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theholycow 02-23-2012 04:43 AM

Re: Self Health Poll

Originally Posted by trollbait (Post 165947)
On to cheerier a topic. Did you ever just use the bread machine for mixing and rising, and then baking in the oven? If time is the major factor, you can experiment with mixing a large batch of dough, storing it in the fridge, and just finishing off a loaf whenever you need it?

+1 I forgot about that technique.

jcp123 02-23-2012 03:25 PM

Re: Self Health Poll
I myself mostly stay away from taking drugs or supplements. Having said that, I WILL take them when necessary, but I also don't think it's worth rushing to Walgreen's to dope up on dayquil whenever I get the sniffles. I guesstimate I take ~90% fewer pills than does the average joe. I'm combining that with bettering my diet - probably a bigger health help than anything that comes from the ******** - and doing so by cooking at home means a side bonus of $$ saved vs. eating out.

EDIT - why is the word p h a r m a c y bleeped out up there?

madnessspirit 02-23-2012 06:10 PM

Re: Self Health Poll

Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 165950)
it's fantastic that you realized a DC helped more than physical therapy. please do not underestimate them for total health tho. my family has been helped tremendously far beyond "bone troubles."

your liver is connected to the brain how? thru the spinal cord and nerves. you got a bone pressing on that area of spinal cord...well you lose function, simple as that. the thing is, a very small amount of nerves are for "feel" so you are unaware of of most pinched nerves. if your DC did not explain this, i'd find another one.

best wishes for a full recovery. and great recognition for prayer on your part...i'll pray for you as well.

Ahh, my liver problems are a non-alcoholic fatty liver, which basically means fat cells infiltrated my liver. I have a family history of the same types of liver problems. I just have to treat it and maintain a healthy diet. After that, I can't abuse it as much as most people can, which is fine, since like I said, I have never been a heavy drinker. Honestly, the time I spent with a bad gallbladder probably lead to this, since bile is stored and released by the gallbladder, and bile is what is used for processing digested fats. Since my body could not process fat correctly, it did a lot of odd things. With my family history, my liver is just more sensitive to the things that can cause damage to a liver in a normal person is all. No big deal, guess I will just HAVE to stay healthy and live a long happy life... I'm really broken up about the whole thing.:D

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy visits with the DC. I see them every now and then, even if it isn't for soreness and stiffness, since adjustments are good for my posture and for my general health. I like being in good condition, because I have more energy, I can do more, and I can work harder. Regular medical checkups are key to good health in my opinion. I just said I don't see the DC for internal medicine because I think it is a far better idea to see an internal medicine doctor so you know exactly what is wrong. I want a treatment to fit the problem, and while a DC's treatment may help with certain problems, it would be like fixing your car without figuring out what is wrong with it first. You could get lucky, or you could end up wasting your time. In this case, I would have wasted time, lots of vitamin E and a change in my diet for a few months before I can go back to a more normal diet and I should be good to go.

madnessspirit 02-23-2012 06:25 PM

Re: Self Health Poll

Originally Posted by trollbait (Post 165947)
On to cheerier a topic. Did you ever just use the bread machine for mixing and rising, and then baking in the oven? If time is the major factor, you can experiment with mixing a large batch of dough, storing it in the fridge, and just finishing off a loaf whenever you need it?

Nah, technology inside the kitchen scares me, so I don't use anything except the way the manufacturer specifically instructs.

Of course, if you think that is bad, you should see me when I am doing laundry. I know how to do it, I am good at doing it, but I call my friends and ask them if they will do it for me. I fix their cars, it is totally fair to ask them to do my laundry sometimes.

theholycow 02-24-2012 05:06 AM

Re: Self Health Poll

Originally Posted by jcp123 (Post 165967)
EDIT - why is the word p h a r m a c y bleeped out up there?

Must have been a lot of farm assy spam. It could probably be removed.


Originally Posted by FIND (Post 165972)
Nah, technology inside the kitchen scares me, so I don't use anything except the way the manufacturer specifically instructs.

Most bread machines have a setting specifically for letting the machine do the mixing/kneading/etc so you can slap it in a pan and throw it in the oven...no need to worry that you're doing something outside the instructions.

trollbait 02-24-2012 07:06 AM

Re: Self Health Poll
To clarify, the bulk making of dough I suggested was for if you still didn't want to use a bread machine. There is some time saving in mixing the ingredients of multiple loafs all at once, but more importantly it lets you make the dough up when you have the time to do so.

Another way to see it, is as making your own take and bake loafs to cook when time is in less supply.

tradosaurus 02-24-2012 07:42 PM

Re: Self Health Poll
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of drugs that legalized drug pushers (doctors) will be prescribing to you.

bowtieguy 04-27-2014 02:09 PM


Discovered this topic recently...doesn't get any cheaper than this to help one's self in regard to health.

Draigflag 08-02-2014 11:27 PM

The UK government recommends 7 portions of fruit and/or veg a day. I do have that most days, its really not as difficult as people make out. Glass of fruit juice with my breakfast, 3 peices of fruit, usualy an apple, bannana and a pear with my lunch, then 2 portions of veg with my dinner, easy and cheap too.

I think its appaling how in the US you pay taxes on food, drink, alcahol and cigarettes and yet there is no free healthcare? Whats all that about?

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