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andyrobo 05-23-2014 09:58 AM

Fuelly Android App Update
1 Attachment(s)
Today we are proud to announce that Fuelly has acquired aCar, a leading Android fuel logging app.

Attachment 1575

The "fuel-up" process is the heart & soul of any fuel logging system. It should be as easy, fast, & accurate as possible to add data. Although Fuelly has a mobile optimized site, a data connection might not always be available. We want the best experience for our users, and we feel that is going to mean storing your data locally and syncing to the cloud. You should be able to edit your data from your Android, iPhone or a website.

Previously we announced that Fuelly acquired Gas Cubby the leading iOS luel logging app and this announcement now rounds out the news so we can start to integrate the apps and have a cross platform solution.

At first the name will be changed to aCar Fuelly and the old aCar logo will remain the same. We don't want people to look on their phones and not be able to find the app. With time we'll update the logo and the name will simply be the Fuelly app. There will continue to be a full featured ad supported version and an unlocker to get access to more features.

Our vision is to provide a cross platform system where users can enjoy a beautiful interface from Android to iOS and even from a mobile or traditional desktop browser. We will remain focused on making sure our fuel-up process is the most efficient possible and look forward to discussing new features with our members as we decide what else to add to our system.

Please click here for the announcement page:

Kf6kmx 05-24-2014 04:37 PM

May have been in there and I didnt see it, but those of us who are paid users of the full aCar, will it continue to use our license or will we have to buy the new app once it changes over?


RobertV 05-27-2014 08:49 AM

The unlocker will continue to work and keep the features unlocked. We are hoping to bring even more features to our upgraded members too.

eseelke 06-02-2014 08:33 AM

This is great news! As one of the first donators to Armond back in 2010, I have been using aCar for quite some time.

I just signed up for Fuelly, and the beta request, just for the syncing feature. Can't wait to try it out!


cdnsniper827 06-05-2014 06:05 AM

Will the new aCar Fuelly app sync my previous recordings or will it only take my new recordings once its updated ?

Thanks !

GPman 06-09-2014 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by RobertV (Post 176111)
The unlocker will continue to work and keep the features unlocked. We are hoping to bring even more features to our upgraded members too.

What are " upgraded members " ? I never saw anything to get more "stuff":confused:

projektdotnet 06-09-2014 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by GPman (Post 176224)
What are " upgraded members " ? I never saw anything to get more "stuff":confused:

From what I can tell they're referring to the aCar Pro Features (via ProUnlocker from Google Play or the original Pro Key from a few years ago)

andyrobo 06-09-2014 01:34 PM

projektdotnet is correct. aCar has the Pro Unlocker which unlocks provides more features for the users. Our iOS app also has a free and paid version. Our plan is to keep this same model in place and to make sure and bring as much value to the users who help support us by buying the upgrades. Unfortunately, I don't think there will be a way to transfer the upgraded status from iOS to Android so if you paid for the Unlocker and get an iPad you would need to get the paid version on IOS to get all the same features. We might be able to find a solution to that but as of this moment, it seems to be a obstacle we haven't resolved yet.

projektdotnet 06-15-2014 02:29 PM

Any ETA on when Fuelly/aCar integration will begin in a visible way? I'd like to have my updates from my aCar logs to automatically update my Fuelly profile.

andyrobo 06-15-2014 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by projektdotnet (Post 176668)
Any ETA on when Fuelly/aCar integration will begin in a visible way? I'd like to have my updates from my aCar logs to automatically update my Fuelly profile.

Armond is working on the integration already but we can't provide an ETA at this time. We are deep into resolving issues related to the major backend upgrade that took place last week. Once the dust settles we'll be able to focus on the smart phone apps (we have a little team). We had to get this backend upgrade done before we could entertain any syncing with the apps so it had to be done first. Ideally we can have some type of aCar integration done by this fall but that's not a date that you can count on as it could change.

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