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MetroMPG 11-21-2006 05:31 PM

Ooo! When?

I had 7 year old gas --- in my car --- when I bought it. That's how long it had sat in a garage. (I've probably told that story about ten times by now.)

Keep us posted.


Another fun ForkenSwift note: jumper

Silveredwings 11-21-2006 05:53 PM

Good news on that reversible motor. Are you thinking of keeping it in one gear?


Originally Posted by Silveredwings
...anyway, I'm ready to test the pump and do the leak checks (so many fuel connections). I'm sure everything will work the first time. ;)

I should say that's a gating item. I need to get all that squared away before I set the car down (off the stands, it has about 3" of ground clearance, so it's hard to fix stuff underneath). Once back on terra firma, I need to rotate the engine to verify nothing's stuck, and prime the oil pump (rolling the car in gear is the most practical way I can think of doing this). Atleast it has fresh 20w50 oil w/ stabilizers in it. Then I need to see if the starter still works. It's kind of like "if I had some ham, I could have ham and eggs...if I had eggs." :)

..of course, I should test the ignition for sparks too before I waste time cranking the beast.

Oh, I can almost smell it now. :D

MetroMPG 11-21-2006 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings
Good news on that reversible motor. Are you thinking of keeping it in one gear?

No, it occurred to me

Oh, I can almost smell it now. :D
I bet!

MetroMPG 11-26-2006 04:44 AM

This week Ivan made up the motor

MetroMPG 11-26-2006 05:50 PM

Some pics... Clicky-zoomy...

MetroMPG 11-27-2006 07:23 AM

Well, here's a bit of a blunder:

Our motor does NOT reverse direction by re

Silveredwings 11-27-2006 01:06 PM

First, thanks for sharing your experiennce, especially the small blunders. It's important to see where the difficult areas are. I found few things as infuriating as the many procedural manuals (computer and automotive alike) that said something like "simply remove the bearing and the shaft will come right out..." when it really took hours of hard struggling because I missed an important but undocumented step.

Good news that you have a 'sister' motor on which you can make your wiring experiments before "simply removing" the main motor. :D

Does this mean you need to retest the brush timing in the proper direction?

MetroMPG 11-29-2006 09:31 AM

[quote=Silveredwings]...missed an important but undocumented step.

Good news that you have a 'sister' motor on which you can mak

MetroMPG 11-29-2006 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings
Does this mean you need to retest the brush timing in the proper direction?

Not sure about this part. Need to do some more reading and looking at the motors.

MetroMPG 11-30-2006 05:59 PM

So, apparently the easy way to tell if a motor

Silveredwings 11-30-2006 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
So, apparently the easy way to tell if a motor has neutral brush timing is to simply run it in both directions. If it runs faster in one direction, the brushes are advanced against that direction. Good thing we have 2 motors. Makes a comparison relatively easy.

Hook 'em together and see which one wins. :D

MetroMPG 12-01-2006 07:58 PM

Hoo ha! That's a good one :)

philmcneal 12-02-2006 03:00 AM

omg wow i'm so jealous... i really want an EV for my short trips ... oh man when I visit Toronto can I see this baby? Maybe even encourage me to work on my own EV! Man if I can build a simple EV that would seat four and would give me AT LEAST 30 km range per charge oh man I would be drooling all over it.

Your experience is truly appreciated! I hope your EV runs! Man now your tanks will truly rock because you'll never have a cold trip ever again in your Gas Geo!


MetroMPG 12-02-2006 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by philmcneal
omg wow i'm so jealous... i really want an EV for my short trips ... oh man when I visit Toronto can I see this baby?

Sure thing, Phil. But I'm closer to Ottawa than Toronto :) You'd have to give me about 10 days notice to drive it to Toronto!


Maybe even encourage me to work on my own EV! Man if I can build a simple EV that would seat four and would give me AT LEAST 30 km range per charge oh man I would be drooling all over it.
You know there's a pretty active EV association in Vancouver. You could probably see some cars and get advice: https://www.veva.ca


Man now your tanks will truly rock because you'll never have a cold trip ever again in your Gas Geo!
May not work out that way. Just like the bicycle cargo trailer , the EV is going to displace even more local driving where I consistently get better MPG than highway trips. The Blackflea tank averages are probably going to go down when the ForkenSwift goes on the road.

MetroMPG 12-04-2006 06:15 PM

Pulled the motor out again this evening -

Silveredwings 12-07-2006 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Pulled the motor out again this evening - a 5 minute job. How cool is that?

It couldn't be much cooler if it removed itself. In fact, if you ... er, um, forget what I said, bad idea. :)


Then we reassemble and test the "new" CCW motor RPM against "stock" CW RPM of sister motor - to determine if the brushes are neutral or not. Hoping they are (it'll save time). Should have compared RPM of both motors in stock form before all this, but I wasn't being very scientific.
Exactly what I was thinking (I know, big help ain't I).

It sounds great, I'll be watching.

MetroMPG 12-09-2006 01:59 PM

Well, we tested the motor today in both

Silveredwings 12-09-2006 07:00 PM

I read that it's actually possible to overspeed series wound motors if you run them w/o a load even though speed limits current flow. I would think the comm timing could have a huge effect on how the field and armature fluxes interact. I have no personal experience though.

MetroMPG 12-09-2006 08:39 PM

You're right about overspeeding a se

MetroMPG 12-11-2006 02:34 PM

The EV list folks seem to be leaning tow

Silveredwings 12-11-2006 04:15 PM

Great info.

MetroMPG 12-11-2006 05:51 PM

The motor guru has spoken.

GasSavers_DaX 12-12-2006 04:09 AM

Neat photos of motor guts!

MetroMPG 12-12-2006 12:59 PM

Futzed with the brush position

Silveredwings 12-12-2006 02:53 PM

Wicked cool! (as they say around here)

SVOboy 12-12-2006 02:56 PM

Mehbe I'll start saving immediately, hmmm...

What an inspiration!

MetroMPG 12-12-2006 03:55 PM

Also been reading up on motor "red lines".

GasSavers_DaX 12-13-2006 04:12 AM

Wow. That's amazing...I never knew you could blow a motor up like that! Like he said...good thing his friend wasn't troubleshooting under the car when it happened. Glad he got it fixed though...I bet it was $!

Silveredwings 12-13-2006 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by DaX
I bet it was $!

...but not like throwing a rod in an ICE. :)

The Toecutter 12-16-2006 12:29 PM

Damn, I need to start posting on the EV list again. Finals are over, so I have time to do that again. I've missed sooooo much.

MetroMPG 12-26-2006 10:41 AM

[quote=Metrompg almost 2 weeks ago] Prediction! ... The

MetroMPG 12-26-2006 07:32 PM


The Toecutter 12-26-2006 08:29 PM

Props to you man. Now I need to get off my *** and get mine going!

MetroMPG 12-26-2006 08:49 PM

Yeah, start a conversion thread. Keep me company here.

The Toecutter 12-26-2006 09:08 PM

I would, but I have no digital camera to show you guys pics.

But I assure you, there will be such a thread(and a website) eventually. And of the car's antics when the conversion is finished.

The EV list will certainly be the first to hear about it. Speaking of which, John Wayland is probably wondering where in the hell I've been! Ahh, to have 12 hours a day to devote to the internet again...

omgwtfbyobbq 12-26-2006 10:29 PM

omgz pimpness MetroMPG! :D

GasSavers_DaX 12-27-2006 04:10 AM

Haha, great video!

MetroMPG 12-27-2006 08:13 AM


MetroMPG 12-27-2006 05:06 PM

On the motor red line question - got another reply from the Guru:

Silveredwings 12-27-2006 06:58 PM

Hey Darin, that's some great progress you're making.

I'd love to answer your question about the excel chart formatting but I don't have the file handy. I've unsuccessfully tried to recreate it but I'm currently out of town limping along on a Win98 porta-drone. If it makes you feel any better, it took me a while to get excel to cooperate. I can send it to you when I return home at the end of the week.

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