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SVOboy 05-28-2006 06:34 PM

You're so crazy, I love the mirror image shot.


Matt Timion 06-05-2006 06:12 AM


Oversize load, eh? that's the understatement of the year.

BTW, I love the tow bar :P

SVOboy 06-06-2006 05:38 PM

Sooo cheap, sooo jealous.

Keep up the good work. Do you have an estimated date of completion?

MetroMPG 06-06-2006 05:45 PM

Not really sure about dates.

SVOboy 06-06-2006 06:07 PM

Well shoot, I'll be up around canada by september, mehbe you can gimme a ride.

MetroMPG 07-10-2006 03:47 PM

No real news to report, but I did start up and move the blue car today, so tackling the next stage of the project is on the radar anyway.

MetroMPG 07-11-2006 07:54 PM

Actually did 20 min

GasSavers_DaX 07-18-2006 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Also talked shaft coupler ideas. This guy will likely be involved in helping us mate the electric motor to the tranny, due to the non-standard motor shaft issue (it being internally splined, as pump motors are, apparently).

Whatever kind of coupler you come up with, I would consider getting it case hardened...at least see how expensive the process is.

MetroMPG 07-21-2006 01:32 PM


JanGeo 07-21-2006 03:34 PM

hey was the red cars right suspension horn A-arm mount area rusted out?
Looks like my Old Geo is going to end up in Doug's junk yard at this rate - can't justify the cost of owning it for the fuel savings now that the xB is getting such high mileage. It is either fix it safely and sell it or junk yard time.

MetroMPG 07-21-2006 03:46 PM

The red car was rusted & patched exactly where yours is - sorry. Guess it's sayonara Suzukiclone for you too, eh?

Have you been riding/driving your electric scooter this year? You really ought to post a thread about it (with pics, naturally). :)

JanGeo 07-21-2006 06:04 PM

I thought that was the one you patched, so I guess the other side is not the same either huh?

Nope getting tired of fixing the broken controllers but I am working on an old mountain bike that I now have 2 20" eGo wheels on a 26 inch frame making it a low rider stretch bike that I will mount an eCycle motor on and maybe 2 or 4 - 26ah batteries on a spring mount and end up with a pretty fast low sitdown easy rolling street bike - no suspension with high pressure ringworm tires.

SVOboy 07-22-2006 06:08 PM

You could cut an old cooling tray (like for baking) down to size, prolly pick one up from a junk sale or thrift store for cheap.

MetroMPG 07-22-2006 07:00 PM

That's a good idea - and it made me think of another one: a grill from an oven (the racks inside, you know?).

vegasjetskier 07-23-2006 08:41 AM

Shopping cart mesh
How about the mesh from an abandoned shopping cart?

MetroMPG 07-24-2006 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by vegasjetskier
How about the mesh from an abandoned shopping cart?

No abandoned carts in my little town. But that's the idea I was thinking of. Even something like the mesh from an ironing board. (Some have a metal lattice under the pad & cover...) Something will turn up. If not, I could always go buy a roll of aluminum flashing and put on a double-ply's worth.

Anyway, the bike trailer is done. Turned out OK. I'll post a pic or 2 eventually.

MetroMPG 08-14-2006 09:14 AM

First, as promised,

MetroMPG 08-14-2006 09:21 AM

Second: back to the ForkenSwift.

After a too-long delay, Ivan and I spent an hour on it this morning. Hopefully the inertia will carry it along a little more regularl

SVOboy 08-14-2006 10:28 AM

How much did it cost for the tranny adapter plate?

MetroMPG 08-14-2006 10:37 AM

It was gratis for the metal. Scrap. Ivan cut it & we drilled it.

SVOboy 08-14-2006 10:41 AM


Dude, that's awesome. that crap cost like 900 dollars for hondas. Make me one so I can use my tranny with the new L12!

MetroMPG 08-14-2006 10:48 AM

Make yer own! The material wouldn't have cost much - $60-70 CDN pesos, had we had to cough up the cash. Aluminum (the stuff we got, anyway) is very easy to work (soft).

We could have bought one from an EV supplier for roughly $150 US.

SVOboy 08-14-2006 10:52 AM

Yeah, I guessssss. Not gonna fool with serious fab work until I go EV.

MetroMPG 08-15-2006 07:20 PM

Well, Sketchup is neat, but it's not really appropriate for this task.

SVOboy 08-17-2006 09:18 AM


Dude, you said it'd be done by september. I'm counting on you.

MetroMPG 08-17-2006 09:41 AM

Did I say DONE by Sept? :o

How 'bout September-ish for the first electric test drive. :D

If it were up to me alone, Sept. would be no problem. Unfortunately it's a two-person project and Ivan has a full-time+ job (and clearly, I don't!).

SVOboy 08-17-2006 09:42 AM

Don't blame everything on poor Ivan! :) Don't worry, you're doing just fine.

MetroMPG 08-17-2006 09:52 AM

No, not blaming. It's actually good that he can't work on it all the time, or I'd likely neglect my work (more than usual) and get the clients riled up. Keeps me in check ... unlike today, whiling away the afternoon writing GS messages. Enough! Back to work...

SVOboy 08-17-2006 10:01 AM

Indeed, back to work for me as well! (huh?)

krousdb 09-09-2006 05:34 AM

Happy Schoonering Darin. I will be doing a more mundane thing during the same time period. Yours sounds like more fun but at least I will see more cyotes, armadillos, skunks and turtles than you. :D

MetroMPG 09-09-2006 01:09 PM

Thanks Dan. Watch out for those armadillos - I hear they increase rolling resistance :D

I'll get to see, um... more whales, seals and porpoises than you!

JanGeo 10-02-2006 03:47 PM

WOW I know a lot of guy in Power-Assist that will be happy to hear that law being passed.

MetroMPG 10-02-2006 05:09 PM

The only downside is they're calling it a "pilot project". So it's open to review sometime down the road. Still, cool.

GasSavers_DaX 10-03-2006 04:52 AM

I love seeing updates on this Darin!

Matt Timion 10-05-2006 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Took the parts to the machinist today. May end up modifying the motor shaft rather than trying to incorporate the existing splined pump shaft into the coupler design.

The machinist hemmed and hawed about the pump shaft until I suggested we could change the motor shaft.

So maybe next week something will happen... One thing I know will happen is the total $ investment in the project will probably have increased by about 30-40% by the time we get out of there :D

This is an exciting part of the process... where all of the custom works really comes into play.

I was just thinking how useful this thread is going to be to a ton of people when you're done.

MetroMPG 11-01-2006 05:47 PM


Picked up the motor & tranny fro

MetroMPG 11-04-2006 05:59 PM

Pics of the mystery parts I've been talking about...

MetroMPG 11-05-2006 03:15 PM

Well, the blue Forke

The Toecutter 11-05-2006 10:30 PM

Block heaters can make decent outlets to use to your advantage when you need a charge.

You should seriously consider aeromods to this thing to increase top speed and extend range.

Silveredwings 11-06-2006 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by theclencher
What is nominal shaft diameter of the armature? I would compare the adapter's diameter to that, not the tranny's. If it is smaller it could be a potential weak point... but really, how much torque is it going to be called upon to transfer?

It's hard to say because the emotor can put out so much instantaneous torque from a start that it can easily chew things up. Metro, maybe you should put some kind of damping circuit on the accelerator potentiometer to limit sudden increases (if your controller doesn't have this already). That "soft coupler" you have is very clever.

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