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JanGeo 03-10-2009 07:17 PM

Bowtieguy YOU HAVE to watch the video - it contains some major info about a lot of history and what had already been built that has been crushed and swept under the rug. There is a new Post on ETList about Tesla applying for some of the government funding last year that also got buried by oil bought politicians when Tesla needed the cash incentive to grow the company.

bowtieguy 03-11-2009 02:25 PM


i used to think conspiracies and paranoia went together. now, i believe there certainly are legit ones. the problem lies not in the corruption, but in the integrity of voters.

for so long we've voted in big gov't(freebies and bailouts) and now it's out of control. look at what's going on now. there is no change, at least not fundamentaly. the change is bigger gov't and potentially bigger conspiracies(in regard to what the founding fathers put in place).

Reagan said:
if it moves tax it, if it keeps moving regulate it, and if it stops moving, subsidize it.

sound familiar? we're living it right now. i'm trying to focus more on what is destined for the US, and preparing my family physically, mentally, and emotionally for what is coming.

it's all been planned out already, so nothing comes as a suprise anymore.

theholycow 03-11-2009 02:58 PM

To clarify: Reagan wasn't suggesting that philosophy is a good idea, he was using it to criticize common government practice with which he disagreed.

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. - Ronald Reagan (1986)

bowtieguy 03-11-2009 03:35 PM

correct HC!

and there are NO corporate conspiracies w/out govt help(intervention).

JanGeo 03-11-2009 05:00 PM

Just so you guys know this the market is taking its toll on the people on wall street too. You don't hear it in the news because they don't want it leaking out but my Brother knows a IT guy that works on the networks there and says they take people out in body bags every day. If you didn't have money invested in the market you wouldn't be bothered by the crash . . . I only have some in it and even half of that was in a cash money fund account long before this all started falling apart.

bowtieguy 03-11-2009 05:53 PM

to our govt's credit, many things are covered up(rightfully so) to prevent mass hysteria.

there are things that could be done and said to stabilize the market, and it escapes my comprehension as to why they're not.

back on target as i digress...

uncovering confirmed conspiracies is a good thing IF the general public is able to accept it. conversely, the media also fails to cover many of the good things the US does.

bowtieguy 03-11-2009 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by JanGeo (Post 129774)
If you didn't have money invested in the market you wouldn't be bothered by the crash . . .

i'm afraid we're all going to be affected eventually in some form. our economy is so delicate that any changes in the market, real estate, fuel prices, manufacturing, taxes, inflation, etc can really have a domino affect.

the accumilation of several of these has really made us vulnerable. that and irresponsible consumers and forced loans.

the best idea i've heard is to stockpile welfare and unemployment funds ONLY, and let the natural course of things go(no corp bailouts). weak and unnecessary businesses would fail, but the economy would be stronger afterwards w/out the added tax burden to us and our children.

there's so much pork in the stimulus and they're talking about MORE spending! THAT, my friend is a comfirmed conspiracy.

bobc455 03-12-2009 05:40 AM

$22 million of the "stimulus" is going to the Kennedys! STUPID FREAKIN MORONS

bowtieguy 03-12-2009 11:45 AM

i have never been one to say "i told you so," but the majority of voters asked for what we now have.

there is no one currently in DC that i voted for. i did vote for florida's governor, but even he was not my first choice.

i'll be sending a tea bag to the knuckleheads on April 1st.

my fear is that the majority will again blindly vote for a money trail and promises that can't be kept in 2 years, and again in 4. forgive me, but Boortz holds the opinion that not all deserve the right to vote. well...

this congress is nothing like the founding fathers, and this president nothing like Lincoln(or Reagan). there is a conspiracy brewing, and it will topple the only remaining city on a hill.

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