great music to sleep to, or to mellow out too.

My daughter (2 years old) loves Type O Negative & Godsmack. Doesn't like POP like Britany or Christina or *NStink or the BackDoor Boyz.


GasSavers_Tasia 11-03-2005 04:04 PM

I listen to...
I like to listen to a lot of different types of music like rock, jazz, gyspy guitar, blues, classical, etc. I just don't do country. In the car I lean towards The Doors, Bob Marley, Jimmy Buffett, ( anything from the Islands) 80's, Jethro Tull. I also like to listen to NPR. Despite what Matt said, I think NPR is entertaining, at least most of the time (that is when they aren't campaining for $.

Matt Timion 11-03-2005 04:10 PM

Re: I listen to...

Originally Posted by Tasia
Despite what Matt said, I think NPR is entertaining, at least most of the time (that is when they aren't campaining for $.

Holy crap. I've never listened to NPR when they were not campaigning for money.

GasSavers_Tasia 11-06-2005 08:24 PM

I know it's hard to believe
I know it's hard to believe sometimes that they actually have regular programming. By the way Matthew, in your opinion what constitutes as bad music? Don't tell me you listen to Yanni?

Matt Timion 11-06-2005 09:21 PM

Re: I know it's hard to believe

Originally Posted by Tasia
I know it's hard to believe sometimes that they actually have regular programming. By the way Matthew, in your opinion what constitutes as bad music? Don't tell me you listen to Yanni?

I have no idea what is bad music... it's just stuff I don't like.

I've actually been on a James Taylor and Cake kick for the last several years. I also throw in some Filipino music to keep the mood up. I'll play some Doors or Cat Stevens for memories sake once in a blue moon.

I'm actually pretty boring when it comes to music.

I won't listen to Yanni, but you'll find me listening to the Fabio CD every once in a while when I need a good laugh.

GasSavers_Tasia 11-06-2005 09:41 PM

Fabio has his own CD, I
Fabio has his own CD, I would of never known. The cat rarely makes it out of the bag in my car anymore. But I did go through a faze a while back where I listen to An American Prayer probably 30+ times in a row.

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