Do other drivers ever get pissed off at you?
It seems like ever since I started focusing on increasing my FE I have had a number of other drivers get angry with me.
I don't even accelerate that slowly, but I keep having people tail gate me then speed around me at the first chance they get. Also, coming up the hill from work the speed limit is 55 and I maintain a constant speed of 60 AND I make sure I'm in the right hand lane. Yet still every once in a while other drivers will speed around me and cut me off. Yesterday I had a guy in a huge Ford truck nearly run me off the road, and I was going 5 mph over the limit! He also gave me the finger as he sped by me. I don't think I am driving slow, I could be accelerating much faster, but I never drive under the speed limit, and I accelerate at a pretty good pace when there are other drivers behind me. Do you guys have problems with other drivers getting pissed off at you for driving conservatively? Or am I the only one? Maybe I'm driving too slow? |
Haha, I drive 55 on the interstate (65) and at speed limit everywhere else, accelerating quite slowly, never had an issue.
Once I had someone honk at me but I dunno what it was related to, *shrug* |
It's amazing how many people THINK you will be going slow, or are going slow, just because of the car you drive. I believe people speed up, after I pass them, just because it MUST be an insult that an econobox is going faster than their luxury sedan.
All the time. I could be doing the speed limit and they still pass me.
OO yeah, get the finger, lip service, tail gated all sorts of stuff.
Okay, I don't feel so bad then.
It kind of makes me laugh as these people in big trucks or SUVs go speeding by me, all pissed off. I wonder how much gas they are using while they mash the gas to get their 6000lb death trap to speed by me. I'd be pissed off to if I was locked into a huge loan on a gass guzzler. lol |
Wow, I'm lucky I guess. People pass the hell out of me on the interstate but I never get any crap for it. I guess NJ is just mellow like that.
I haven't noticed anybody giving me the finger and I've only had one person honk at me recently (apparently because I came to a complete stop at a red light while I was turning right :confused: ).
People do pull out, pass, and pull back into the lane ahead of me all the time. I really don't understand this behavior when a red light is 100 yds ahead and obviously isn't going to change in the next 5 seconds. I keep thinking I should have a bumper sticker that says: Stay behind me, you'll save fuel. |
don't give them the satisfaction of letting them see your face, let them see your finger instead.
I think that was my honk, stopping at a red light, and then turning right. Crazy fools!
Anyway, I've thought of a similar bumper sticker, or at least like, some FE related so people don't think I'm stoned when my engine goes off, :p |
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