I've done 40 mph in the slow lane on that highway(I-70) for a 120 mile trip. DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME KIDS! |
I always do 50mph on a (2x400) mile trip I do every few weeks :) (on a 70mph motorway)
Especially in STL
No offense to your hometown, but many drivers in St. Louis are terrible! There's a direct correlation between a rise in my mean Systolic blood pressure and the number of idiots on the highways there. It seems like it comes in 3's: being cut-off, bumper ridden, and red-light runners. :mad: How do you do it, man? May the Schwartz be with youuuuuu..... RH77 |
My favorite thing to do to tailgaters is to take my foot off the gas until they are around me, then I'll resume speed. Driving home yesterday from IHOP (free pancakes = good) an Econoline van was about 3-4 feet from my rear bumper. So I coasted. Got down to about 30mph before he finally got tired of it. Then before I took my exit at 55mph, he was trapped behind cars going 40-45 in the traffic on the highway. I oozed right by him while taking my exit. I LOVE that feeling.
"Hurry Up And Stop", as they say... |
STL drivers are pretty bad. I was once run into a ditch by a MACK truck.
A few months ago I had an idiotic old woman in a Cadillac behind me honking because I didn't pull out on the road fast enough (there was a car coming and I didn't feel like wasting gas to speed up for pulling out right in front of it.) So when I pulled out she sped right past me (not sure if she gave me the finger or not since I didn't bother to look), then while she was passing me I noticed it was in a 'no passing zone' and she was going well over the speed limit. So guess what? I stopped along the shoulder of the road and called the state highway patrol (whose number is in my address book.) I hope they pulled her over and taught the old witch a lesson!
If you're getting passed by an old lady, that says a lot about how slow you were going! :p
I guess i'l add my 2 cents in here. Personaly, I cant stand it when people go less than the speed limit. Sure you may be saving a little gas, but when your going 50mph on a 65-70mph marked road.. you are creating a hazzard. I usualy do about 72 and up to 75 on the freeway wich is marked 65mph and I STILL get passed. I cant imagine doing 50mph or even less like i've seen on here. I know its the "speed limit", but if everyone is going 5-10 over INCLUDING police, there is no reason other than saving some gas to go 10 under. How many of you have been rearended?
Great idea for a bumper sticker . . .
It may seem like I am going too slow . . . but maybe I am a cop. |
If i saw a geo with that sticker or a honda dx etc etc i'de laugh and pass them lol... cops around here have impalas, crow vics and a brand new chevy pickup
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