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1993CivicVX 10-24-2007 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Gary Palmer (Post 78186)
Well, to be honest, we were just trying to help.

I don't think the issue is when the cel light comes on. The issue is that it wasn't coming on, before. Ya don't want to know, Ok.

Wait what? The old o2 wasn't coming on. The new o2 is coming on. The new o2 stops coming on when I turn the car off and jump start it. Sorry if I am being belligerent, I just feel like neither route will avail me, and I'm torn between stodgy know it all professionals and self empowered educated guessing amateurs. (That sounds mean, I don't mean it to be.) I am very appreciative of this forum. I think the sheer amount I post on here should be some testament to that. I'm just stressed out right now because the mechanic is such a douche. Given that, I do think he knows his stuff, given the sheer number of cars he's worked on and his experience. Anyway, sorry for coming across unappreciative. The other thing is, I just don't have much confidence in my self doing my own work on my car.

1993CivicVX 10-24-2007 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by jadziasman (Post 78171)
It's really weird how some VX's can use the $79 LAF sensor from Global-Automotive and some can't. Could it be that the Canadian ECU is set up differently than the 49 state ECU?

AND, it is always better if you are the mechanic. At least, you know who f***ed up and why!!!!! I wish "professional" mechanics had more training. I have had my share of headaches with them over the years.

I was thinking about this too (the first part). I really want to put my new ECU in and see if the o2 sensor will work better with the new ECU. Although I suppose there is no logic for why it would.

1993CivicVX 10-24-2007 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 78190)
I see your ecu...no need to pay someone to change it...

Looks like you need to put a paper clip in both pins of the smaller one.

Can I do any damage if that isn't correct?

SVOboy 10-24-2007 03:25 PM

Well, it's really troublesome he cut the old o2 sensor up. I don't spose you like soldering? Hmmm... I would get the o2 sensor in there and swap the ecu and see if that does anything (I doubt it though) and then I would throw a **** fit at the people who sold you the o2 for your money back.

SVOboy 10-24-2007 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by 1993CivicVX (Post 78196)
Can I do any damage if that isn't correct?

If that is the only 2 pin plug dangling not plugged into it I would say I'm 99% sure it's the plug I think it should be. I've never seen any others down there.

1993CivicVX 10-24-2007 03:34 PM

First thing I do is I turn the key to the on position, right?

I then take a metal paper clip right? Does it have to be metal or will an insulated one work? I bend it to make a U shape? I stick the two ends into either hole in that blue thingmajig?


I then take my video camera and film the flashing lights and tell you guys what they did. And let you guys decipher. :D Thanks.

SVOboy 10-24-2007 03:37 PM

Metal is best, since it needs to conduct...might have to start the car, forget if it'll just flash in key on, but yea.

1993CivicVX 10-24-2007 03:43 PM


I didn't get electrocuted and the car didn't blow up!

4 long and 8 short.

1993CivicVX 10-24-2007 03:45 PM

SVOboy or anyone else have AIM?

IM me at chesterules if you like.

SVOboy 10-24-2007 03:46 PM

See...you need to just get in there with small stuff and you gain more and more confidence, that's how I started...

Man, I completely forgot I put this online: https://crxmpg.com/obd1ecucodes.html

I love myself, :p, wish I had more time to make my site good...

Your sensor is bogus.

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