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-   -   --- Who actually uses the tiprtonic ?? --- (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f11/who-actually-uses-the-tiprtonic-9194.html)

trautotuning 06-29-2008 08:50 AM

--- Who actually uses the tiprtonic ?? ---
For changing gears?

I would think that it would actually help since you can upshift at lower rpms but Im just seeing who keeps it in full automatic and who actually uses the "manual" shifting and if it has improved your FE.


Another thing i just noticed! (Man I love this car...)

When I take my foot off the gas pedal quickly, on any speed and any gear below 40mph-ish, the tranny seems to go back into neutral... !

It drops just a tad bit above idling, but that means I can coast really far with no extra gas (making PandG possible!... but I still do not do it I think its a little harsh on the engine).

Anyway just letting yall know.

theholycow 06-29-2008 02:07 PM

I don't think many users here are equipped with tiptronic or other similar interfaces.

I would certainly use it if I had it.

Karishnikov 06-29-2008 04:06 PM

My wife's Passat has the tiptronic, and whenever I use it, I always upshift before it reaches 2000 rpm. Has a positive effect on FE.

trautotuning 07-01-2008 11:42 AM

Just to shed some light on the topic...

I have been "manually" shifting in my 2007 Mazda 6 and the good thing is that I can always shift at 1,900rpm; unlike the computer which shifts it at around 2,300 or even higher like 2,600 sometimes.

Also, the computer never puts it down in 5th gear when cruising at 30-35mph. But it will let me if I manually shift it causing the rpms to drop to near 1,000rpms while going 35mph.

Also, on steep slopes, I can start in 2nd. (I dont do this in flat ground though since it takes more time to accelerate an thus more time to get up to speed and thus wastes more fuel).

Lug_Nut 07-02-2008 04:15 AM

My new (to me) Passat TDI has the tip. Not as useful as I had hoped. The engine and transmission electronic 'brains' limit the options available. In full auto they have total control. In 'manual' they maintain "veto" powers over the driver's request.
Full auto will not shift into 5th until 42 mph (speed controlled, not engine load controlled) and will drop back to 4th, absolutely without regard for accelerator pedal position or coasting or downhill conditions, at 40 mph.
It's not as if the engine doesn't have enough grunt. It's at 1500 rpm and well up into the diesel's torque curve, so "lugging" isn't the concern.
'Manual' will not permit activating 5th until 40 mph under any conditions I've yet tried, and will drop back to 4th, without driver selection, if speed drops back below 40. Once my request for 5th has been over-ruled the trans remains in 4th forever or until the speed is once again back above 40and I additionally submit yet another request to please let me have 5th again.
Pretty please?
Pretty please with ice cream?
Oh, come on damnit! I'm almost coasting, here! Gimme 5th!

theholycow 07-02-2008 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Lug_Nut (Post 109161)
It's at 1500 rpm and well up into the diesel's torque curve, so "lugging" isn't the concern.

Is it even possible to truly lug a diesel? I'm pretty sure that lugging is when excessive load causes huge amounts of detonation.


Oh, come on damnit! I'm almost coasting, here! Gimme 5th!
Perhaps it can be adjusted with Vag-Com?

trautotuning 07-02-2008 04:07 PM

Hmmm that weird mine is RPM dependant, not MPH dependant (until about 15mph where it drops to 3rd from 5th or 4th and 5mph into 1st)

Heres the min values at which I can shift;

2nd- Any RPM, you can even start in 2nd instead of 1st.
3rd- 1,800ish RPM's.
4th- 1,900ish RPM's.
5th - 1,600ish RPM's.

So as you can see I can be doing 20mph and still in 5th :) I LOVE IT! And the shifts are almost instantenious not like other Tiptronics...

Anyway I suppose it depends on how every car is programed but nontheless tuning should be available with like the VAG-COM or such for other cars... ??

theholycow 07-02-2008 04:22 PM

trautotuning, what kind of car do you drive?

trautotuning 07-02-2008 04:26 PM

I just purchased a 2007 Mazda 6 ... 4 Cylinder its in the "Garage" now if you want to take a look at it.

Lets just say its a far step away from my past two cars; a Honda s2000 and a Chrysler Crossfire but I was tired of paying for gas and needed something to haul the friends around...

BTW call me Tito :)

thornburg 07-03-2008 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by trautotuning (Post 109295)
I just purchased a 2007 Mazda 6 ... 4 Cylinder its in the "Garage" now if you want to take a look at it.

Lets just say its a far step away from my past two cars; a Honda s2000 and a Chrysler Crossfire but I was tired of paying for gas and needed something to haul the friends around...

BTW call me Tito :)

I don't see it under your name. It should appear there when it's in the garage.

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