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trautotuning 06-12-2008 06:57 PM

So with super heated water (by routing it to the exhaust under pressure; thus you can heat it more without boiling until it is released off pressure into the intake tract and then it becomes really hot steam) I guess we could be easily pushing 18.1 with steady cruising and like you said 16.1 or 15.5 under load so power doesnt drop so much.... ??

Now the problem becomes tuning these freaken fuel injected cars under closed loop.... they all try to learn back to 14.1 !!! GRRR!!

flapdoodle 09-13-2008 05:18 AM

I pulled the carburetor off and was surprised that the base gasket had disintegrated to something resembling paper mache. The shiny machined surface of the base is now black and pitted by corrosion from the methanol.

If I continue experimenting with alcohol/water injection it will be with a ethanol/water mix, but I am now leery of even using that.

Back to the drawing board.

sweethe 10-12-2008 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by priyanke (Post 105217)
I know water vapor 'helps'. I remember about 8 years ago My Toyota Carina S/W developed a small leak between the cooler and engine. So when the water heated up the vapor would get into the system. I noticed that the car had more power during this 'problem' and better fuel efficiency. So, HHO and Vapor does work.

I am an experimenter and I have tried many experiments. Actually, if you look at engines closely you will see that the OIL vapor is taken into the air intake. So, it figures that if you increase the 'richness' of the oil then you get more power/milage.

I am in Sri Lanka.

I have just finished building my own HHO generator, and it works a treat! Heaps of gas when hooked up to my car battery. Will be installing it this weekend. My friend met a guy from Sydney yesterday, who has the system in his 5.7l v12 jaguar.

He is very excited about the initial results...close to 30% better mileage.Don't listen to the sceptics.......let them continue to pay top price for fuel and pollute the environment. Their choice.I purchased the ebook from water4gas and have built my own to a slightly different design, but heeding their advice on the overall setup.

The technology works, and is nothing new. For the sceptics, this technology has been suppressed for almost 100 years. NASA uses it, so why shouldn't we? Enjoy your experimenting.

itjstagame 10-16-2008 09:08 AM

flapdoodle, so would you suggested the metering of liquid water, the injection of steam (created with exhaust heat), or just a simple bubbler to create some water vapor?

I've thought for a while I should create one of those PVC valve collectors and though maybe create something similar to that and run it in line after the collector, but before the engine and you hook engine vacuum to top of container and the inlet to the container runs through a hose to the bottom of the jar, hooked to an acquarium bubbler stone and then fill with water.

So vacuum would produce bubbles and should suck in some water. Probably no where near as much as steam or liquid injection.

Just curious your thoughts, sounds like before this I need a way to tune and lean out my FI. Sounds much easier to experiment on a carbed car.

2 Tall 10-27-2008 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by flapdoodle (Post 96909)
Sucking it in. The line is hooked to the vacuum venturi port. Flow is controlled by an irrigation dripper and a squashed 1/16" brass tube. The irrigation dripper is okay by itself for distilled water, but added restriction is needed for the water/methanol mix I am using now.

Hi Flap,
Just curious, why the preference of methanol over isopropyl, is there a deffinite advantage? It's my understanding that iso bonds with the water molecules wheras meth doesn't so much. Can you explain please?

GasSavers_Dust 10-27-2008 02:46 PM

Meth with stick to water too. It kinda sounds like he is using washer fluid.

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 10-28-2008 06:58 AM

Generic blue winter washer fluid is gettable for $1.50 a gallon and is usually a 50% methanol mix. Don't use anything with de-icer, rain-X or bug remover in though.

GasSavers_Dust 10-28-2008 07:01 AM

I have to disagree, it's really hard to find a 50% mix. Most are in te 20% to 40% range. Read the label, and look for any kind of advertising about bugs, spots, etc.

Dalez0r 10-28-2008 08:34 AM

It has seemed to me, during the course of my reading, that H2O injection is best for high load situations during which you can replace the excess fuel used to cool the engine with water, thus reducing fuel consumption and improving efficiency, and that HHO injection is best for light load cruising enabling you to go leaner and still be able to ignite the air/fuel mixture.

So, a significant improvement in city driving with H2O, with insignificant results with HHO, would seem proper with this line of thinking...

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 10-28-2008 09:04 AM

Ah, maybe in areas not quite so cold it's harder to find, the stuff they sell here is good to -55C, we sometimes see lots of stuff cheap that's only good to -25 or -35 I guess that's lower concentration.

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