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rh77 04-08-2007 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 46750)
So I dead shorted a coat hanger between jumper cables :eek:. Call me Sparky.

Man be careful -- don't end up MetroToast!

SVOboy 04-08-2007 07:37 PM

Darins gone mad! La la la.

I've been talking you up to people around campus, how famous you've become. If you want to visit and speak I can get you 3000 bucks for speakers budget...

MetroMPG 04-09-2007 06:24 AM

I read just recently there's a Dartmouth prof who has a solar-powered EV (panels on the roof of his barn). Of course I can't find the reference now...

SVOboy 04-09-2007 07:14 AM

If you do tell me the name...might be jim merkel? I know a few have grease machines.

MetroMPG 04-09-2007 04:45 PM

I don't think there was a name - just "a Dartmouth professor". Sorry.


Some drive motor pics:

lemmiwinks 04-09-2007 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 46126)
Yes, I've read that about both Australia and NZ. What's up with you folks down there? And all the trouble that the little REVA EV stirred up? Wow.

It's our ADR (Australian Design Rules). They're very strict and rigidly enforced. Like everything, it's nothing money (and lots of it) can't fix, but it makes it a real PITA to get new kinds of vehicles on the road. When they do get on the road, they often end up costing a lot more than they probably should to cover the cost of DOTARS approval.


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 46126)
Cool - you're the first one who recognized it! :thumbup: (Or at least said so.)

I'm a massive EV1 junkie. I was amazed when I found out about it, then even more amazed when I found out it was all done 10 years ago. Gets me pretty cranky when I think about the advances in EV's that could have been made in 10 years worth of development if GM hadn't killed it off. Ah well, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself! Looking forward to more updates as they become available :D

MetroMPG 04-12-2007 04:32 PM

What's even more amazing (to me) is the EV1's were still on the road just a few short years ago. "The last private EV1 lease expired in August of 2004".


SVOboy 04-15-2007 05:17 PM

Mad props to you, darin. I'm serious, come speak here, we'll pay you...

MetroMPG 04-17-2007 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings (Post 45974)

Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 45962)
You're closest to what I'd actually like to do: I want to use a bicycle bell. Maybe hooked to a solenoid to sound it.

I'm actually already fairly concientious towards pedestrians since 40-50% of the time the Blackfly is moving, its engine is off. I often tap the horn to let people know I'm there.

How about half a door bell? :)

Hoo ha! Someone with a Xebra beat me to it:




Wobblybob 04-19-2007 03:10 PM

Great thread
It was fate I tell you! It was meant to be.

For a couple years I have been enthused about converting a Metro to either pure electric or hybrid (Mother Earth News like). Then last July my wife made the mistake of leaving me at home alone for a few days to go on a cluck-cluck trip with her girfriends. And an ebay auction for a '93 Geo Metro (with a bad engine) was closing while she was gone!

I mean that can't be a coincidence can it? I didn't have a choice did I?

But, sadly, it has been sitting out back ever since, cause I'm building a house. Then you come along and do exactly what I'd love to be doing, the same way I'd do it too - on the cheap, but worst of all with a Metro that looks exactly like mine! And it works!

Thanks a lot!:) Now what am I going to do? Finish the house or start piddling with the Metro?

Seriously, great work and great scrounging. Best of luck. I'll be checking the thread probably twice a day.

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