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flapdoodle 10-28-2008 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by 2 Tall (Post 122609)
Hi Flap,
Just curious, why the preference of methanol over isopropyl, is there a deffinite advantage? It's my understanding that iso bonds with the water molecules wheras meth doesn't so much. Can you explain please?

It is far cheaper to use windshield washer fluid.

saintmess@yahoo.com 10-28-2008 02:26 PM

Water Vapor Injection + HHO Booster
On water vapor injection only, I tested approx 2600 miles on my civic and I got max 45mpg average on a good driving day. I combined a simple HHO booster + vapor injection, now I am getting 50+mpg average consistently for more almost two months now.

The HHO booster I used is based on this design https://www.greenfuelbooster.com/refe...entations.html


Originally Posted by flapdoodle (Post 95899)
I received a phone call from a fellow HHO experimenter who says he is removing his website and dropping HHO in favor of water injection. He claims WI is just as effective without the hassle and expense.

I have tried both systems, but not at the same time. Has anyone heard any credible evidence that would support the claim that WI is just as good as HHO?

GasSavers_Fozzy 10-29-2008 06:31 PM

CArburetror cars & trucks
I have built several HHO boosters. On a 2000 taurus I get great hp and a little less mpg. I finally went to an evaporative system. Same results. I putchased a 1983 Dodge Rampage 2 brl carb 4 cylinder. I put the evap on it and got a 31% increase in mpg. 22 mpg to start and now 29 mpg. I do not inject water. All my vehicles I have an evap on draws a fumes of water I connect to the intake manifold and let the vacuum draw the wter molecules into the engine. The system is sealed to outside air and has only on hose connecting it. No air travels through it. I just evaporates under a vacuum that starts at 17" of mercury and as engine accellerates goes to 22" of merc. To see the details goto my web pages and review the 1983 rampage page. Cost of the evap system is under $15. My ratio of gas to water is 425 to 1. It is 1 gal of gas to 1/3 oz of water drawn in over 1/2 hr traveling at 60 mph. I will be installing a HHO booster soon. But probably as a second system leaving the evap connected and running. I have other ideas that I will be trying and all is reported on my web page. NOTE. information I provide on my site is: If data provided is not covered by a patent or copywrite it is to be considered as OPEN SOURCE and int the PUBLIC DOMAIN. This means that it cannot be patented or copywrited. It can be freely used, constructed and sold at will. If you build and sell any of my free to the public data you are respondsible for what you sell, not me. My data is for information purposes only and what you do with it is up to you. Best Wishes. My web pages: web.hometel.com/~tron

itjstagame 04-15-2009 09:14 AM

Hey, I was just thinking this same thing. I've been wanting to add a bubbler for a while and then started thinking, why not hit the whole charge and then I thought, I've got FI and a thottle body, couldn't I swap the throttle body for a old down draft carb and run the carb with water/meth? Carbs are usually brass or more plastic in the newer ones, but water shouldn't corrode it much and meth should prevent that even more.

This seems similar to what flapdoodle was doing with his vacuum draw but I'll be using a whole carb with very tiny jets instead.


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