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Nerds laugh at me 06-30-2007 04:43 AM

Boat-tail on Insight & Prius in Photoshop
This is why they never came from the factory with them.
and Here's another image of the Prius - dropped, nose extended, and another body line ( indention ) to get help balance the look of the car. The back of the car also has some blackout treatment to help. Also... it's not ...purple :)

Here it is in black :https://farm2.static.flickr.com/1371/...67191c3a_o.jpg

That last image is copyright and I can't remember who owns it.
Dude, if you do see this modified image ... please don't sue me !
I'm just bored !

Here's the Prius 'bobcat' short-tailed version : https://farm2.static.flickr.com/1141/...034073c4_o.jpg

As requested ... here is the Prius looking rather bloated and in funky purple :https://farm2.static.flickr.com/1236/...d2ee4dc1_o.jpg

And the Insight long tail :https://farm2.static.flickr.com/1376/...f4387fa6_o.jpg

tulsa_97sr5 06-30-2007 05:28 AM

Nice chops - i'd drive that prius, in a different color maybe :D

SL8Brick 06-30-2007 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by tulsa_97sr5 (Post 61423)
Nice chops - i'd drive that prius, in a different color maybe :D

Think about how much territory a 'Mary Kay' salesperson could cover in that Toyota.;)

And, Yes....I like the chops too!

Nerds laugh at me 06-30-2007 01:06 PM

I had no clue ...then ....

Oh I get it - the car looks pink ( - ish )

Perhaps I should make it brown since it looks like it just slid out the back end of ....

MnFocus 06-30-2007 01:27 PM

Nah it's just a lighter shade of Barney ;) (that is an official color name iddn it? )

Jim Dunlop 07-03-2007 04:13 AM

Nice work.

Be careful backing up into a crowd of people...you could poke someone's eye out with that boat tail.

brucepick 07-03-2007 07:38 AM

A very short person's eyes.
Probly a future driver.

Bill in Houston 07-03-2007 07:57 AM

On the upside, if you wanted to drive the car in a parade, the tail would be a great place for the Mayor or the pageant queen to sit...

Fuzzy5150 07-03-2007 08:31 AM

I'll take the Insight.......and I like the color!

repete86 07-03-2007 12:18 PM

I would love to drive an Insight like that.

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