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VX_Arky 02-29-2012 10:48 PM

Re: Future Predicted Gas Prices
I don't care who is president or what party they're a member of, but when gas is $3.55 a gallon like it is here, then no incumbent is getting my vote. The price of gasoline has doubled since the last inauguration day in 2009. Look it up. I'd vote them all out if I could.

GasSavers_Erik 03-01-2012 03:49 AM

Re: Future Predicted Gas Prices
I have heard that current price increases in gasoline are a function of refinery capacity and they may be permanent because the US is now a gasoline exporter (this is a new development).

People have pointed out that gas prices are no longer proportional to crude oil prices when we considered $4 gas several years ago (Gasoline prices are inching closer to $4, but crude isn't that terribly high).
The explanation that I have heard is the US has closed several refineries AND we have now become a net exporter of refined petroleum products. Some of this has to do with our huge reserves of natural gas and the low price of natural gas. So, many of our refineries use cheap natural gas to refine oil into gasoline (we can refine oil cheaper than many nearby countries can).

So, we end up selling gasoline to other countries- this means the price of a gallon of gasoline in small town USA is heavily influenced by what other countries are willing to pay us for it.

If the above is true, then our gasoline prices may never come down unless more refineries can be built here in the US and in other countries.

bowtieguy 03-01-2012 04:06 AM

Re: Future Predicted Gas Prices

Originally Posted by Snax (Post 166068)
With that in mind, it is not unreasonable to consider Iran a willing patsy for the same purpose: To make Obama look weak and to hurt the economy through escalated oil futures.

iran willing to help remove a (war)passive prez? that's far fetched at best.

obama has hurt himself in regard to pricing.

lack of refineries, tapping, and middle eastern instability are the real culprits...no conspiracy needed!

Jay2TheRescue 03-01-2012 05:42 AM

Re: Future Predicted Gas Prices
At least with US consumption down, and the US exporting refined dino juice products, at least it helps partially close the trade deficit, and the refineries get to stay in business employing people, rather than them shutting down. It is correct, if the refinery can sell gasoline to another country, and get $X/gallon for it, then that's the minimum price that domestic distributors must pay for it, or else it gets shipped overseas.

Snax 03-01-2012 06:07 AM

Re: Future Predicted Gas Prices

Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 166077)
iran willing to help remove a (war)passive prez? that's far fetched at best.

And Carter was different how?

All I'm saying is that the evidence and testimony surrounding Iran-Contra proved that there was a guns-for-hostages deal that was setup with Iran BEFORE the election that put Reagan into office. Remember, the hostages were released on inauguration day. And the collusion of Republicans with Iran on making the release WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE REAGAN WAS SWORN IN has been well documented in the Congressional record.

It is naive to think that it could not happen again. That is how politics is REALLY played.

bowtieguy 03-01-2012 06:28 AM

Re: Future Predicted Gas Prices
it seems that one of the pioneers in modern media "exposers" of govt corruption has passed...https://biggovernment.com/tag/andrew-breitbart/

God rest his soul!

madnessspirit 03-01-2012 12:36 PM

Re: Future Predicted Gas Prices
We have refineries in this country that are unused. Not because of pollution or other regulations, but because demand is down.

Don't get me wrong, we could use some refineries. Most of what we have are horribly outdated and inefficient. Newer ones pollute less, and building them creates jobs while saving refiners money in the long run. Win for everyone. Hyperion wants to build one about 25-30 miles from my town, but they keep getting delayed for whatever reason. I'd love to see that plant go up.

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