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bowtieguy 09-27-2009 04:02 AM

i take back all my previous posts here. we're getting our first taste of the phenominon known as teenage years. i'm now questioning the decision to have kids, but specifically what they become.

my wife and i now believe in alien abduction.

GasSavers_JoeBob 09-27-2009 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by R.I.D.E. (Post 141495)
I have no children of my own blood, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

I had a great childhood, both parents are still alive, 3 brothers. We are all fairly close and we take care of our parents to the extent they need our help at 84 and 88.

Its time to sit down with your wife and be totally honest about your feelings. just the way you were with us.

Speak from the heart and see how she reacts. Its a big commitment that never really ends and the result my thrill you or kill you.

My niece (wife's brothers daughter) and her female companion decided to have a child. The companion was artificially inseminated and the child was born with Downs Syndrome. My wife's two daughters have 5 children between them and they are a real pleasure to be with, but that is only part time.

I didn't want children, because I didn't see much of a world for them to grow up in and grow old. I actually thought there was a real possibility there wouldn't be much of a planet left for them after the events of the 50s and 60s, with the environment deteriorating and the world population exploding without my help.

There is a good argument for both having and not having children. The last two generations of my ancestors have seen the next generations shrink considerably, in many cases by 50%.

It also may be your instincts and core beliefs are a response to where this planet is heading and you feel like I did 4 decades ago.


You damn near took the words right out of my mouth. That is pretty much what I tell people when they ask why my wife and I never had kids.

OTOH, we do need more kids so they can grow up and join the Social Security Pyramid Club. I want my money to be there when I retire (if'n I ever do!)

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