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DrivenByNothing 04-27-2007 01:46 PM

92 mpg, 180hp, 12.9s 1/4 mile non-hybrid petrol car


SVOboy 04-27-2007 01:50 PM

Haha, it's powered by a honda engine and uses CRX front suspension, how awkwardly cobbled together...

It must have awful emissions, running 20:1...

DrivenByNothing 04-27-2007 03:21 PM

It's running a turbo-powered honda engine. I wouldn't say it's awkwardly cobbled together. It's much easier to utilize something that someone else has already engineered than to create something completely new. It also allows them to use aftermarket components (ie adjustable coilover suspension) made to work with the 'borrowed' parts.

As for the emissions being excessive at such a high AFR, quite the contrary. The most extraordinary aspect of this vehicle is the fact that its engine is powered by petrol vapor rather than liquid. Vapor is a completely different beast than liquid.


The “alé” runs on regular gasoline, and easily achieves the level of “super low” emissions with a 30% reduction in CO2. Even more impressive is the fact that all the data to date has been gathered without a catalytic converter.
Most of the harmful emissions produced by engines are the result of incomplete combustion. Under normal conditions, Nitrogen and Oxygen won't form a bond, but high heat provides enough energy to change that. Must of the fuel injected into a liquid petrol burning engine does not produce any power, but rather quenches the cylinder. This is where production of harmful emission occurs.

Vapor allows for more complete combustion for several reasons (I can go into these upon request).

SVOboy 04-27-2007 03:45 PM

That is only C02...which is directly related to gas mileage, I care about other emissions too, and would like to see some mention of them.

I say cobbled together because this car is obviously not going to be produced for any one when it is made out of parts built by other companies. A few might like it as a kit, but the actual production ability isn't there.

"Hey, I've got a new car for sale...it's a BMW with a CRX shell and toyota engine, please, give me patents so I can sell my amazing invention."

kwtorbe 04-27-2007 04:57 PM

I like it. I find the aerodynamic body amazing and love the vapor injection. They should be able to sell it. There is an aftermarket company selling reproduction 69 camaros and 67 mustangs. All it takes is money and company politics.

zpiloto 04-27-2007 05:31 PM

This came up before here
But they were having driveability issues switching between vapor mode. I can't tell from the article but did they work that out? Without the vapor mode they were getting 70 mpg.

DrivenByNothing 04-27-2007 09:14 PM

I didn't realize it was that small. It's not all that impressive now that I have a better idea of what it looks like.

Hockey4mnhs 04-27-2007 09:44 PM

thats awsome looking and pretty impresive times and fe

Bill in Houston 04-27-2007 09:44 PM

I think it looks cool but...
20:1 air fuel ratio is not especially remarkable... Honda Insight did 22:1, I believe.
The whole thermodynamics of it doesn't fit. Liquid fuel vs "vapor" doesn't wash.
1.7 lateral g? Must have measured it on a highly banked curve.

Anyway, looks cool and I bet it is fun to drive, but I think a lot of the rest is suspect.

basjoos 04-28-2007 02:44 AM

Anyway the market for 1-seater cars with a small amount of cargo space is going to be fairly limited, perhaps as an alternative to a motorcyle for year around use (although the 3 wheel configuration might be problematical in snow since the center wheel doesn't follow the tire tracks left by 4-wheel traffic).

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