1992 Honda civic vx I can not get it to pass smog I have high nox
I have atempted three smog checks running high nox (1400 +) I have posted this problem on the introduce your self I guess it's not the right place for it and I stumbeld on this part of gassavers today anyways I have replaced the o2 censor Bosch 5 wire, replaced catalytic converter , egr valve, removed the intake manifold and clean all ports because it was sudgested that my egr ports on the intake were clogged well!! after I did that the car is now accelerating like if I were pushing the the gas pedal and letting go over and over, not sure what to do to the car any more it might be time for a professional. Dose any one got any ideas?
How soon after did you replace those parts did you go back to the smog check? I would drive it at least 100miles or so before taking it back in after those changes.
Not much driving after replacing parts because I would replace the part and go test it's been in the drive way for a month now. And it's doing that accelerating thing when I do press on accelerator it realy accelerates fast and I have pull on the gas pedal to get it to not over accelarate
seems like that pedal is sticking or the throttle cables on the butterfly. Have you tried to accerlerate by using the cables on the butterfly? If not try it and see if it sticks there.
Yes it is sticking but it it still idles weird. It accelerates and deccelarate over and over.
does it run something like this, they also have some good info in the comments on how to resolve the issue
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDEDCyMepkU |
Check your TPS sensor. Should read ~0.5V with the key on/engine off and throttle closed.
ok. Checked and tested iac valve seams to be good. Found that air is been sucked in through a hole on the block were intake manifold and block conect at the center what is that for? The hole is not covered I did replace the gasket but not sure if it was covers before or not, maybe there was a hose conected there?
Here is my fix for this one. When I removed the intake and cleaned it I removed the gasket from the intake side but I forgot to remove the gasket from the block side so I had two gaskets installed and one of them was damaged from removing the intake ( what a bone head move!) well I got work to do thanks all.
Check for vacuum leaks and fix anything you find. I had a car that would max out the emissions testing machine one time and all that was wrong was a cracked vacuum line. Investigate the opening you found and try to see what needs to be done to repair it. That may be where your problem is.
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