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LDB 04-20-2017 02:50 PM

There's a road paved with good intentions. The "proven useful appliances" still kill regardless of good intentions. So we're back to are you ready and willing to give up your motor vehicles and swimming pools in the name of public safety? Of course we must include stock tanks on farms/ranches as well and I'm sure other reservoirs one could swim in. Only military and police can be trusted with vehicles after all, not good honest citizens. So, you'll be handing in all your keys and vehicles soon? Or maybe you'd prefer yourself and the other good honest citizens get to keep their vehicles and those who abuse the privilege are dealt with instead?

Draigflag 04-20-2017 11:08 PM

Vehicles and swimming pools aren't the cause, or tools for a cause of a mass epidemic the same as firearms are, so no. As mentioned, murders or mass murders using cars, farm storage tanks or swimming pools are pretty rare, often accidents. Whilst accidents with firearms are fairly common (2200 out of 58,499 total incidents in 2016) most incidents are intentional. Out of the 58,499 incidents, less than 2000 were used as intended for self defence last year.

SteveMak 04-20-2017 11:42 PM

Draigflag: Until you can view a swimming pool, an automobile, and a handgun as being basically the same/similar, you won't be able to understand the thinking of people who do. No amount of explaining or clarification on your part, or the other's, will narrow that thought system chasm.

trollbait 04-21-2017 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Draigflag (Post 194330)
But you're comparing proven useful appliances which have completey different primary uses, with a firearm, which is, when used for its primary function is to seriously injured and/or kill. Not a fair comparison.

There are lots of things that have been banned, which can be used safely and recreationaly but have still been banned for the saftey of the users and others around them. I know a lot of people that use illegal drugs for example and enjoy doing so, but they have been banned because of "safety" concerns. Mobile phones whilst driving is another example. Smoking in confined public spaces, the list goes on and on. All these examples are probably responsible for less deaths/injuries than firearms.

Nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide over 3% concentration are out of the public's reach for safety concerns, when in the context of the Second Amendment they shouldn't be.

LDB 04-21-2017 05:10 AM

Got it. We don't give a flip about saving lives, only about taking away guns. And do you mean the pool/automobile/firearm that are all inanimate objects until used or misused by humans and therefore yeah, similar, or some other pool/automobile/firearm?

Draigflag 04-21-2017 09:22 AM

I've made my point. If you think living in a society where some schools need armed guards and metal detectors to protect children, some of which have a higher chance of being murdered at school than the US troops in the Middle East, is normal, then all we can do is hope and prey (if you're religious)

My prediction is this year, gun registrations will rise, homicides and injuries will beat last years records, as will mass shootings, and the chances of being shot by a fellow citizen will increase even more. But still, all these murders of innocent people and children are obviously worth it to protect yourselves right? :D

Jcp385 04-29-2017 05:05 PM

Ooh, guns!

Criminals who want a gun won't give a flip about laws, leaving those of us who do less able.

But 2A isn't really about defense vs burglars.

trollbait 04-30-2017 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Jcp385 (Post 194452)
But 2A isn't really about defense vs burglars.

Not according to past Supreme Court rulings.

LDB 04-30-2017 04:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
What I still haven't seen is an explanation of how the honest citizens giving up their guns is going to help when the criminals, because, you know, they're criminals so they don't obey the laws, keep their guns is going to make anything better or safer. If that worked then Kennesaw vs. Morton Grove would be vastly different. The statistics prove otherwise though. ETA: Just found an illustration.

trollbait 05-01-2017 05:15 AM

The vast majority of guns in criminals hands entered society legally. During the initial buy back, have a grace period of immunity to get some of those guns out of circulation. Also increase the penalties on having a gun while committing a crime to make using one less appealing.

With no more legal guns entering circulation, the number of illegal ones will drop. The few being smuggled in won't increase because their prices will go up.

Fully automatic weapons and suppressors already have stiff regulations on them, and the criminals aren't all kitted out with them.

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